Source code for ambra_sdk.models.generated

""" Ambra SDK models.

Do not edit this file by hand.
This is generated by parsing /v3/dictionary.html service doc.

from ambra_sdk.models.base import BaseModel
from ambra_sdk.models.fields import (

[docs]class Accelerator(BaseModel): """Accelerator.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') address = String(description='The domain name and IP address') fqdn = String(description='The domain name and IP address') geo_fqdn = String(description='The domain name and IP address') global_field = Boolean(description='Is it a global accelerator') name = String(description='Name') push_shared_studies = Boolean(description='Push shared studies to the accelerator') retention_days = Integer(description='Retention days') serial_no = String(description='The serial number') upgrade = Boolean(description='Version and upgrade flag') version = String(description='Version and upgrade flag') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, address=None, fqdn=None, geo_fqdn=None, global_field=None, name=None, push_shared_studies=None, retention_days=None, serial_no=None, upgrade=None, version=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.address = address self.fqdn = fqdn self.geo_fqdn = geo_fqdn self.global_field = global_field = name self.push_shared_studies = push_shared_studies self.retention_days = retention_days self.serial_no = serial_no self.upgrade = upgrade self.version = version self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Account(BaseModel): """Account.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') access_token = String(description='Stripe access token') billing = DictField(description='Billing information') can_request = Boolean(description='Can request') css = String(description='Account css') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') fair_warning = String(description='Fair warning data. This should be a JSON hash of the keys needed to run and distribute the report') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Namespace of the account') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Namespace of the account') password_expire = Integer(description='Days before the passwords expire') radreport_mail_out_authorized = Boolean(description='Did an account admin authorized radreports mailing out') role_id = String(description='FK. Default role id') role = FK(model='Role', description='Default role id') saml = DictField(description='Native SAML information') session_expire = Integer(description='Minutes before an idle session expires') settings = DictField(description='Account settings') site_management_account_id = String(description='FK. Site management account id for the trial study account') site_management_account = FK(model='Account', description='Site management account id for the trial study account') vanity_h = DictField(description='Vanity URLs') vendor = String(description='The vendor field') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, access_token=None, billing=None, can_request=None, css=None, customfields=None, fair_warning=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, password_expire=None, radreport_mail_out_authorized=None, role_id=None, role=None, saml=None, session_expire=None, settings=None, site_management_account_id=None, site_management_account=None, vanity_h=None, vendor=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.access_token = access_token self.billing = billing self.can_request = can_request self.css = css self.customfields = customfields self.fair_warning = fair_warning = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.password_expire = password_expire self.radreport_mail_out_authorized = radreport_mail_out_authorized self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.saml = saml self.session_expire = session_expire self.settings = settings self.site_management_account_id = site_management_account_id self.site_management_account = site_management_account self.vanity_h = vanity_h self.vendor = vendor self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class AccountCanShare(BaseModel): """AccountCanShare.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account this rule is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account this rule is for') by_account_id = String(description='FK. Who is sharing') by_account = FK(model='Account', description='Who is sharing') by_group_id = String(description='FK. Who is sharing') by_group = FK(model='Group', description='Who is sharing') by_location_id = String(description='FK. Who is sharing') by_location = FK(model='Location', description='Who is sharing') by_user_id = String(description='FK. Who is sharing') by_user = FK(model='User', description='Who is sharing') with_account_id = String(description='FK. With who can they share') with_account = FK(model='Account', description='With who can they share') with_group_id = String(description='FK. With who can they share') with_group = FK(model='Group', description='With who can they share') with_location_id = String(description='FK. With who can they share') with_location = FK(model='Location', description='With who can they share') with_user_id = String(description='FK. With who can they share') with_user = FK(model='User', description='With who can they share') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, by_account_id=None, by_account=None, by_group_id=None, by_group=None, by_location_id=None, by_location=None, by_user_id=None, by_user=None, with_account_id=None, with_account=None, with_group_id=None, with_group=None, with_location_id=None, with_location=None, with_user_id=None, with_user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.by_account_id = by_account_id self.by_account = by_account self.by_group_id = by_group_id self.by_group = by_group self.by_location_id = by_location_id self.by_location = by_location self.by_user_id = by_user_id self.by_user = by_user self.with_account_id = with_account_id self.with_account = with_account self.with_group_id = with_group_id self.with_group = with_group self.with_location_id = with_location_id self.with_location = with_location self.with_user_id = with_user_id self.with_user = with_user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class AccountMd5Counter(BaseModel): """AccountMd5Counter.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') account = FK(model='Account', description='Primary key for internal use') counter = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') md5 = String(description='Primary key for internal use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, counter=None, md5=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.counter = counter self.md5 = md5 self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class AccountSamlRole(BaseModel): """AccountSamlRole.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account this rule is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account this rule is for') event_approve = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_message = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_node = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') for_group = Boolean(description='Apply this mapping to all namespaces of the corresponding type') for_location = Boolean(description='Apply this mapping to all namespaces of the corresponding type') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The namespace this is for') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The namespace this is for') role_id = String(description='FK. The role this is for') role = FK(model='Role', description='The role this is for') saml_role = String(description='The SAML role') sequence = Integer(description='Ordering sequence') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_node=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, for_group=None, for_location=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, role_id=None, role=None, saml_role=None, sequence=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_node = event_node self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.for_group = for_group self.for_location = for_location self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.saml_role = saml_role self.sequence = sequence self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Activity(BaseModel): """Activity.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') approval_reason = String(description='The reason why the study is pending approval. S - share, U - upload, H - harvest, M - move, D - duplicate UID, E - auto edits') message = String(description='Message associated with activity') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Id of the namespace the activity is associated with') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Id of the namespace the activity is associated with') node_connect_id = String(description='FK. Id of the node connect request the activity is associated with') node_connect = FK(model='NodeConnect', description='Id of the node connect request the activity is associated with') priority = Integer(description='The activity priority') qctask_id = String(description='FK. Id of the clinical trial QC task') qctask = FK(model='Task', description='Id of the clinical trial QC task') study_id = String(description='FK. Id of the study the activity is associated with') study = FK(model='Study', description='Id of the study the activity is associated with') type_field = String(description='Type of activity') user_id = String(description='FK. Id of the user the activity is specifically for.') user = FK(model='User', description='Id of the user the activity is specifically for.') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, approval_reason=None, message=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, node_connect_id=None, node_connect=None, priority=None, qctask_id=None, qctask=None, study_id=None, study=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.approval_reason = approval_reason self.message = message self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.node_connect_id = node_connect_id self.node_connect = node_connect self.priority = priority self.qctask_id = qctask_id self.qctask = qctask self.study_id = study_id = study self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class AiQuestion(BaseModel): """AiQuestion.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The study, namespace and account id') account = FK(model='Account', description='The study, namespace and account id') answer = String(description='Question and answer') answered = DateTime(description='When was this picked up and answered by the ai stack') detail = String(description='Question and answer') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The study, namespace and account id') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The study, namespace and account id') next_question = Integer(description='Id of the next question to ask when this one is answered') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up and answered by the ai stack') question = String(description='Question and answer') raw_answer = String(description='Question and answer') study_id = String(description='FK. The study, namespace and account id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study, namespace and account id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, answer=None, answered=None, detail=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, next_question=None, pickup=None, question=None, raw_answer=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.answer = answer self.answered = answered self.detail = detail self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.next_question = next_question self.pickup = pickup self.question = question self.raw_answer = raw_answer self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Analytics(BaseModel): """Analytics.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') clickhouse_last_id = Integer(description='The id of the last audit job processed') last_id = Integer(description='The id of the last audit job processed') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, clickhouse_last_id=None, last_id=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.clickhouse_last_id = clickhouse_last_id self.last_id = last_id self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Annotation(BaseModel): """Annotation.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') frame_number = String(description='The frame identification') instance_uid = String(description='The frame identification') json = String(description='Data structure') series_uid = String(description='The frame identification') stamp = Boolean(description='This is a stamped so no other user can create or edit an annotation for this image') study_id = String(description='FK. Associated study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Associated study') user_id = String(description='FK. User who created the annotation') user = FK(model='User', description='User who created the annotation') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, frame_number=None, instance_uid=None, json=None, series_uid=None, stamp=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.frame_number = frame_number self.instance_uid = instance_uid self.json = json self.series_uid = series_uid self.stamp = stamp self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Anonymization(BaseModel): """Anonymization.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') name = String(description='Name') rules = String(description='Anonymization rules') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, name=None, rules=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = name self.rules = rules self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Appointment(BaseModel): """Appointment.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') description = String(description='Description') end_time = DateTime(description='Time range') external_id = String(description='Filler/Placer Appointment ID or other id') patient_id = String(description='FK. The associated patient') patient = FK(model='Patient', description='The associated patient') start_time = DateTime(description='Time range') status = String(description='Status of the Appointment - Active/Cancelled/Discontinued') user_id = String(description='FK. The associated user') user = FK(model='User', description='The associated user') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, description=None, end_time=None, external_id=None, patient_id=None, patient=None, start_time=None, status=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields self.description = description self.end_time = end_time self.external_id = external_id self.patient_id = patient_id self.patient = patient self.start_time = start_time self.status = status self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ArchiveStudy(BaseModel): """ArchiveStudy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') archive_vault_id = String(description='FK. The vault it is stored in') archive_vault = FK(model='Archive', description='The vault it is stored in') datum_signature = String(description='Signature of the current study datum') delay_until = DateTime(description='Delay the store or delete until this time') engine_id = String(description='FK. The storage engine') engine = FK(model='Engine', description='The storage engine') expedite = Boolean(description='Should we do an expedited retrieval') job_id = String(description='When was the job started and the Last error message') last_error = String(description='When was the job started and the Last error message') make_thin = Boolean(description='Do we need to make the study thin after archiving') need_delete = Boolean(description='Flag to control the store,restore and delete of the study. Indexed so the count in the control loop is fast') need_restore = Boolean(description='Flag to control the store,restore and delete of the study. Indexed so the count in the control loop is fast') need_store = Boolean(description='Flag to control the store,restore and delete of the study. Indexed so the count in the control loop is fast') priority = Integer(description='Job priority. The higher the number the higher the priority of the job. This mirrors the archive flag in namespace') started_at = DateTime(description='When was the job started and the Last error message') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The storage namespace') study_uid = String(description='Study instance id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, archive_vault_id=None, archive_vault=None, datum_signature=None, delay_until=None, engine_id=None, engine=None, expedite=None, job_id=None, last_error=None, make_thin=None, need_delete=None, need_restore=None, need_store=None, priority=None, started_at=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.archive_vault_id = archive_vault_id self.archive_vault = archive_vault self.datum_signature = datum_signature self.delay_until = delay_until self.engine_id = engine_id self.engine = engine self.expedite = expedite self.job_id = job_id self.last_error = last_error self.make_thin = make_thin self.need_delete = need_delete self.need_restore = need_restore self.need_store = need_store self.priority = priority self.started_at = started_at self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ArchiveStudyAws(BaseModel): """ArchiveStudyAws.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') archive_study_id = String(description='FK. The associated study archive') archive_study = FK(model='Archive', description='The associated study archive') aws_archive = String(description='The id of the AWS archive') datum_signature = String(description='Signature of the current study datum') job_id = String(description='Job Id and state, state can be PENDING, RETRIEVING, RETRIEVED, RESTORING, RESTORED, DONE') state = String(description='Job Id and state, state can be PENDING, RETRIEVING, RETRIEVED, RESTORING, RESTORED, DONE') type_field = String(description='Type archive either datum or phi') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, archive_study_id=None, archive_study=None, aws_archive=None, datum_signature=None, job_id=None, state=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.archive_study_id = archive_study_id self.archive_study = archive_study self.aws_archive = aws_archive self.datum_signature = datum_signature self.job_id = job_id self.state = state self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ArchiveVault(BaseModel): """ArchiveVault.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') key = String(description='AWS credentials') region = String(description='AWS credentials') secret = String(description='AWS credentials') storage_class = String(description='AWS credentials') vault = String(description='AWS credentials') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, key=None, region=None, secret=None, storage_class=None, vault=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.key = key self.region = region self.secret = secret self.storage_class = storage_class self.vault = vault self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Audit(BaseModel): """Audit.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account id of the association account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account id of the association account') action = String(description='The audit action') data = String(description='The audit data') parent_id = String(description='FK. Id of the parent object') parent = FK(model='SelfField', description='Id of the parent object') pid = String(description='After the June 29 2016 release this holds the sid and client ip address') proxy_id = String(description='FK. Id of the proxy user who did the action') proxy = FK(model='User', description='Id of the proxy user who did the action') type_field = String(description='Type of object we are auditing') user_id = String(description='FK. User who did the action') user = FK(model='User', description='User who did the action') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, action=None, data=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, pid=None, proxy_id=None, proxy=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.action = action = data self.parent_id = parent_id self.parent = parent = pid self.proxy_id = proxy_id self.proxy = proxy self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created
