Source code for

"""Study addon namespace."""

from contextlib import suppress
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from time import monotonic
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import pydicom
from box import Box

from ambra_sdk import ADDON_DOCS_URL
from ambra_sdk.addon.dicom import UploadedImageParams
from ambra_sdk.deprecated import deprecated
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotFound
from ambra_sdk.models import Study as StudyModel
from import WSManager

[docs]class Study: # NOQA:WPS214 """Study addon namespace.""" def __init__(self, api): """Init. :param api: base api """ self._api = api
[docs] def upload_dir( self, *, study_dir: Path, namespace_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, List[UploadedImageParams]]: """Upload study to namespace from path. :param study_dir: path to study dir :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :raises ValueError: Study dir is not directory :return: list of image params """ if not study_dir.is_dir(): raise ValueError('study_dir is not directory') return self.upload_paths( dicom_paths=study_dir.glob('**/*.dcm'), namespace_id=namespace_id, )
[docs] def upload_paths( self, *, dicom_paths: Iterator[Path], namespace_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, List[UploadedImageParams]]: """Upload study to namespace from dicoms iterator. :param dicom_paths: iterator of dicom paths :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :raises ValueError: Study dir is not directory :return: list of image params """ images_params = [] first_dicom_path = next(dicom_paths, None) if first_dicom_path is None: raise ValueError('Dicoms iterator is empty') # In pydicom we can pass file path object # But in AI we use old version of pydicom. # For this version we can pass only fp or str. ds = pydicom.dcmread(fp=str(first_dicom_path), stop_before_pixels=True) patient_name = ds.PatientName study_uid = ds.StudyInstanceUID study_time = ds.StudyTime study_date = ds.StudyDate # create new study response_data = self._api.Study.add( study_uid=study_uid, study_date=study_date, study_time=study_time, patient_name=patient_name, storage_namespace=namespace_id, phi_namespace=namespace_id, ).get() engine_fqdn = response_data.engine_fqdn uuid: str = response_data.uuid # upload images for dicom_path in chain((first_dicom_path, ), dicom_paths): with'rb') as dicom: images_params.append( self._api.Addon.Dicom.upload( dicom_file=dicom, namespace_id=namespace_id, engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, ), ) # then sync data # In api.html sync method have not uuid param... # So we use this hardcode: request = self._api.Study.sync(image_count=1) request_data = or {} request_data['uuid'] = uuid # NOQA:WPS437 = request_data # NOQA:WPS110 request.get() return uuid, images_params
[docs] def wait( self, *, study_uid: str, namespace_id: str, timeout: float, ws_timeout: int, ) -> Box: """Wait study in namespace. :param study_uid: study_uid :param namespace_id: namespace :param timeout: time for waiting new study :param ws_timeout: time for waiting in socket :raises TimeoutError: if study not ready by timeout :return: Study box object """ ws_url = self._api.ws_url ws_manager = WSManager(ws_url) study = None start = monotonic() channel_name = 'study.{namespace_id}'.format(namespace_id=namespace_id) sid = self._api.sid with, channel_name) as ws: while True: if monotonic() - start >= timeout: break with suppress(NotFound): study = self._api.Study.get( study_uid=study_uid, storage_namespace=namespace_id, ).get() if study and study.phantom == 0: break with suppress(TimeoutError): ws.wait_for_event( channel_name, sid, 'READY', timeout=ws_timeout, ) if not study: raise TimeoutError return study
[docs] def upload_dir_and_get( self, *, study_dir: Path, namespace_id: str, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> Box: """Upload study from dir and get. :param study_dir: path to study dir :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :param timeout: time for waiting new study :param ws_timeout: time for waiting in socket :return: Study box object """ uuid, images_params = self.upload_dir( study_dir=study_dir, namespace_id=namespace_id, ) study_uid = images_params[0].study_uid return self.wait( study_uid=study_uid, namespace_id=namespace_id, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )
[docs] def upload_paths_and_get( self, *, dicom_paths: Iterator[Path], namespace_id: str, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> Box: """Upload study from dir and get. :param dicom_paths: iterator of dicom paths :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :param timeout: time for waiting new study :param ws_timeout: time for waiting in socket :return: Study box object """ uuid, images_params = self.upload_paths( dicom_paths=dicom_paths, namespace_id=namespace_id, ) study_uid = images_params[0].study_uid return self.wait( study_uid=study_uid, namespace_id=namespace_id, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )
[docs] def duplicate_and_get( self, uuid: str, namespace_id: str, include_attachments: bool = False, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> Box: """Duplicate study to namespace. :param uuid: study_uuid :param namespace_id: to namespace_id :param include_attachments: include attachments :param timeout: waiting timeout :param ws_timeout: waiting from ws timeout :return: duplicated study """ include_attachments_int = int(include_attachments) from_study_uid = self._api.Study \ .get(uuid=uuid) \ .only(StudyModel.study_uid) \ .get() \ .study_uid self._api.Study.duplicate( uuid=uuid, namespace_id=namespace_id, include_attachments=include_attachments_int, ).get() return self.wait( study_uid=from_study_uid, namespace_id=namespace_id, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )
[docs] def anonymize_and_wait( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, region: Dict[str, Any], phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, to_namespace: Optional[str] = None, new_study_uid: Optional[str] = None, keep_image_uids: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, is_ai: bool = False, only_prepare: bool = False, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> str: """Start anonymization and wait when it completed. :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param region: Region (Required). :param phi_namespace: phi namespace :param to_namespace: The storage namespace into which the new study should be placed (default same as original). :param new_study_uid: The Study Instance UID of the new study (default is randomly generated). :param keep_image_uids: Should SOP Instance UIDs of modified copies be same as originals? (default is false) :param color: HTML-formatted color (rrggbb) of obscured regions (default is black-and-white checkerboard) :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param is_ai: This is request from ai stack flag :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :param timeout: waiting timeout :param ws_timeout: waiting from ws timeout :returns: new study uid """ anonymize = self._api.Addon.Job.wait_completion( self._api.Storage.Study.anonymize, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, region=region, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, to_namespace=to_namespace, new_study_uid=new_study_uid, keep_image_uids=keep_image_uids, color=color, only_prepare=only_prepare, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, is_ai=is_ai, ) anonymized_study_uid: str = anonymize.text return anonymized_study_uid # NOQA:WPS331
[docs] def anonymize_and_get( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, region: Dict[str, Any], phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, to_namespace: Optional[str] = None, new_study_uid: Optional[str] = None, keep_image_uids: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, is_ai: bool = False, only_prepare: bool = False, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> Box: """Start anonymization wait and get anonymized study. :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param region: Region (Required). :param phi_namespace: phi namespace :param to_namespace: The storage namespace into which the new study should be placed (default same as original). :param new_study_uid: The Study Instance UID of the new study (default is randomly generated). :param keep_image_uids: Should SOP Instance UIDs of modified copies be same as originals? (default is false) :param color: HTML-formatted color (rrggbb) of obscured regions (default is black-and-white checkerboard) :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param is_ai: This is request from ai stack flag :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :param timeout: waiting timeout :param ws_timeout: waiting from ws timeout :raises TimeoutError: if job or study not ready by timeout :returns: new study """ start = monotonic() anonymize = self._api.Addon.Job.wait_completion( self._api.Storage.Study.anonymize, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, region=region, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, to_namespace=to_namespace, new_study_uid=new_study_uid, keep_image_uids=keep_image_uids, color=color, only_prepare=only_prepare, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, is_ai=is_ai, ) anonymized_study_uid: str = anonymize.text spend_time = monotonic() - start rest_timeout = timeout - spend_time if rest_timeout <= 0: raise TimeoutError new_namespace = to_namespace if to_namespace is not None else namespace return self.wait( study_uid=anonymized_study_uid, namespace_id=new_namespace, timeout=rest_timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )
[docs] @deprecated( 'Use api.Addon.Job.wait: {addon_docs_url}#job-wait'.format( addon_docs_url=ADDON_DOCS_URL, ), ) def wait_job( self, job_id: str, namespace_id: str, timeout: float, ws_timeout: int, ): """Wait job. :param job_id: job id :param namespace_id: job namespace_id :param timeout: time for waiting new study :param ws_timeout: time for waiting in socket """ self._api.Addon.Job.wait( job_id=job_id, namespace_id=namespace_id, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )
[docs] @deprecated( 'Use api.Addon.Dicom.get: {addon_docs_url}#dicom-get'.format( addon_docs_url=ADDON_DOCS_URL, ), ) def dicom( self, namespace_id: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str = '*', engine_fqdn: Optional[str] = None, pretranscode: Optional[bool] = None, ): """Get dicom. :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :param study_uid: study_uid :param image_uid: image_uid :param image_version: image_version :param engine_fqdn: fqdn (if None gets namespace fqdn) :param pretranscode: get pretranscoded :return: pydicom object """ return self._api.Addon.Dicom.get( namespace_id=namespace_id, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, pretranscode=pretranscode, )
[docs] @deprecated( 'Use api.Addon.Dicom.upload_from_path: ' '{addon_docs_url}#dicom-upload-from-path'.format( addon_docs_url=ADDON_DOCS_URL, ), ) def upload_dicom( self, dicom_path: Path, namespace_id: str, engine_fqdn: Optional[str] = None, ) -> UploadedImageParams: """Upload dicom to namespace. :param dicom_path: path to dicom :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :param engine_fqdn: fqdn (if None gets namespace fqdn) :return: uploaded image params """ image_params: UploadedImageParams = self._api \ .Addon.Dicom.upload_from_path( dicom_path=dicom_path, namespace_id=namespace_id, engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, ) return image_params # NOQA:WPS331
[docs] @deprecated( 'Use api.Addon.Study.upload_dir: ' '{addon_docs_url}#study-upload-dir'.format( addon_docs_url=ADDON_DOCS_URL, ), ) def upload( self, *, study_dir: Path, namespace_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, List[UploadedImageParams]]: """Upload study to namespace from path. :param study_dir: path to study dir :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :return: list of image params """ return self.upload_dir( study_dir=study_dir, namespace_id=namespace_id, )
[docs] @deprecated( 'Use api.Addon.Study.upload_dir_and_get: ' '{addon_docs_url}#study-upload-dir-and-get'.format( addon_docs_url=ADDON_DOCS_URL, ), ) def upload_and_get( self, study_dir: Path, namespace_id: str, timeout: float = 200.0, ws_timeout: int = 5, ) -> Box: """Upload study from and get. :param study_dir: path to study dir :param namespace_id: uploading to namespace :param timeout: time for waiting new study :param ws_timeout: time for waiting in socket :return: Study box object """ return self.upload_dir_and_get( study_dir=study_dir, namespace_id=namespace_id, timeout=timeout, ws_timeout=ws_timeout, )