[docs]class BillingSummary(BaseModel): """BillingSummary.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account') account_name = String(description='The account') account_uuid = String(description='The account') admin_fee = Float(description='The fields') annual_volume_floor_count = Float(description='The fields') bucket_charges = Float(description='The fields') flat_rate = Float(description='The fields') month = String(description='The month this is for') monthly_volume_floor_count = Float(description='The fields') mtd_studies = Float(description='The fields') per_study_price = Float(description='The fields') size = Float(description='The fields') size_past = Float(description='The fields') size_price = Float(description='The fields') size_price_past = Float(description='The fields') storage_overage = Float(description='The fields') storage_price = Float(description='The fields') total = Float(description='The fields') total_storage_size = Float(description='The fields') ytd_studies = Float(description='The fields') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, account_name=None, account_uuid=None, admin_fee=None, annual_volume_floor_count=None, bucket_charges=None, flat_rate=None, month=None, monthly_volume_floor_count=None, mtd_studies=None, per_study_price=None, size=None, size_past=None, size_price=None, size_price_past=None, storage_overage=None, storage_price=None, total=None, total_storage_size=None, ytd_studies=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.account_name = account_name self.account_uuid = account_uuid self.admin_fee = admin_fee self.annual_volume_floor_count = annual_volume_floor_count self.bucket_charges = bucket_charges self.flat_rate = flat_rate self.month = month self.monthly_volume_floor_count = monthly_volume_floor_count self.mtd_studies = mtd_studies self.per_study_price = per_study_price self.size = size self.size_past = size_past self.size_price = size_price self.size_price_past = size_price_past self.storage_overage = storage_overage self.storage_price = storage_price = total self.total_storage_size = total_storage_size self.ytd_studies = ytd_studies self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class BoxFile(BaseModel): """BoxFile.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') not_dicom = Boolean(description='Flag if this is not a dicom file') sha1 = String(description='Sha1 of the file') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The storage namespace') study_uid = String(description='Study instance id') user_id = String(description='FK. User who created it') user = FK(model='User', description='User who created it') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, not_dicom=None, sha1=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.not_dicom = not_dicom self.sha1 = sha1 self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Brand(BaseModel): """Brand.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') anonymous_permissions = String(description='The permissions over-ride as a json structure') anonymous_session_expire = Integer(description='Minutes before an idle session expires') cd_multi = String(description='The branding elements') cd_single = String(description='The branding elements') cd_viewer_settings = String(description='The branding elements') cluster_id = String(description='FK. The cluster associated with the brand') cluster = FK(model='Cluster', description='The cluster associated with the brand') css = String(description='The branding elements') image_1 = String(description='The branding elements') image_2 = String(description='The branding elements') image_3 = String(description='The branding elements') image_4 = String(description='The branding elements') less = String(description='The branding elements') name = String(description='Name for the brand') oauth = String(description='OAuth information') phr_default_events = String(description='The events over-ride as a json structure') phr_permissions = String(description='The permissions over-ride as a json structure') safari_instruction_1 = String(description='The branding elements') safari_instruction_2 = String(description='The branding elements') safari_instruction_3 = String(description='The branding elements') safari_instruction_4 = String(description='The branding elements') safari_instruction_5 = String(description='The branding elements') saml = DictField(description='Native SAML information') saml_redirect_url = String(description='PingOne SAML info') session_expire = Integer(description='Minutes before an idle session expires') settings = DictField(description='Brand settings') ssi_js = String(description='The branding elements') support_html = String(description='The branding elements') svg_1 = String(description='The branding elements') svg_2 = String(description='The branding elements') ui_json = String(description='The branding elements') uploader_icon = String(description='The branding elements') uploader_logo = String(description='The branding elements') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, anonymous_permissions=None, anonymous_session_expire=None, cd_multi=None, cd_single=None, cd_viewer_settings=None, cluster_id=None, cluster=None, css=None, image_1=None, image_2=None, image_3=None, image_4=None, less=None, name=None, oauth=None, phr_default_events=None, phr_permissions=None, safari_instruction_1=None, safari_instruction_2=None, safari_instruction_3=None, safari_instruction_4=None, safari_instruction_5=None, saml=None, saml_redirect_url=None, session_expire=None, settings=None, ssi_js=None, support_html=None, svg_1=None, svg_2=None, ui_json=None, uploader_icon=None, uploader_logo=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.anonymous_permissions = anonymous_permissions self.anonymous_session_expire = anonymous_session_expire self.cd_multi = cd_multi self.cd_single = cd_single self.cd_viewer_settings = cd_viewer_settings self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.cluster = cluster self.css = css self.image_1 = image_1 self.image_2 = image_2 self.image_3 = image_3 self.image_4 = image_4 self.less = less = name self.oauth = oauth self.phr_default_events = phr_default_events self.phr_permissions = phr_permissions self.safari_instruction_1 = safari_instruction_1 self.safari_instruction_2 = safari_instruction_2 self.safari_instruction_3 = safari_instruction_3 self.safari_instruction_4 = safari_instruction_4 self.safari_instruction_5 = safari_instruction_5 self.saml = saml self.saml_redirect_url = saml_redirect_url self.session_expire = session_expire self.settings = settings self.ssi_js = ssi_js self.support_html = support_html self.svg_1 = svg_1 self.svg_2 = svg_2 self.ui_json = ui_json self.uploader_icon = uploader_icon self.uploader_logo = uploader_logo self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class BrandNamespace(BaseModel): """BrandNamespace.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') brand_id = String(description='FK. ') brand = FK(model='Brand', description='') namespace_id = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, brand_id=None, brand=None, namespace_id=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.brand_id = brand_id self.brand = brand self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class BrandVanity(BaseModel): """BrandVanity.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') brand_id = String(description='FK. ') brand = FK(model='Brand', description='') vanity = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, brand_id=None, brand=None, vanity=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.brand_id = brand_id self.brand = brand self.vanity = vanity self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Case(BaseModel): """Case.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') assigned_admin_date = DateTime(description='The admin assigned to the case') assigned_admin_id = String(description='FK. The admin assigned to the case') assigned_admin = FK(model='User', description='The admin assigned to the case') assigned_medical_date = DateTime(description='The medical person assigned to the case') assigned_medical_id = String(description='FK. The medical person assigned to the case') assigned_medical = FK(model='User', description='The medical person assigned to the case') case_status = String(description='The status of the case and the date of the last change') case_status_date = DateTime(description='The status of the case and the date of the last change') closed = Boolean(description='The case is closed') closed_date = DateTime(description='The case is closed') completed = Boolean(description='The case is completed') completed_date = DateTime(description='The case is completed') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') name = String(description='Basic information') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The namespace the case is in') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The namespace the case is in') returned_date = DateTime(description='The returned date and reason') returned_reason = String(description='The returned date and reason') study_charge_id = String(description='FK. Payment for the case') submitted = Boolean(description='The case is submitted') submitted_date = DateTime(description='The case is submitted') user_id = String(description='FK. The user the case is for') user = FK(model='User', description='The user the case is for') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, assigned_admin_date=None, assigned_admin_id=None, assigned_admin=None, assigned_medical_date=None, assigned_medical_id=None, assigned_medical=None, case_status=None, case_status_date=None, closed=None, closed_date=None, completed=None, completed_date=None, customfields=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, returned_date=None, returned_reason=None, study_charge_id=None, submitted=None, submitted_date=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.assigned_admin_date = assigned_admin_date self.assigned_admin_id = assigned_admin_id self.assigned_admin = assigned_admin self.assigned_medical_date = assigned_medical_date self.assigned_medical_id = assigned_medical_id self.assigned_medical = assigned_medical self.case_status = case_status self.case_status_date = case_status_date self.closed = closed self.closed_date = closed_date self.completed = completed self.completed_date = completed_date self.customfields = customfields = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.returned_date = returned_date self.returned_reason = returned_reason self.study_charge_id = study_charge_id self.submitted = submitted self.submitted_date = submitted_date self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class CaseStatusLock(BaseModel): """CaseStatusLock.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') case_id = String(description='FK. The case and user id') case = FK(model='Case', description='The case and user id') user_id = String(description='FK. The case and user id') user = FK(model='User', description='The case and user id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, case_id=None, case=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.case_id = case_id = case self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class CaseStudy(BaseModel): """CaseStudy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') case_id = String(description='FK. ') case = FK(model='Case', description='') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. ') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='') study_uid = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, case_id=None, case=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.case_id = case_id = case self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Cluster(BaseModel): """Cluster.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') archive = Boolean(description='Is this an archive cluster') archive_cluster_id = String(description='FK. Id of the archive cluster this should be backed up to') archive_cluster = FK(model='Archive', description='Id of the archive cluster this should be backed up to') backup_cluster_id = String(description='FK. Id of the backup cluster this should be backed up to') backup_cluster = FK(model='Archive', description='Id of the backup cluster this should be backed up to') copies = Integer(description='Number of copies in the cluster') is_default = Boolean(description='This is the default cluster') is_load_balanced = Boolean(description='This is a load balanced cluster') max_days = Integer(description='Max days studies should stay in the cluster') name = String(description='Name for the cluster') rsync = Boolean(description='Is this a rsync cluster') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, archive=None, archive_cluster_id=None, archive_cluster=None, backup_cluster_id=None, backup_cluster=None, copies=None, is_default=None, is_load_balanced=None, max_days=None, name=None, rsync=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.archive = archive self.archive_cluster_id = archive_cluster_id self.archive_cluster = archive_cluster self.backup_cluster_id = backup_cluster_id self.backup_cluster = backup_cluster self.copies = copies self.is_default = is_default self.is_load_balanced = is_load_balanced self.max_days = max_days = name self.rsync = rsync self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ClusterAccount(BaseModel): """ClusterAccount.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Id of the cluster and account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Id of the cluster and account') cluster_id = String(description='FK. Id of the cluster and account') cluster = FK(model='Cluster', description='Id of the cluster and account') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, cluster_id=None, cluster=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.cluster = cluster self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ClusterNamespace(BaseModel): """ClusterNamespace.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') cluster_id = String(description='FK. Id of the cluster and account') cluster = FK(model='Cluster', description='Id of the cluster and account') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Id of the cluster and account') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Id of the cluster and account') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, cluster_id=None, cluster=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.cluster = cluster self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Customcode(BaseModel): """Customcode.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account') code = String(description='The code') has_zip = Boolean(description='Associated zip file') language = String(description='Type of code and the language') name = String(description='Basic information') settings = JsonB(description='The settings') type_field = String(description='Type of code and the language') zip = String(description='Associated zip file') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, code=None, has_zip=None, language=None, name=None, settings=None, type_field=None, zip=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.code = code self.has_zip = has_zip self.language = language = name self.settings = settings self.type_field = type_field = zip self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class CustomcodeDeploy(BaseModel): """CustomcodeDeploy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Deployment information') account = FK(model='Account', description='Deployment information') customcode_id = String(description='FK. Deployment information') customcode = FK(model='Customcode', description='Deployment information') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Deployment information') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Deployment information') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, customcode_id=None, customcode=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customcode_id = customcode_id self.customcode = customcode self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Customfield(BaseModel): """Customfield.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Associated object and account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Associated object and account') capture_on_destination_search = Boolean(description='Settings') capture_on_share_code = Boolean(description='Settings') dicom_only = Boolean(description='Settings') dicom_tag = String(description='Map to this DICOM tag in storage') dicom_tag_ignore_empty = Boolean(description='Do not do the DICOM tag mapping if the field is empty') display_order = Integer(description='Order the fields should be displayed in') field_flag = String(description='Custom field visibility flag') has_macro = Boolean(description='Flag if the values has a macro that needs expansion') hl7_component = Integer(description='HL7 options') hl7_field = Integer(description='HL7 options') hl7_segment = String(description='HL7 options') load_dicom_tag = Boolean(description='Load the DICOM tag from storage') load_from_sr = String(description='Load the value from the SR') load_hl7 = String(description='HL7 options') load_hl7_filter = String(description='HL7 options') load_order = Boolean(description='Map to other object's customfield') name = String(description='Name and type of the field') object = String(description='Associated object and account') options = String(description='Settings') other_customfield_id = String(description='FK. Map to other object's customfield') other_customfield = FK(model='Customfield', description='Map to other object's customfield') other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank = Boolean(description='Map to other object's customfield') other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare = Boolean(description='Map to other object's customfield') other_dicom_tags = String(description='An array of other DICOM tags to map to in storage') required = Boolean(description='Settings') type_field = String(description='Name and type of the field') wrapped_dicom_only = Boolean(description='Settings') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, capture_on_destination_search=None, capture_on_share_code=None, dicom_only=None, dicom_tag=None, dicom_tag_ignore_empty=None, display_order=None, field_flag=None, has_macro=None, hl7_component=None, hl7_field=None, hl7_segment=None, load_dicom_tag=None, load_from_sr=None, load_hl7=None, load_hl7_filter=None, load_order=None, name=None, object=None, options=None, other_customfield_id=None, other_customfield=None, other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank=None, other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare=None, other_dicom_tags=None, required=None, type_field=None, wrapped_dicom_only=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.capture_on_destination_search = capture_on_destination_search self.capture_on_share_code = capture_on_share_code self.dicom_only = dicom_only self.dicom_tag = dicom_tag self.dicom_tag_ignore_empty = dicom_tag_ignore_empty self.display_order = display_order self.field_flag = field_flag self.has_macro = has_macro self.hl7_component = hl7_component self.hl7_field = hl7_field self.hl7_segment = hl7_segment self.load_dicom_tag = load_dicom_tag self.load_from_sr = load_from_sr self.load_hl7 = load_hl7 self.load_hl7_filter = load_hl7_filter self.load_order = load_order = name self.object = object self.options = options self.other_customfield_id = other_customfield_id self.other_customfield = other_customfield self.other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank = other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank self.other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare = other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare self.other_dicom_tags = other_dicom_tags self.required = required self.type_field = type_field self.wrapped_dicom_only = wrapped_dicom_only self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class CustomfieldMapping(BaseModel): """CustomfieldMapping.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') from_customfield_id = String(description='FK. The source customfield') from_customfield = FK(model='Customfield', description='The source customfield') overwrite_with_blank = Boolean(description='The mapping options') refresh_on_edit = Boolean(description='The mapping options') refresh_on_reshare = Boolean(description='The mapping options') reverse_refresh_on_edit = Boolean(description='The mapping options') to_customfield_id = String(description='FK. The destination customfield') to_customfield = FK(model='Customfield', description='The destination customfield') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, from_customfield_id=None, from_customfield=None, overwrite_with_blank=None, refresh_on_edit=None, refresh_on_reshare=None, reverse_refresh_on_edit=None, to_customfield_id=None, to_customfield=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.from_customfield_id = from_customfield_id self.from_customfield = from_customfield self.overwrite_with_blank = overwrite_with_blank self.refresh_on_edit = refresh_on_edit self.refresh_on_reshare = refresh_on_reshare self.reverse_refresh_on_edit = reverse_refresh_on_edit self.to_customfield_id = to_customfield_id self.to_customfield = to_customfield self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DatabaseScripts(BaseModel): """DatabaseScripts.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') name = String(description='Name of the script that was run') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, name=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id = name self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Destination(BaseModel): """Destination.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') address = String(description='DICOM Address and port of the destination') aetitle = String(description='AEtitle') c_echo_interval = Integer(description='Do a c echo of the destination every c_echo_interval seconds') c_echo_schedule = String(description='The c echo schedule') can_push_hl7 = Boolean(description='Flags for destination capabilities') can_query_retrieve = Boolean(description='Flags for destination capabilities') can_retrieve_thin = Boolean(description='Flags for destination capabilities') can_search = Boolean(description='Flags for destination capabilities') can_search_mwl = Boolean(description='Flags for destination capabilities') cd_burn_info = String(description='The CD burner information') cd_burn_name = String(description='The CD burner information') cd_burn_priority = Integer(description='The CD burner information') default_query_retrieve_level = String(description='How the query retrieve should be done') fire_webhooks = Boolean(description='Fire webhooks for this destination') gateway_settings = String(description='Gateway stores settings and data here') global_field = Boolean(description='Is it a global accelerator destination') hl7_address = String(description='HL7 ORM destination address and port') hl7_fetch_filter = String(description='Fetch filter') hl7_port = Integer(description='HL7 ORM destination address and port') linked_destination = String(description='FK. The id of the linked destination') linked_destination_obj = FK(model='Destination', description='The id of the linked destination') linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account = Boolean(description='Create search activity in the referred account instead of the linked destination's account') linked_qr_to_referred_account = Boolean(description='Create result studies in the referred account instead of the linked destination's account') manual_push_roles = String(description='Comma separated list of role uuids allowed to push manually') name = String(description='Name') node_id = String(description='FK. The associated node') node = FK(model='Node', description='The associated node') path = String(description='Path for a FOLDER destination') port = Integer(description='DICOM Address and port of the destination') push_related_studies = Boolean(description='Push all related studies in the namespace when a study is pushed') sort_order = Integer(description='Sort order') sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg = Boolean(description='Flag if destination should squelch re-pushes if the image count has not changed') sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7 = Boolean(description='Flag if destination should squelch pushes that are generated by HL7 based routing') type_field = String(description='Type of destination can be either a DICOM, FOLDER, LINKED, DISTRIBUTING, ACCELERATOR or BURNER') ui_json = String(description='JSON for UI settings') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, address=None, aetitle=None, c_echo_interval=None, c_echo_schedule=None, can_push_hl7=None, can_query_retrieve=None, can_retrieve_thin=None, can_search=None, can_search_mwl=None, cd_burn_info=None, cd_burn_name=None, cd_burn_priority=None, default_query_retrieve_level=None, fire_webhooks=None, gateway_settings=None, global_field=None, hl7_address=None, hl7_fetch_filter=None, hl7_port=None, linked_destination=None, linked_destination_obj=None, linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account=None, linked_qr_to_referred_account=None, manual_push_roles=None, name=None, node_id=None, node=None, path=None, port=None, push_related_studies=None, sort_order=None, sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg=None, sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7=None, type_field=None, ui_json=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.address = address self.aetitle = aetitle self.c_echo_interval = c_echo_interval self.c_echo_schedule = c_echo_schedule self.can_push_hl7 = can_push_hl7 self.can_query_retrieve = can_query_retrieve self.can_retrieve_thin = can_retrieve_thin self.can_search = can_search self.can_search_mwl = can_search_mwl self.cd_burn_info = cd_burn_info self.cd_burn_name = cd_burn_name self.cd_burn_priority = cd_burn_priority self.default_query_retrieve_level = default_query_retrieve_level self.fire_webhooks = fire_webhooks self.gateway_settings = gateway_settings self.global_field = global_field self.hl7_address = hl7_address self.hl7_fetch_filter = hl7_fetch_filter self.hl7_port = hl7_port self.linked_destination = linked_destination self.linked_destination_obj = linked_destination_obj self.linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account = linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account self.linked_qr_to_referred_account = linked_qr_to_referred_account self.manual_push_roles = manual_push_roles = name self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.path = path self.port = port self.push_related_studies = push_related_studies self.sort_order = sort_order self.sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg = sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg self.sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7 = sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7 self.type_field = type_field self.ui_json = ui_json self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DestinationBurn(BaseModel): """DestinationBurn.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') batch_no = String(description='Batch no') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination') metrics = DictField(description='The metrics hash') node_id = String(description='FK. The node to use') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node to use') patientid = String(description='The patient id') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') status_reason = String(description='Status of the delivery') study_h = DictField(description='The hash of studies to burn') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, batch_no=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, metrics=None, node_id=None, node=None, patientid=None, pickup=None, status=None, status_reason=None, study_h=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.batch_no = batch_no self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.metrics = metrics self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patientid = patientid self.pickup = pickup self.status = status self.status_reason = status_reason self.study_h = study_h self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DestinationDistributed(BaseModel): """DestinationDistributed.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') child_id = String(description='FK. The DICOM destination') child = FK(model='DestinationDistributed', description='The DICOM destination') parent_id = String(description='FK. The distributing destination') parent = FK(model='DestinationDistributed', description='The distributing destination') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, child_id=None, child=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.child_id = child_id self.child = child self.parent_id = parent_id self.parent = parent self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DestinationSearch(BaseModel): """DestinationSearch.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') anonymize = String(description='The associated anonymization rules') asked_by = String(description='FK. This is the id of the destination search that requested the asking_node search') asked_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='This is the id of the destination search that requested the asking_node search') asking_node = String(description='FK. Pass the results of this back to this node') asking_node_obj = FK(model='Node', description='Pass the results of this back to this node') bundle_id = Integer(description='Bundle operation link. Index needed for summarizing bundled searches') copy_to = String(description='FK. Namespace to copy any retrieved or thin studies into') copy_to_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='Namespace to copy any retrieved or thin studies into') count = Integer(description='Status of the search') create_study = Integer(description='Number of studies or thin studies to create from the search rather than creating an activity') create_thin = Integer(description='Number of studies or thin studies to create from the search rather than creating an activity') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination to search') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination to search') distributing_destination_id = String(description='FK. The distributing destination that initiated the search') distributing_destination = FK(model='DestinationDistributed', description='The distributing destination that initiated the search') extra = String(description='Extra data for speciality workflows like MPI') gateway_anonymization = Integer(description='Flag to run anonymization on the gateway side') hl7_id = String(description='FK. The search was triggered by this HL7 message') hl7 = FK(model='Hl7', description='The search was triggered by this HL7 message') linked_destination_id = String(description='FK. The linked destination that initiated the search') linked_destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The linked destination that initiated the search') message = String(description='Message. Depreciated. To be deleted after 2021-04 release') node_id = String(description='FK. The node to use') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node to use') payload = String(description='The search payload') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') push_to = String(description='FK. Destination to push any retrieved studies to') push_to_obj = FK(model='Destination', description='Destination to push any retrieved studies to') refetch_study = Boolean(description='Flag to refetch existing studies with the results') results = String(description='The search results') share_email = String(description='Email to share retrieved studies with') sid = String(description='SID where the search originated from') status = String(description='Status of the search') study_id = String(description='FK. Study id if this is a MWL search') study = FK(model='Study', description='Study id if this is a MWL search') study_request_id = String(description='FK. Study request that initiated the search') study_request = FK(model='StudyRequest', description='Study request that initiated the search') tracking_number = String(description='Tracking number') user_id = String(description='FK. The user who ran the search') user = FK(model='User', description='The user who ran the search') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, anonymize=None, asked_by=None, asked_by_obj=None, asking_node=None, asking_node_obj=None, bundle_id=None, copy_to=None, copy_to_obj=None, count=None, create_study=None, create_thin=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, distributing_destination_id=None, distributing_destination=None, extra=None, gateway_anonymization=None, hl7_id=None, hl7=None, linked_destination_id=None, linked_destination=None, message=None, node_id=None, node=None, payload=None, pickup=None, push_to=None, push_to_obj=None, refetch_study=None, results=None, share_email=None, sid=None, status=None, study_id=None, study=None, study_request_id=None, study_request=None, tracking_number=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.anonymize = anonymize self.asked_by = asked_by self.asked_by_obj = asked_by_obj self.asking_node = asking_node self.asking_node_obj = asking_node_obj self.bundle_id = bundle_id self.copy_to = copy_to self.copy_to_obj = copy_to_obj self.count = count self.create_study = create_study self.create_thin = create_thin self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.distributing_destination_id = distributing_destination_id self.distributing_destination = distributing_destination self.extra = extra self.gateway_anonymization = gateway_anonymization self.hl7_id = hl7_id self.hl7 = hl7 self.linked_destination_id = linked_destination_id self.linked_destination = linked_destination self.message = message self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.payload = payload self.pickup = pickup self.push_to = push_to self.push_to_obj = push_to_obj self.refetch_study = refetch_study self.results = results self.share_email = share_email self.sid = sid self.status = status self.study_id = study_id = study self.study_request_id = study_request_id self.study_request = study_request self.tracking_number = tracking_number self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Dicomdata(BaseModel): """Dicomdata.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') dicom_tags = DictField(description='The tags as a hstore') instance_uid = String(description='The series and image identification') phi_namespace = String(description='FK. Associated study') phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='Associated study') series_uid = String(description='The series and image identification') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. Associated study') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='Associated study') study_id = String(description='FK. Associated study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Associated study') study_uid = String(description='Associated study') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, customfields=None, dicom_tags=None, instance_uid=None, phi_namespace=None, phi_namespace_obj=None, series_uid=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_id=None, study=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.customfields = customfields self.dicom_tags = dicom_tags self.instance_uid = instance_uid self.phi_namespace = phi_namespace self.phi_namespace_obj = phi_namespace_obj self.series_uid = series_uid self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_id = study_id = study self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Dictionary(BaseModel): """Dictionary.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Name and account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Name and account') case_sensitive = Boolean(description='Settings') lookup = String(description='JSON array of the fields names to lookup on') name = String(description='Name and account') object = String(description='Type of object the dictionary runs against') replace = String(description='JSON array of the fields names to replace') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, case_sensitive=None, lookup=None, name=None, object=None, replace=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive self.lookup = lookup = name self.object = object self.replace = replace self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DictionaryAttach(BaseModel): """DictionaryAttach.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The attachment is either to an account or a namespace') account = FK(model='Account', description='The attachment is either to an account or a namespace') add_if_no_match = Boolean(description='Options') approve_if_match = Boolean(description='Options') delay = Integer(description='Options') dictionary_id = String(description='FK. Associated dictionary') dictionary = FK(model='Dictionary', description='Associated dictionary') global_counter = Boolean(description='Options') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The attachment is either to an account or a namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The attachment is either to an account or a namespace') run_once = Boolean(description='Options') sequence = Integer(description='The sequence to order by') skip_if_lookup_unchanged = Boolean(description='Options') skip_if_replace_has_value = Boolean(description='Options') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, add_if_no_match=None, approve_if_match=None, delay=None, dictionary_id=None, dictionary=None, global_counter=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, run_once=None, sequence=None, skip_if_lookup_unchanged=None, skip_if_replace_has_value=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.add_if_no_match = add_if_no_match self.approve_if_match = approve_if_match self.delay = delay self.dictionary_id = dictionary_id self.dictionary = dictionary self.global_counter = global_counter self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.run_once = run_once self.sequence = sequence self.skip_if_lookup_unchanged = skip_if_lookup_unchanged self.skip_if_replace_has_value = skip_if_replace_has_value self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DictionaryEntry(BaseModel): """DictionaryEntry.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') dictionary_id = String(description='FK. Associated dictionary') dictionary = FK(model='Dictionary', description='Associated dictionary') lookup = String(description='JSON array or regexp of the lookup value') md5 = String(description='MD5 of the record') regexp = Boolean(description='Is this a regexp') replace = String(description='JSON array of the replace values') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, dictionary_id=None, dictionary=None, lookup=None, md5=None, regexp=None, replace=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.dictionary_id = dictionary_id self.dictionary = dictionary self.lookup = lookup self.md5 = md5 self.regexp = regexp self.replace = replace self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class DictionaryRun(BaseModel): """DictionaryRun.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') delay = Integer(description='Used to kick stuck jobs. Depreciated, should be removed after 2021-11-03') dictionary_attach_id = String(description='FK. Associated dictionary') dictionary_attach = FK(model='DictionaryAttach', description='Associated dictionary') object_id = Integer(description='The object this dict was applied to') succeeded = Boolean(description='Used to kick stuck jobs. Depreciated, should be removed after 2021-11-03') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, delay=None, dictionary_attach_id=None, dictionary_attach=None, object_id=None, succeeded=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.delay = delay self.dictionary_attach_id = dictionary_attach_id self.dictionary_attach = dictionary_attach self.object_id = object_id self.succeeded = succeeded self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class Drchrono(BaseModel): """Drchrono.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Associated account') doctor = String(description='Doctor id on drchrono') refresh_token = String(description='Refresh token') user_id = String(description='FK. Associated user') user = FK(model='User', description='Associated user') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, doctor=None, refresh_token=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = doctor self.refresh_token = refresh_token self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Engine(BaseModel): """Engine.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') cluster_id = String(description='FK. The cluster it is in') cluster = FK(model='Cluster', description='The cluster it is in') fqdn = String(description='The fully qualified domain name of the storage engine') free_disk_space = Integer(description='The free disk space threshold') ghc_info = String(description='The Google healthcare information') host_map = String(description='The host map JSON') idle_storage_host = String(description='The URL services should for archiving activity') is_full = Boolean(description='Flag if the engine is full or offline') is_offline = Boolean(description='Flag if the engine is full or offline') magic_sid = String(description='The magic sid for the storage engine') max_pull_jobs = Integer(description='The max number of pull jobs to run on the engine at one time') max_push_jobs = Integer(description='The max number of push jobs to run on the engine at one time') no_backup = Boolean(description='Turn off backups for this engine') no_phi = Boolean(description='No PHI is stored on this engine') no_purge = Boolean(description='Exclude studies on this engine from all purges') services_url = String(description='The URL services should use to access the storage engine') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, cluster_id=None, cluster=None, fqdn=None, free_disk_space=None, ghc_info=None, host_map=None, idle_storage_host=None, is_full=None, is_offline=None, magic_sid=None, max_pull_jobs=None, max_push_jobs=None, no_backup=None, no_phi=None, no_purge=None, services_url=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.cluster = cluster self.fqdn = fqdn self.free_disk_space = free_disk_space self.ghc_info = ghc_info self.host_map = host_map self.idle_storage_host = idle_storage_host self.is_full = is_full self.is_offline = is_offline self.magic_sid = magic_sid self.max_pull_jobs = max_pull_jobs self.max_push_jobs = max_push_jobs self.no_backup = no_backup self.no_phi = no_phi self.no_purge = no_purge self.services_url = services_url self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Filter(BaseModel): """Filter.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') configuration = String(description='The configuration as a json structure') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. the phi namespace id') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='the phi namespace id') tier_path = String(description='For tiered filters, the path') type_field = String(description='The type of the filter') user_id = String(description='FK. The user') user = FK(model='User', description='The user') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, configuration=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, tier_path=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.configuration = configuration = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.tier_path = tier_path self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class FilterShare(BaseModel): """FilterShare.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') account = FK(model='Account', description='Who it is shared with') filter_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') filter = FK(model='Filter', description='Primary key for internal use') group_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') group = FK(model='Group', description='Who it is shared with') location_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') location = FK(model='Location', description='Who it is shared with') role_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') role = FK(model='Role', description='Who it is shared with') user_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') user = FK(model='User', description='Who it is shared with') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, filter_id=None, filter=None, group_id=None, group=None, location_id=None, location=None, role_id=None, role=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.filter_id = filter_id self.filter = filter self.group_id = group_id = group self.location_id = location_id self.location = location self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class FilterTier(BaseModel): """FilterTier.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') ancestor_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') ancestor = FK(model='Ancestor', description='Primary key for internal use') depth = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') descendant_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') descendant = FK(model='Descendant', description='Primary key for internal use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, ancestor_id=None, ancestor=None, depth=None, descendant_id=None, descendant=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.ancestor_id = ancestor_id self.ancestor = ancestor self.depth = depth self.descendant_id = descendant_id self.descendant = descendant self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Group(BaseModel): """Group.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The namespace') role_id = String(description='FK. Default role id') role = FK(model='Role', description='Default role id') site_id = String(description='FK. Associated trial site') site = FK(model='Site', description='Associated trial site') site_inactive = Boolean(description='Inactive flag to deactivate a group in a Trial Account') site_qualified = Boolean(description='Associated trial site') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, role_id=None, role=None, site_id=None, site=None, site_inactive=None, site_qualified=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.site_id = site_id = site self.site_inactive = site_inactive self.site_qualified = site_qualified self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Help(BaseModel): """Help.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') key = String(description='Help key') text = String(description='The help text') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, key=None, text=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.key = key self.text = text self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Hl7(BaseModel): """Hl7.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accession_number_h = DictField(description='KV storage of all the accession numbers in the message') account_id = String(description='FK. Account the message is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account the message is for') md5 = String(description='md5 hash of the message') message = String(description='The message data') node_id = String(description='FK. Node that sent the message') node = FK(model='Node', description='Node that sent the message') patient_name = String(description='Patient Name') patientid = String(description='Patient MRN') type_field = String(description='Type of message') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number_h=None, account_id=None, account=None, md5=None, message=None, node_id=None, node=None, patient_name=None, patientid=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number_h = accession_number_h self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.md5 = md5 self.message = message self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patient_name = patient_name self.patientid = patientid self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Hl7Accession(BaseModel): """Hl7Accession.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') accession_number = String(description='Accession number') account_id = String(description='FK. Account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account') hl7_id = String(description='FK. Message') hl7 = FK(model='Hl7', description='Message') study_id = String(description='FK. Id of the study an order was associated with by the /study/find/order functionality') study = FK(model='Study', description='Id of the study an order was associated with by the /study/find/order functionality') type_field = String(description='Type of message') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') def __init__( self, *, id=None, accession_number=None, account_id=None, account=None, hl7_id=None, hl7=None, study_id=None, study=None, type_field=None, created=None, ): = id self.accession_number = accession_number self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.hl7_id = hl7_id self.hl7 = hl7 self.study_id = study_id = study self.type_field = type_field self.created = created
[docs]class Hl7Template(BaseModel): """Hl7Template.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') body = String(description='Type of message') name = String(description='Name') type_field = String(description='Type of message') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, body=None, name=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.body = body = name self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Hl7Transform(BaseModel): """Hl7Transform.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') conditions = String(description='') name = String(description='Name') order_by = Integer(description='') replacements = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, conditions=None, name=None, order_by=None, replacements=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.conditions = conditions = name self.order_by = order_by self.replacements = replacements self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Keyimage(BaseModel): """Keyimage.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') frame_number = String(description='The frame identification') instance_uid = String(description='The frame identification') series_uid = String(description='The frame identification') study_id = String(description='FK. Associated study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Associated study') user_id = String(description='FK. User who created the annotation') user = FK(model='User', description='User who created the annotation') version = String(description='The frame identification') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, frame_number=None, instance_uid=None, series_uid=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, version=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.frame_number = frame_number self.instance_uid = instance_uid self.series_uid = series_uid self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.version = version self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class LinkCharge(BaseModel): """LinkCharge.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Link and account id') account = FK(model='Account', description='Link and account id') charge_amount = Integer(description='The charge amount') link_id = String(description='FK. Link and account id') link = FK(model='Link', description='Link and account id') processor = String(description='The processor information') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, charge_amount=None, link_id=None, link=None, processor=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.charge_amount = charge_amount self.link_id = link_id = link self.processor = processor self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class LinkUsage(BaseModel): """LinkUsage.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Link and account id') account = FK(model='Account', description='Link and account id') client_address = String(description='Address that used the link') client_email = String(description='Address that used the link') context_user_id = String(description='FK. An account user id used to pull the user's preferences') context_user = FK(model='User', description='An account user id used to pull the user's preferences') extra = String(description='Any extra analytical data to store with the link') link_id = String(description='FK. Link and account id') link = FK(model='Link', description='Link and account id') sid = String(description='Sid of the session') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, client_address=None, client_email=None, context_user_id=None, context_user=None, extra=None, link_id=None, link=None, sid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.client_address = client_address self.client_email = client_email self.context_user_id = context_user_id self.context_user = context_user self.extra = extra self.link_id = link_id = link self.sid = sid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Location(BaseModel): """Location.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The namespace') role_id = String(description='FK. Default role id') role = FK(model='Role', description='Default role id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, role_id=None, role=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class MailTemplate(BaseModel): """MailTemplate.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account the template is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account the template is for') bcc = String(description='Email addresses') cc = String(description='Email addresses') delay = Integer(description='Number of seconds to delay sending the mail for') filter_field = String(description='Filter field and regexp') filter_regexp = String(description='Filter field and regexp') from_email_address = String(description='Email addresses') from_email_name = String(description='Email addresses') html = String(description='Templates') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Scope it down to a namespace or vanity') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Scope it down to a namespace or vanity') reply_to_email_address = String(description='Email addresses') sms = String(description='Templates') squelch_period = Integer(description='Number of seconds to squelch sending the mail for for a given template and a study') txt = String(description='Templates') type_field = String(description='Tmpl type') vanity = String(description='Scope it down to a namespace or vanity') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, bcc=None, cc=None, delay=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, from_email_address=None, from_email_name=None, html=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, reply_to_email_address=None, sms=None, squelch_period=None, txt=None, type_field=None, vanity=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.bcc = bcc = cc self.delay = delay self.filter_field = filter_field self.filter_regexp = filter_regexp self.from_email_address = from_email_address self.from_email_name = from_email_name self.html = html self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.reply_to_email_address = reply_to_email_address self.sms = sms self.squelch_period = squelch_period self.txt = txt self.type_field = type_field self.vanity = vanity self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Meeting(BaseModel): """Meeting.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') link_id = String(description='FK. Associated link') link = FK(model='Link', description='Associated link') name = String(description='Name of the meeting') state = String(description='Current state data structure') study_id = String(description='FK. Associated study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Associated study') user_id = String(description='FK. User who created the meeting') user = FK(model='User', description='User who created the meeting') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, link_id=None, link=None, name=None, state=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.link_id = link_id = link = name self.state = state self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class MeetingUser(BaseModel): """MeetingUser.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') meeting_id = String(description='FK. ') meeting = FK(model='Meeting', description='') user_id = String(description='FK. ') user = FK(model='User', description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, meeting_id=None, meeting=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.meeting_id = meeting_id self.meeting = meeting self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Message(BaseModel): """Message.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account of a study for study messages') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account of a study for study messages') body = String(description='Body of the message') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The namespace the message is for') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The namespace the message is for') parent_id = String(description='FK. The parent message') parent = FK(model='Message', description='The parent message') query_id = String(description='FK. The linked query object') query = FK(model='Query', description='The linked query object') study_id = String(description='FK. The study the message is for') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study the message is for') study_request_id = String(description='FK. The study request the message is for') study_request = FK(model='StudyRequest', description='The study request the message is for') study_request_namespace_id = String(description='FK. The destination namespace of the study request the message is for') study_request_namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The destination namespace of the study request the message is for') study_uid = String(description='The study UID the message is for') subject = String(description='Subject') user_id = String(description='FK. The user who sent the message') user = FK(model='User', description='The user who sent the message') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, body=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, parent_id=None, parent=None, query_id=None, query=None, study_id=None, study=None, study_request_id=None, study_request=None, study_request_namespace_id=None, study_request_namespace=None, study_uid=None, subject=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.body = body self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.parent_id = parent_id self.parent = parent self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.study_id = study_id = study self.study_request_id = study_request_id self.study_request = study_request self.study_request_namespace_id = study_request_namespace_id self.study_request_namespace = study_request_namespace self.study_uid = study_uid self.subject = subject self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Namespace(BaseModel): """Namespace.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accelerator_id = String(description='FK. Global accelerator it is attached too') accelerator = FK(model='Accelerator', description='Global accelerator it is attached too') account_id = String(description='FK. Who it is linked to') account = FK(model='Account', description='Who it is linked to') anonymization_id = String(description='FK. Anonymization rules') anonymization = FK(model='Anonyimization', description='Anonymization rules') anonymize = String(description='Anonymization rules') archive_vault_id = String(description='FK. The vault to archive studies too') archive_vault = FK(model='Archive', description='The vault to archive studies too') cache = Boolean(description='Cache new studies image') charge_description = String(description='Charging information') coverpage = String(description='Cover page template') currency = String(description='Charging information') event_approve = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_link = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_message = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_node = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_upload = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The default event settings flags') group_id = String(description='FK. Who it is linked to') group = FK(model='Group', description='Who it is linked to') harvest_hold = Integer(description='Storage settings') hl7_template = String(description='HL7 template for the namespace') linkage_name = String(description='Name of the linked object for sorting purposes') location_id = String(description='FK. Who it is linked to') location = FK(model='Location', description='Who it is linked to') must_approve = Boolean(description='Flag if study approval for a share is needed') must_approve_harvest = Boolean(description='Flag if study approval for a harvest is needed') must_approve_move = Boolean(description='Flag if study approval for a move is needed') must_approve_upload = Boolean(description='Flag if study approval for a upload is needed') no_bill = Boolean(description='Do not bill this namespace') no_cluster_archive = Boolean(description='Storage settings') no_share = Boolean(description='Flag if this namespace can not be shared into') prompt_for_anonymize = Boolean(description='Anonymization rules') search_threshold = Integer(description='The UI search threshold') second_opinion_config = String(description='Second opinion settings') second_opinion_share = Boolean(description='Second opinion settings') settings = DictField(description='Namespace settings') share_charge_by_modality = Boolean(description='Charging information') share_code = String(description='Share code for the name space') share_customfields_pricing = String(description='Charging information') share_description = String(description='Share code for the name space') share_pricing = String(description='Charging information') share_settings = String(description='Share code for the name space') share_via_gateway = Boolean(description='Allow gateway uploads to the share code') study_defaults = String(description='Study defaults') sum_price_matches = Boolean(description='Charging information') upload_hold = Integer(description='Storage settings') user_id = String(description='FK. Who it is linked to') user = FK(model='User', description='Who it is linked to') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accelerator_id=None, accelerator=None, account_id=None, account=None, anonymization_id=None, anonymization=None, anonymize=None, archive_vault_id=None, archive_vault=None, cache=None, charge_description=None, coverpage=None, currency=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_node=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, group_id=None, group=None, harvest_hold=None, hl7_template=None, linkage_name=None, location_id=None, location=None, must_approve=None, must_approve_harvest=None, must_approve_move=None, must_approve_upload=None, no_bill=None, no_cluster_archive=None, no_share=None, prompt_for_anonymize=None, search_threshold=None, second_opinion_config=None, second_opinion_share=None, settings=None, share_charge_by_modality=None, share_code=None, share_customfields_pricing=None, share_description=None, share_pricing=None, share_settings=None, share_via_gateway=None, study_defaults=None, sum_price_matches=None, upload_hold=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accelerator_id = accelerator_id self.accelerator = accelerator self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.anonymization_id = anonymization_id self.anonymization = anonymization self.anonymize = anonymize self.archive_vault_id = archive_vault_id self.archive_vault = archive_vault self.cache = cache self.charge_description = charge_description self.coverpage = coverpage self.currency = currency self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_node = event_node self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.group_id = group_id = group self.harvest_hold = harvest_hold self.hl7_template = hl7_template self.linkage_name = linkage_name self.location_id = location_id self.location = location self.must_approve = must_approve self.must_approve_harvest = must_approve_harvest self.must_approve_move = must_approve_move self.must_approve_upload = must_approve_upload self.no_bill = no_bill self.no_cluster_archive = no_cluster_archive self.no_share = no_share self.prompt_for_anonymize = prompt_for_anonymize self.search_threshold = search_threshold self.second_opinion_config = second_opinion_config self.second_opinion_share = second_opinion_share self.settings = settings self.share_charge_by_modality = share_charge_by_modality self.share_code = share_code self.share_customfields_pricing = share_customfields_pricing self.share_description = share_description self.share_pricing = share_pricing self.share_settings = share_settings self.share_via_gateway = share_via_gateway self.study_defaults = study_defaults self.sum_price_matches = sum_price_matches self.upload_hold = upload_hold self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class NamespaceChildren(BaseModel): """NamespaceChildren.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account the namespaces are in') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account the namespaces are in') child_id = String(description='FK. Child namespace') child = FK(model='SelfField', description='Child namespace') fields = String(description='JSON list of the fields') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Parent namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Parent namespace') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, child_id=None, child=None, fields=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.child_id = child_id self.child = child self.fields = fields self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Node(BaseModel): """Node.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accelerator_id = String(description='FK. The associated accelerator') accelerator = FK(model='Accelerator', description='The associated accelerator') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') category = String(description='Category and searchability') configuration_h = DictField(description='The configuration hash') ctc_bucket = String(description='Category and searchability') facility_contact = String(description='Facility information') facility_contact_title = String(description='Facility information') facility_email = String(description='Facility information') facility_name = String(description='Facility information') facility_notes = String(description='Facility information') facility_state = String(description='Facility information') facility_zip = String(description='Facility information') global_field = Boolean(description='Is it a global accelerator destination') is_public = Boolean(description='Category and searchability') monitor_email = String(description='Monitoring flags') monitor_node_last_send = Boolean(description='Monitoring flags') monitor_node_last_send_threshold = Integer(description='Number of minutes as the threshold for firing the notification') monitor_node_ping = Boolean(description='Monitoring flags') monitor_node_slow_push = Boolean(description='Monitoring flags') monitor_node_slow_push_threshold = Integer(description='Number of minutes as the threshold for firing the notification') monitor_study_create = Boolean(description='Monitoring flags') monitor_study_create_threshold = Integer(description='Number of minutes as the threshold for firing the notification') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The associated namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The associated namespace') os_type = String(description='OS type of the node, used for harvester only currently') performance_data = String(description='Performance counters from node. Depreciated. To be deleted after 2021-06 release') reload_configuration = Boolean(description='Reload configuration') serial_no = String(description='The serial number') settings = DictField(description='Account settings overrides') type_field = String(description='The type of the node') user_id = String(description='FK. The user to generate a node sid for') user = FK(model='User', description='The user to generate a node sid for') warning_email = String(description='Emails that node's warning messages will go to') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accelerator_id=None, accelerator=None, account_id=None, account=None, category=None, configuration_h=None, ctc_bucket=None, facility_contact=None, facility_contact_title=None, facility_email=None, facility_name=None, facility_notes=None, facility_state=None, facility_zip=None, global_field=None, is_public=None, monitor_email=None, monitor_node_last_send=None, monitor_node_last_send_threshold=None, monitor_node_ping=None, monitor_node_slow_push=None, monitor_node_slow_push_threshold=None, monitor_study_create=None, monitor_study_create_threshold=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, os_type=None, performance_data=None, reload_configuration=None, serial_no=None, settings=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, warning_email=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accelerator_id = accelerator_id self.accelerator = accelerator self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.category = category self.configuration_h = configuration_h self.ctc_bucket = ctc_bucket self.facility_contact = facility_contact self.facility_contact_title = facility_contact_title self.facility_email = facility_email self.facility_name = facility_name self.facility_notes = facility_notes self.facility_state = facility_state self.facility_zip = facility_zip self.global_field = global_field self.is_public = is_public self.monitor_email = monitor_email self.monitor_node_last_send = monitor_node_last_send self.monitor_node_last_send_threshold = monitor_node_last_send_threshold self.monitor_node_ping = monitor_node_ping self.monitor_node_slow_push = monitor_node_slow_push self.monitor_node_slow_push_threshold = monitor_node_slow_push_threshold self.monitor_study_create = monitor_study_create self.monitor_study_create_threshold = monitor_study_create_threshold = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.os_type = os_type self.performance_data = performance_data self.reload_configuration = reload_configuration self.serial_no = serial_no self.settings = settings self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.warning_email = warning_email self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class NodeConnect(BaseModel): """NodeConnect.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') from_account_id = String(description='FK. Node information') from_account = FK(model='Account', description='Node information') message = String(description='Message') node_id = String(description='FK. Node information') node = FK(model='Node', description='Node information') status = String(description='Status P-Pending, R-Rejected, A-Approved, C-Connected') to_account_id = String(description='FK. Node information') to_account = FK(model='Account', description='Node information') user_id = String(description='FK. Node information') user = FK(model='User', description='Node information') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, from_account_id=None, from_account=None, message=None, node_id=None, node=None, status=None, to_account_id=None, to_account=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.from_account_id = from_account_id self.from_account = from_account self.message = message self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.status = status self.to_account_id = to_account_id self.to_account = to_account self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class NodeEvent(BaseModel): """NodeEvent.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') count = Integer(description='Count of the number of times this event was fired. The audit table will have detail on the individual events.') destination_id = String(description='FK. The event parameters') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The event parameters') event = String(description='The event parameters') node_id = String(description='FK. The event parameters') node = FK(model='Node', description='The event parameters') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, count=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, event=None, node_id=None, node=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.count = count self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.event = event self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class NodePerformanceData(BaseModel): """NodePerformanceData.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') node_id = String(description='FK. Node information') node = FK(model='Node', description='Node information') performance_data = String(description='as well as a rolling array of maybe 10 minutes worth of CPU, memory, disk and network usage') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, node_id=None, node=None, performance_data=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.performance_data = performance_data self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class NodeProgress(BaseModel): """NodeProgress.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accession_number = String(description='Study information') destination_id = String(description='FK. Node information') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='Node information') detail = String(description='Description of the progress') node_id = String(description='FK. Node information') node = FK(model='Node', description='Node information') patientid = String(description='Study information') queue = String(description='Queue information') state = String(description='Queue information') study_uid = String(description='Study information') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, detail=None, node_id=None, node=None, patientid=None, queue=None, state=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number = accession_number self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.detail = detail self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patientid = patientid self.queue = queue self.state = state self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class NpiInviteShare(BaseModel): """NpiInviteShare.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') done = Boolean(description='Flag if the share was done') message = String(description='Share message') npi = String(description='NPI to invite') study_id = String(description='FK. Id for the study to be shared') study = FK(model='Study', description='Id for the study to be shared') user_id = String(description='FK. Id the invitation is from') user = FK(model='User', description='Id the invitation is from') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, done=None, message=None, npi=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.done = done self.message = message self.npi = npi self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Order(BaseModel): """Order.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accession_number = String(description='Basic information') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') is_manual = Boolean(description='Flag indicating if order was created through the API') order_number = String(description='Basic information') patient_birth_date = String(description='Basic information') patient_name = String(description='Basic information') patient_sex = String(description='Basic information') patientid = String(description='Basic information') referring_physician = String(description='Basic information') sending_facility = String(description='Basic information') study_uid = String(description='The study uid') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, is_manual=None, order_number=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, referring_physician=None, sending_facility=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number = accession_number self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields self.is_manual = is_manual self.order_number = order_number self.patient_birth_date = patient_birth_date self.patient_name = patient_name self.patient_sex = patient_sex self.patientid = patientid self.referring_physician = referring_physician self.sending_facility = sending_facility self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class OrderSps(BaseModel): """OrderSps.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') modality = String(description='The step information') mpps_status = String(description='The mpps information') mpps_uid = String(description='The mpps information') order_id = String(description='FK. The associated order') order = FK(model='Order', description='The associated order') requested_procedure_description = String(description='The step information') requested_procedure_id = String(description='The step information') scheduled_procedure_step_description = String(description='The step information') scheduled_procedure_step_id = String(description='The step information') scheduled_procedure_step_start_date = String(description='The step information') scheduled_procedure_step_start_time = String(description='The step information') scheduled_station_aetitle = String(description='The step information') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, modality=None, mpps_status=None, mpps_uid=None, order_id=None, order=None, requested_procedure_description=None, requested_procedure_id=None, scheduled_procedure_step_description=None, scheduled_procedure_step_id=None, scheduled_procedure_step_start_date=None, scheduled_procedure_step_start_time=None, scheduled_station_aetitle=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.modality = modality self.mpps_status = mpps_status self.mpps_uid = mpps_uid self.order_id = order_id self.order = order self.requested_procedure_description = requested_procedure_description self.requested_procedure_id = requested_procedure_id self.scheduled_procedure_step_description = scheduled_procedure_step_description self.scheduled_procedure_step_id = scheduled_procedure_step_id self.scheduled_procedure_step_start_date = scheduled_procedure_step_start_date self.scheduled_procedure_step_start_time = scheduled_procedure_step_start_time self.scheduled_station_aetitle = scheduled_station_aetitle self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Patient(BaseModel): """Patient.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') alt_email = String(description='Contact info') alt_mobile_phone = String(description='Contact info') birth_date = String(description='Basic information') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') email = String(description='Contact info') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags') first = String(description='Basic information') last = String(description='Basic information') last_event = DateTime(description='Ordering field') mobile_phone = String(description='Contact info') mrn = String(description='Basic information') name = String(description='Basic information') settings = DictField(description='Account settings overrides') sex = String(description='Basic information') user_id = String(description='FK. The associated user') user = FK(model='User', description='The associated user') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, alt_email=None, alt_mobile_phone=None, birth_date=None, customfields=None, email=None, event_new_report=None, event_share=None, first=None, last=None, last_event=None, mobile_phone=None, mrn=None, name=None, settings=None, sex=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.alt_email = alt_email self.alt_mobile_phone = alt_mobile_phone self.birth_date = birth_date self.customfields = customfields = email self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_share = event_share self.first = first self.last = last self.last_event = last_event self.mobile_phone = mobile_phone self.mrn = mrn = name self.settings = settings = sex self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class PerfEvent(BaseModel): """PerfEvent.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. Objects tied to the action') account = FK(model='Account', description='Objects tied to the action') action_id = String(description='User action ID to track events relation') browser = String(description='User environment detected using User-Agent') bytes_transferred = Integer(description='Bytes transferred over network') day = Date(description='Reporting day') event = String(description='Event label (eg API endpoint, short mnemonic name for user action like study_list)') event_timestamp = DateTime(description='Time of event provided by user') event_type = String(description='Event type (eg services_call, user_action)') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Objects tied to the action') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Objects tied to the action') os = String(description='User environment detected using User-Agent') parameters = String(description='Action arguments (eg HTTP GET params)') processing_time = Integer(description='Time spent on action in milliseconds') proxy_id = String(description='FK. User ID') proxy = FK(model='User', description='User ID') records_processed = Integer(description='Count of object records processed') sid = String(description='Session ID') source = String(description='Event source (eg UI, AI)') study_id = String(description='FK. Objects tied to the action') study = FK(model='Study', description='Objects tied to the action') ua = String(description='User-Agent header') user_id = String(description='FK. User ID') user = FK(model='User', description='User ID') vanity = String(description='Vanity') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, action_id=None, browser=None, bytes_transferred=None, day=None, event=None, event_timestamp=None, event_type=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, os=None, parameters=None, processing_time=None, proxy_id=None, proxy=None, records_processed=None, sid=None, source=None, study_id=None, study=None, ua=None, user_id=None, user=None, vanity=None, created=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.action_id = action_id self.browser = browser self.bytes_transferred = bytes_transferred = day self.event = event self.event_timestamp = event_timestamp self.event_type = event_type self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.os = os self.parameters = parameters self.processing_time = processing_time self.proxy_id = proxy_id self.proxy = proxy self.records_processed = records_processed self.sid = sid self.source = source self.study_id = study_id = study = ua self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.vanity = vanity self.created = created
[docs]class Purge(BaseModel): """Purge.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated object and account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated object and account') adults = Boolean(description='Include adults in this rule') archive = Boolean(description='Flag to make it a thin, archive or skinny study') days_old = Integer(description='Age of the studies to purge and how to calculate the purge') days_old_how = String(description='Age of the studies to purge and how to calculate the purge') global_field = Boolean(description='Is this a global purge rule') max_deletes = Integer(description='Maximum number of purges per run of the rule') minors = Boolean(description='Include minors in this rule') modalities = String(description='The modalities to limit the rule to as a JSON array') name = String(description='Name') namespaces = String(description='The namespaces to limit the rule to as a JSON array') object = String(description='The associated object and account') owned_phr = Boolean(description='Include owned PHR namespaces in the rule') shared_from_phr = Boolean(description='If a study was shared from a PHR delete the copy in the PHR as well') skinny = Boolean(description='Flag to make it a thin, archive or skinny study') study_status_tags = String(description='A CSV list of the study status tags limit the purge to') suspended = Boolean(description='Suspend this rule from running') thin = Boolean(description='Flag to make it a thin, archive or skinny study') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, adults=None, archive=None, days_old=None, days_old_how=None, global_field=None, max_deletes=None, minors=None, modalities=None, name=None, namespaces=None, object=None, owned_phr=None, shared_from_phr=None, skinny=None, study_status_tags=None, suspended=None, thin=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.adults = adults self.archive = archive self.days_old = days_old self.days_old_how = days_old_how self.global_field = global_field self.max_deletes = max_deletes self.minors = minors self.modalities = modalities = name self.namespaces = namespaces self.object = object self.owned_phr = owned_phr self.shared_from_phr = shared_from_phr self.skinny = skinny self.study_status_tags = study_status_tags self.suspended = suspended self.thin = thin self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Qctask(BaseModel): """Qctask.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') message = String(description='Message associated with activity') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Id of the namespace the activity is associated with') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Id of the namespace the activity is associated with') priority = Integer(description='The activity priority') qctask_status = String(description='QC task status') query_id = String(description='FK. Optional Query link. Depreciated. Should be removed after 2022 February release') query = FK(model='Query', description='Optional Query link. Depreciated. Should be removed after 2022 February release') user_id = String(description='FK. Id of the user the activity is specifically for.') user = FK(model='User', description='Id of the user the activity is specifically for.') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, customfields=None, message=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, priority=None, qctask_status=None, query_id=None, query=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.customfields = customfields self.message = message self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.priority = priority self.qctask_status = qctask_status self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class QctaskQuery(BaseModel): """QctaskQuery.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') qctask_id = String(description='FK. QC task') qctask = FK(model='Task', description='QC task') query_id = String(description='FK. Query') query = FK(model='Query', description='Query') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, qctask_id=None, qctask=None, query_id=None, query=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.qctask_id = qctask_id self.qctask = qctask self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class QctaskStudy(BaseModel): """QctaskStudy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') qctask_id = String(description='FK. QC task') qctask = FK(model='Task', description='QC task') study_id = String(description='FK. Study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Study') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, qctask_id=None, qctask=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.qctask_id = qctask_id self.qctask = qctask self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Query(BaseModel): """Query.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Query links') account = FK(model='Account', description='Query links') body = String(description='Query description') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') escalation_count_since_status_change = Integer(description='Communication plan counters') group_id = String(description='FK. Query links') group = FK(model='Group', description='Query links') last_reminder = DateTime(description='Communication plan counters') last_reply = DateTime(description='Communication plan counters') last_status_change = DateTime(description='Communication plan counters') notify = String(description='Additional notification receivers (emails CSV)') owner_namespace_id = String(description='FK. The owners') owner_namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The owners') owner_user_id = String(description='FK. The owners') owner_user = FK(model='User', description='The owners') query_no = Integer(description='The query number (displayed as a 7-digit number). Depreciated in favor of id. Please remove in 2022.') query_status = String(description='Query status') query_type = String(description='The type of the query') reminder_count_since_reply = Integer(description='Communication plan counters') study_id = String(description='FK. Query links') study = FK(model='Study', description='Query links') subject = String(description='Subject line') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, body=None, customfields=None, escalation_count_since_status_change=None, group_id=None, group=None, last_reminder=None, last_reply=None, last_status_change=None, notify=None, owner_namespace_id=None, owner_namespace=None, owner_user_id=None, owner_user=None, query_no=None, query_status=None, query_type=None, reminder_count_since_reply=None, study_id=None, study=None, subject=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.body = body self.customfields = customfields self.escalation_count_since_status_change = escalation_count_since_status_change self.group_id = group_id = group self.last_reminder = last_reminder self.last_reply = last_reply self.last_status_change = last_status_change self.notify = notify self.owner_namespace_id = owner_namespace_id self.owner_namespace = owner_namespace self.owner_user_id = owner_user_id self.owner_user = owner_user self.query_no = query_no self.query_status = query_status self.query_type = query_type self.reminder_count_since_reply = reminder_count_since_reply self.study_id = study_id = study self.subject = subject self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class QueryAttachment(BaseModel): """QueryAttachment.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') name = String(description='The attachment name') phantom = Boolean(description='The attachment phantom flag to hide half-uploaded attachments') query_id = String(description='FK. The owning query') query = FK(model='Query', description='The owning query') size = Integer(description='The attachment size') thumbnail = Boolean(description='The thumbnail sign') thumbnail_id = String(description='FK. The related thumbnail') thumbnail_id_obj = FK(model='Thumbnail', description='The related thumbnail') tombstone = Boolean(description='The attachment tombstone to hide half-deleted attachments') type_field = String(description='The attachment MIME-type') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, name=None, phantom=None, query_id=None, query=None, size=None, thumbnail=None, thumbnail_id=None, thumbnail_id_obj=None, tombstone=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid = name self.phantom = phantom self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.size = size self.thumbnail = thumbnail self.thumbnail_id = thumbnail_id self.thumbnail_id_obj = thumbnail_id_obj self.tombstone = tombstone self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class QueryRecipient(BaseModel): """QueryRecipient.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') query_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and query') query = FK(model='Query', description='Mapping between the user and query') user_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and query') user = FK(model='User', description='Mapping between the user and query') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, query_id=None, query=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class QuerySeen(BaseModel): """QuerySeen.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') message_id = String(description='FK. The last message seen by the user in the Query') message = FK(model='Message', description='The last message seen by the user in the Query') query_id = String(description='FK. The Query') query = FK(model='Query', description='The Query') user_id = String(description='FK. The User') user = FK(model='User', description='The User') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, message_id=None, message=None, query_id=None, query=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.message_id = message_id self.message = message self.query_id = query_id self.query = query self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Radreport(BaseModel): """Radreport.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') attachment = String(description='The attachment information') fields = String(description='The fields in the report') study_id = String(description='FK. Attached study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Attached study') type_field = String(description='Type of report') user_id = String(description='FK. User who created the report') user = FK(model='User', description='User who created the report') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, attachment=None, fields=None, study_id=None, study=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.attachment = attachment self.fields = fields self.study_id = study_id = study self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class RadreportAnalytics(BaseModel): """RadreportAnalytics.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') account = FK(model='Account', description='The primary keys') day = Date(description='The day') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The primary keys') radreport_create = Integer(description='The metrics') radreport_delete = Integer(description='The metrics') radreport_report_generated = Integer(description='The metrics') radreport_signed = Integer(description='The metrics') user_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') user = FK(model='User', description='The primary keys') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, day=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, radreport_create=None, radreport_delete=None, radreport_report_generated=None, radreport_signed=None, user_id=None, user=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = day self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.radreport_create = radreport_create self.radreport_delete = radreport_delete self.radreport_report_generated = radreport_report_generated self.radreport_signed = radreport_signed self.user_id = user_id self.user = user
[docs]class RadreportTemplate(BaseModel): """RadreportTemplate.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Associated account') active = Boolean(description='Is this the active record') body = String(description='Template fields') name = String(description='Description of report template') options = String(description='Template metadata') preview = String(description='Template fields') type_field = String(description='Type of report template') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, active=None, body=None, name=None, options=None, preview=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = active self.body = body = name self.options = options self.preview = preview self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Radreportmacro(BaseModel): """Radreportmacro.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Associated account') body = String(description='Macro fields') hotkey = String(description='Macro fields') modality = String(description='Macro fields') name = String(description='Macro fields') type_field = String(description='Type of report') user_id = String(description='FK. User who owns the macro') user = FK(model='User', description='User who owns the macro') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, body=None, hotkey=None, modality=None, name=None, type_field=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.body = body self.hotkey = hotkey self.modality = modality = name self.type_field = type_field self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Role(BaseModel): """Role.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') description = String(description='Description') for_account = Boolean(description='Allowed namespace types flags') for_group = Boolean(description='Allowed namespace types flags') for_location = Boolean(description='Allowed namespace types flags') name = String(description='Name') permissions = String(description='The permissions as a json structure') settings = DictField(description='Account settings overrides') type_field = String(description='Type if role is system created') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, description=None, for_account=None, for_group=None, for_location=None, name=None, permissions=None, settings=None, type_field=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.description = description self.for_account = for_account self.for_group = for_group self.for_location = for_location = name self.permissions = permissions self.settings = settings self.type_field = type_field self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Route(BaseModel): """Route.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') actions = String(description='The rule actions') conditions = String(description='The rule conditions') delay = Integer(description='Number of minutes to delay running this rule after it is triggered') delay_from_study_field = String(description='Field that delay_from_study_seconds will be applied to') delay_from_study_seconds = Integer(description='Number of seconds to delay running this rule after point in time stated in a study's field') delay_seconds = Integer(description='Number of seconds to delay running this rule after it is triggered') delay_till_schedule = Boolean(description='Delay running the rule until the schedule time') manual_roles = DictField(description='Roles that can manually run this route') name = String(description='Name') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The associated namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The associated namespace') no_re_run = Boolean(description='Should the rule be not be run on a re-run of a storage notification') on_harvest = Boolean(description='Should the rule be run on harvested studies') on_manual_route = Boolean(description='Should the rule be able to be applied manually') on_share = Boolean(description='Should the rule be run on shared studies') on_thin = Boolean(description='Should the rule be run on the creation of thin studies') on_upload = Boolean(description='Should the rule be run on uploaded studies') only_re_run = Boolean(description='Should the rule only be run on a re-run of a storage notification') options = String(description='The rule options') other_namespaces = DictField(description='The other namespaces this rule is associated with') schedule = String(description='The rule schedule') suspended = Boolean(description='Suspend this rule from running') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, actions=None, conditions=None, delay=None, delay_from_study_field=None, delay_from_study_seconds=None, delay_seconds=None, delay_till_schedule=None, manual_roles=None, name=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, no_re_run=None, on_harvest=None, on_manual_route=None, on_share=None, on_thin=None, on_upload=None, only_re_run=None, options=None, other_namespaces=None, schedule=None, suspended=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.actions = actions self.conditions = conditions self.delay = delay self.delay_from_study_field = delay_from_study_field self.delay_from_study_seconds = delay_from_study_seconds self.delay_seconds = delay_seconds self.delay_till_schedule = delay_till_schedule self.manual_roles = manual_roles = name self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.no_re_run = no_re_run self.on_harvest = on_harvest self.on_manual_route = on_manual_route self.on_share = on_share self.on_thin = on_thin self.on_upload = on_upload self.only_re_run = only_re_run self.options = options self.other_namespaces = other_namespaces self.schedule = schedule self.suspended = suspended self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class RouteRoundRobin(BaseModel): """RouteRoundRobin.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') action = String(description='Primary key for internal use') route_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') route = FK(model='Route', description='Primary key for internal use') study_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') study = FK(model='Study', description='Primary key for internal use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, action=None, route_id=None, route=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.action = action self.route_id = route_id self.route = route self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class RsnaclrDoc(BaseModel): """RsnaclrDoc.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') attachmentid = String(description='') author = JsonB(description='') class_code = JsonB(description='') comments = String(description='') communityid = String(description='') confidentiality_code = JsonB(description='') creation_time = String(description='') documentid = String(description='') event_code_list = JsonB(description='') format_code = JsonB(description='') healthcare_facility_type_code = JsonB(description='') language_code = String(description='') legal_authenticator = String(description='') limited_metadata = Boolean(description='') mime_type = String(description='') patientid = String(description='') practice_setting_code = JsonB(description='') reference_id_list = JsonB(description='') repositoryid = String(description='') rsna_status = String(description='') rsnaclr_subset_id = String(description='FK. The associated submission set') rsnaclr_subset = FK(model='RsnaclrSubset', description='The associated submission set') service_start_time = String(description='') service_stop_time = String(description='') sha1 = String(description='') size = Integer(description='') source_patient_id = String(description='') source_patient_info = JsonB(description='') title = String(description='') type_code = JsonB(description='') uniqueid = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, attachmentid=None, author=None, class_code=None, comments=None, communityid=None, confidentiality_code=None, creation_time=None, documentid=None, event_code_list=None, format_code=None, healthcare_facility_type_code=None, language_code=None, legal_authenticator=None, limited_metadata=None, mime_type=None, patientid=None, practice_setting_code=None, reference_id_list=None, repositoryid=None, rsna_status=None, rsnaclr_subset_id=None, rsnaclr_subset=None, service_start_time=None, service_stop_time=None, sha1=None, size=None, source_patient_id=None, source_patient_info=None, title=None, type_code=None, uniqueid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.attachmentid = attachmentid = author self.class_code = class_code self.comments = comments self.communityid = communityid self.confidentiality_code = confidentiality_code self.creation_time = creation_time self.documentid = documentid self.event_code_list = event_code_list self.format_code = format_code self.healthcare_facility_type_code = healthcare_facility_type_code self.language_code = language_code self.legal_authenticator = legal_authenticator self.limited_metadata = limited_metadata self.mime_type = mime_type self.patientid = patientid self.practice_setting_code = practice_setting_code self.reference_id_list = reference_id_list self.repositoryid = repositoryid self.rsna_status = rsna_status self.rsnaclr_subset_id = rsnaclr_subset_id self.rsnaclr_subset = rsnaclr_subset self.service_start_time = service_start_time self.service_stop_time = service_stop_time self.sha1 = sha1 self.size = size self.source_patient_id = source_patient_id self.source_patient_info = source_patient_info self.title = title self.type_code = type_code self.uniqueid = uniqueid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class RsnaclrSubset(BaseModel): """RsnaclrSubset.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') author = JsonB(description='') comments = String(description='') communityid = String(description='') content_type_code = JsonB(description='') intended_recipient = JsonB(description='') limited_metadata = Boolean(description='') patientid = String(description='RSNA patient Id') rsna_status = String(description='Status of the submission set') sourceid = String(description='') study_id = String(description='FK. Study the submission set is attached to') study = FK(model='Study', description='Study the submission set is attached to') submission_time = String(description='') title = String(description='') uniqueid = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, author=None, comments=None, communityid=None, content_type_code=None, intended_recipient=None, limited_metadata=None, patientid=None, rsna_status=None, sourceid=None, study_id=None, study=None, submission_time=None, title=None, uniqueid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid = author self.comments = comments self.communityid = communityid self.content_type_code = content_type_code self.intended_recipient = intended_recipient self.limited_metadata = limited_metadata self.patientid = patientid self.rsna_status = rsna_status self.sourceid = sourceid self.study_id = study_id = study self.submission_time = submission_time self.title = title self.uniqueid = uniqueid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Rsync(BaseModel): """Rsync.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') is_full = Boolean(description='Is the account full') name = String(description='ssh account name') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, is_full=None, name=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.is_full = is_full = name self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Scanner(BaseModel): """Scanner.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') manufacturer = String(description='The scanner manufacturer') modality = String(description='Scanner modality') model = String(description='The model') name = String(description='Name') serial_no = String(description='The serial number') site_id = String(description='FK. The site owning the scanner') site = FK(model='Site', description='The site owning the scanner') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, manufacturer=None, modality=None, model=None, name=None, serial_no=None, site_id=None, site=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields self.manufacturer = manufacturer self.modality = modality self.model = model = name self.serial_no = serial_no self.site_id = site_id = site self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class ScannerValidated(BaseModel): """ScannerValidated.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') group_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the scanner and group') group = FK(model='Group', description='Mapping between the scanner and group') scanner_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the scanner and group') scanner = FK(model='Scanner', description='Mapping between the scanner and group') study_uid = String(description='The study_uid that validated the scanner') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, group_id=None, group=None, scanner_id=None, scanner=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.group_id = group_id = group self.scanner_id = scanner_id self.scanner = scanner self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Setting(BaseModel): """Setting.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') key = String(description='') user_id = String(description='FK. ') user = FK(model='User', description='') value = String(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, key=None, user_id=None, user=None, value=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.key = key self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.value = value self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Site(BaseModel): """Site.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') address1 = String(description='Location fields') address2 = String(description='Location fields') city = String(description='Location fields') country = String(description='Location fields') inactive = Boolean(description='Inactive flag to hide a site from lists') name = String(description='Name') site_id = String(description='FK. The associated site in case this one is a satellite site') site = FK(model='Site', description='The associated site in case this one is a satellite site') state = String(description='Location fields') zip = String(description='Location fields') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, address1=None, address2=None, city=None, country=None, inactive=None, name=None, site_id=None, site=None, state=None, zip=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.address1 = address1 self.address2 = address2 = city = country self.inactive = inactive = name self.site_id = site_id = site self.state = state = zip self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StorageStudy(BaseModel): """StorageStudy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') corrupt = Boolean(description='Flag if the study is corrupt') engine_id = String(description='FK. The storage engine') engine = FK(model='Engine', description='The storage engine') is_frozen = Boolean(description='Flag if the study is frozen') last_update = DateTime(description='Time of the last update of the study') rsync_id = String(description='FK. The rysnc account') rsync = FK(model='Rsync', description='The rysnc account') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The storage namespace') study_uid = String(description='Study instance id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, corrupt=None, engine_id=None, engine=None, is_frozen=None, last_update=None, rsync_id=None, rsync=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.corrupt = corrupt self.engine_id = engine_id self.engine = engine self.is_frozen = is_frozen self.last_update = last_update self.rsync_id = rsync_id self.rsync = rsync self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Study(BaseModel): """Study.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accession_number = String(description='This is the MRN') account_id = Integer(description='The associated account') attachment_count = Integer(description='This is the MRN') callback_url = String(description='2013-11 - This is depreciated as the storage id is now used. If this is dropped update its usage in the database script.') compressed_size = Integer(description='This is the MRN') created_for = String(description='FK. A user on whose behalf the study is created') created_for_obj = FK(model='User', description='A user on whose behalf the study is created') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') destination_ae_title = String(description='The aetitle the study was harvested against') engine_id = String(description='FK. The storage engine the study is stored on') engine = FK(model='Engine', description='The storage engine the study is stored on') image_count = Integer(description='This is the MRN') integration_key = String(description='Key for integration with third party systems') last_status_change = DateTime(description='Timestamp to calculate how long a study spent in current status. This removes the need for searching through audit records.') medical_record_locator = String(description='This is the MRN') modality = String(description='This is the MRN') must_approve = Boolean(description='Flag if study approval is needed') node_id = String(description='FK. The harvest node id') node = FK(model='Node', description='The harvest node id') patient_additional_history = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_address = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_age = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_birth_date = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_birth_time = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_birthname = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_comments = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_current_location = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_ethnic_group = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_institution_residence = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_mother_birthname = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_name = String(description='Dicom fields') patient_name_other = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_occupation = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_phone = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_religious_preference = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_sex = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_size = String(description='This is the MRN') patient_weight = String(description='This is the MRN') patientid = String(description='This is the MRN') patientid_other = String(description='This is the MRN') phantom = Boolean(description='A phantom study is one that is in the process loading into storage') phi_namespace = String(description='FK. The PHI namespace. This controls the study visibility') phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The PHI namespace. This controls the study visibility') referring_physician = String(description='This is the MRN') seconds_to_ingest = Integer(description='The number of seconds it took to ingest the study. -1 if we don't have enough data to calculate this') shared_from = String(description='FK. Id of the study this was originally shared from') shared_from_obj = FK(model='StudyShare', description='Id of the study this was originally shared from') size = Integer(description='This is the MRN') source = String(description='The original source of the study') source_ae_title = String(description='The aetitle the study was harvested against') status_timer = Integer(description='The timer value at status enter. Real timer value must be calculated at read time') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The storage namespace') storage_state = String(description='Storage state. Empty or null is available or else 'U' if unavailable or 'R' if getting restored from the archive') study_date = String(description='This is the MRN') study_description = String(description='This is the MRN') study_status = String(description='The status of the study') study_time = String(description='This is the MRN') study_uid = String(description='Study instance id') thin = Boolean(description='A thin study is not in primary storage and needs to be query retrieved to be loaded into storage or loaded from an archive') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number=None, account_id=None, attachment_count=None, callback_url=None, compressed_size=None, created_for=None, created_for_obj=None, customfields=None, destination_ae_title=None, engine_id=None, engine=None, image_count=None, integration_key=None, last_status_change=None, medical_record_locator=None, modality=None, must_approve=None, node_id=None, node=None, patient_additional_history=None, patient_address=None, patient_age=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_birth_time=None, patient_birthname=None, patient_comments=None, patient_current_location=None, patient_ethnic_group=None, patient_institution_residence=None, patient_mother_birthname=None, patient_name=None, patient_name_other=None, patient_occupation=None, patient_phone=None, patient_religious_preference=None, patient_sex=None, patient_size=None, patient_weight=None, patientid=None, patientid_other=None, phantom=None, phi_namespace=None, phi_namespace_obj=None, referring_physician=None, seconds_to_ingest=None, shared_from=None, shared_from_obj=None, size=None, source=None, source_ae_title=None, status_timer=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, storage_state=None, study_date=None, study_description=None, study_status=None, study_time=None, study_uid=None, thin=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number = accession_number self.account_id = account_id self.attachment_count = attachment_count self.callback_url = callback_url self.compressed_size = compressed_size self.created_for = created_for self.created_for_obj = created_for_obj self.customfields = customfields self.destination_ae_title = destination_ae_title self.engine_id = engine_id self.engine = engine self.image_count = image_count self.integration_key = integration_key self.last_status_change = last_status_change self.medical_record_locator = medical_record_locator self.modality = modality self.must_approve = must_approve self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patient_additional_history = patient_additional_history self.patient_address = patient_address self.patient_age = patient_age self.patient_birth_date = patient_birth_date self.patient_birth_time = patient_birth_time self.patient_birthname = patient_birthname self.patient_comments = patient_comments self.patient_current_location = patient_current_location self.patient_ethnic_group = patient_ethnic_group self.patient_institution_residence = patient_institution_residence self.patient_mother_birthname = patient_mother_birthname self.patient_name = patient_name self.patient_name_other = patient_name_other self.patient_occupation = patient_occupation self.patient_phone = patient_phone self.patient_religious_preference = patient_religious_preference self.patient_sex = patient_sex self.patient_size = patient_size self.patient_weight = patient_weight self.patientid = patientid self.patientid_other = patientid_other self.phantom = phantom self.phi_namespace = phi_namespace self.phi_namespace_obj = phi_namespace_obj self.referring_physician = referring_physician self.seconds_to_ingest = seconds_to_ingest self.shared_from = shared_from self.shared_from_obj = shared_from_obj self.size = size self.source = source self.source_ae_title = source_ae_title self.status_timer = status_timer self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.storage_state = storage_state self.study_date = study_date self.study_description = study_description self.study_status = study_status self.study_time = study_time self.study_uid = study_uid self.thin = thin self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyAnalytics(BaseModel): """StudyAnalytics.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') account = FK(model='Account', description='The primary keys') customfields = DictField(description='The primary keys') day = Date(description='The day') login = Integer(description='Login') modality = String(description='The primary keys') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The primary keys') study_approve = Integer(description='Study approved') study_auto_approve = Integer(description='Study approved') study_create = Integer(description='Total study created') study_create_copy = Integer(description='Count by creation type') study_create_harvest = Integer(description='Count by creation type') study_create_share = Integer(description='Count by creation type') study_create_upload = Integer(description='Count by creation type') study_delete = Integer(description='Delete, view download and push') study_download = Integer(description='Delete, view download and push') study_push = Integer(description='Delete, view download and push') study_report_view = Integer(description='Delete, view download and push') study_share_in = Integer(description='Share in and out') study_share_out = Integer(description='Share in and out') study_view = Integer(description='Delete, view download and push') study_view_load_cnt = Integer(description='Study view count and total load time') study_view_load_tot = Integer(description='Study view count and total load time') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, customfields=None, day=None, login=None, modality=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, study_approve=None, study_auto_approve=None, study_create=None, study_create_copy=None, study_create_harvest=None, study_create_share=None, study_create_upload=None, study_delete=None, study_download=None, study_push=None, study_report_view=None, study_share_in=None, study_share_out=None, study_view=None, study_view_load_cnt=None, study_view_load_tot=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.customfields = customfields = day self.login = login self.modality = modality self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.study_approve = study_approve self.study_auto_approve = study_auto_approve self.study_create = study_create self.study_create_copy = study_create_copy self.study_create_harvest = study_create_harvest self.study_create_share = study_create_share self.study_create_upload = study_create_upload self.study_delete = study_delete self.study_download = study_download self.study_push = study_push self.study_report_view = study_report_view self.study_share_in = study_share_in self.study_share_out = study_share_out self.study_view = study_view self.study_view_load_cnt = study_view_load_cnt self.study_view_load_tot = study_view_load_tot
[docs]class StudyAttachment(BaseModel): """StudyAttachment.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') attachment_guid = String(description='The attachment id') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The storage namespace') study_uid = String(description='Study instance id') user_id = String(description='FK. The user id') user = FK(model='User', description='The user id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, attachment_guid=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.attachment_guid = attachment_guid self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyCharge(BaseModel): """StudyCharge.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The study and account id') account = FK(model='Account', description='The study and account id') detail = String(description='The stripe capture') study_id = String(description='FK. The study and account id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study and account id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, detail=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.detail = detail self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyComment(BaseModel): """StudyComment.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') body = String(description='Body of the comment') study_id = String(description='FK. The study and user id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study and user id') user_id = String(description='FK. The study and user id') user = FK(model='User', description='The study and user id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, body=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.body = body self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyCopy(BaseModel): """StudyCopy.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') new_study_id = String(description='FK. Id of the study copy') new_study = FK(model='Study', description='Id of the study copy') purpose = String(description='Copy purpose') study_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') study = FK(model='Study', description='Primary key for internal use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, new_study_id=None, new_study=None, purpose=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.new_study_id = new_study_id self.new_study = new_study self.purpose = purpose self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class StudyDeleted(BaseModel): """StudyDeleted.""" id = Integer(description='') uuid = String(description='') accession_number = String(description='') account_id = Integer(description='') attachment_count = Integer(description='') callback_url = String(description='') compressed_size = Integer(description='') created_for = String(description='FK. ') created_for_obj = FK(model='User', description='') customfields = DictField(description='') deleted = DateTime(description='') deleted_by = String(description='FK. ') deleted_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='') destination_ae_title = String(description='') engine_id = String(description='FK. ') engine = FK(model='Engine', description='') image_count = Integer(description='') integration_key = String(description='') last_status_change = DateTime(description='') medical_record_locator = String(description='') modality = String(description='') must_approve = Boolean(description='') node_id = String(description='FK. ') node = FK(model='Node', description='') patient_additional_history = String(description='') patient_address = String(description='') patient_age = String(description='') patient_birth_date = String(description='') patient_birth_time = String(description='') patient_birthname = String(description='') patient_comments = String(description='') patient_current_location = String(description='') patient_ethnic_group = String(description='') patient_institution_residence = String(description='') patient_mother_birthname = String(description='') patient_name = String(description='') patient_name_other = String(description='') patient_occupation = String(description='') patient_phone = String(description='') patient_religious_preference = String(description='') patient_sex = String(description='') patient_size = String(description='') patient_weight = String(description='') patientid = String(description='') patientid_other = String(description='') phantom = Boolean(description='') phi_namespace = String(description='FK. ') phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='') referring_physician = String(description='') seconds_to_ingest = Integer(description='') shared_from = String(description='FK. ') shared_from_obj = FK(model='StudyShare', description='') size = Integer(description='') source = String(description='') source_ae_title = String(description='') status_timer = Integer(description='') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. ') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='') storage_state = String(description='') study_date = String(description='') study_description = String(description='') study_status = String(description='') study_time = String(description='') study_uid = String(description='') thin = Boolean(description='') created = DateTime(description='') created_by = String(description='FK. ') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='') updated = DateTime(description='') updated_by = String(description='FK. ') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number=None, account_id=None, attachment_count=None, callback_url=None, compressed_size=None, created_for=None, created_for_obj=None, customfields=None, deleted=None, deleted_by=None, deleted_by_obj=None, destination_ae_title=None, engine_id=None, engine=None, image_count=None, integration_key=None, last_status_change=None, medical_record_locator=None, modality=None, must_approve=None, node_id=None, node=None, patient_additional_history=None, patient_address=None, patient_age=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_birth_time=None, patient_birthname=None, patient_comments=None, patient_current_location=None, patient_ethnic_group=None, patient_institution_residence=None, patient_mother_birthname=None, patient_name=None, patient_name_other=None, patient_occupation=None, patient_phone=None, patient_religious_preference=None, patient_sex=None, patient_size=None, patient_weight=None, patientid=None, patientid_other=None, phantom=None, phi_namespace=None, phi_namespace_obj=None, referring_physician=None, seconds_to_ingest=None, shared_from=None, shared_from_obj=None, size=None, source=None, source_ae_title=None, status_timer=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, storage_state=None, study_date=None, study_description=None, study_status=None, study_time=None, study_uid=None, thin=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number = accession_number self.account_id = account_id self.attachment_count = attachment_count self.callback_url = callback_url self.compressed_size = compressed_size self.created_for = created_for self.created_for_obj = created_for_obj self.customfields = customfields self.deleted = deleted self.deleted_by = deleted_by self.deleted_by_obj = deleted_by_obj self.destination_ae_title = destination_ae_title self.engine_id = engine_id self.engine = engine self.image_count = image_count self.integration_key = integration_key self.last_status_change = last_status_change self.medical_record_locator = medical_record_locator self.modality = modality self.must_approve = must_approve self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patient_additional_history = patient_additional_history self.patient_address = patient_address self.patient_age = patient_age self.patient_birth_date = patient_birth_date self.patient_birth_time = patient_birth_time self.patient_birthname = patient_birthname self.patient_comments = patient_comments self.patient_current_location = patient_current_location self.patient_ethnic_group = patient_ethnic_group self.patient_institution_residence = patient_institution_residence self.patient_mother_birthname = patient_mother_birthname self.patient_name = patient_name self.patient_name_other = patient_name_other self.patient_occupation = patient_occupation self.patient_phone = patient_phone self.patient_religious_preference = patient_religious_preference self.patient_sex = patient_sex self.patient_size = patient_size self.patient_weight = patient_weight self.patientid = patientid self.patientid_other = patientid_other self.phantom = phantom self.phi_namespace = phi_namespace self.phi_namespace_obj = phi_namespace_obj self.referring_physician = referring_physician self.seconds_to_ingest = seconds_to_ingest self.shared_from = shared_from self.shared_from_obj = shared_from_obj self.size = size self.source = source self.source_ae_title = source_ae_title self.status_timer = status_timer self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.storage_state = storage_state self.study_date = study_date self.study_description = study_description self.study_status = study_status self.study_time = study_time self.study_uid = study_uid self.thin = thin self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyFetch(BaseModel): """StudyFetch.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') accession_number = String(description='The accession number to fetch') anonymize = String(description='The associated anonymization rules') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields to be applied to the fetched study') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination') distributing_destination_id = String(description='FK. The distributing destination that initiated the fetch') distributing_destination = FK(model='DestinationDistributed', description='The distributing destination that initiated the fetch') end_datetime = String(description='Extra data to scope the fetch down further') message = String(description='Message. Depreciated. To be deleted after 2021-04 release') node_id = String(description='FK. The node to use') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node to use') patientid = String(description='Extra data to scope the fetch down further') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') source = String(description='How was the study fetch trigger, 'H'l7 or 'O'ther') start_datetime = String(description='Extra data to scope the fetch down further') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') study_id = String(description='FK. Study id if this is for a thin study') study = FK(model='Study', description='Study id if this is for a thin study') study_uid = String(description='Extra data to scope the fetch down further') tracking_number = String(description='Tracking number') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, accession_number=None, anonymize=None, customfields=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, distributing_destination_id=None, distributing_destination=None, end_datetime=None, message=None, node_id=None, node=None, patientid=None, pickup=None, source=None, start_datetime=None, status=None, study_id=None, study=None, study_uid=None, tracking_number=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.accession_number = accession_number self.anonymize = anonymize self.customfields = customfields self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.distributing_destination_id = distributing_destination_id self.distributing_destination = distributing_destination self.end_datetime = end_datetime self.message = message self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.patientid = patientid self.pickup = pickup self.source = source self.start_datetime = start_datetime self.status = status self.study_id = study_id = study self.study_uid = study_uid self.tracking_number = tracking_number self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyHl7(BaseModel): """StudyHl7.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') ack = String(description='The returned ACK message') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination') distributing_destination_id = String(description='FK. The distributing destination that initiated the push') distributing_destination = FK(model='DestinationDistributed', description='The distributing destination that initiated the push') hl7_id = String(description='FK. The study or hl7 id to use') hl7 = FK(model='Hl7', description='The study or hl7 id to use') hl7_template_hl7_id = String(description='FK. HL7 template and associated hl7 message to use in the template') hl7_template_hl7 = FK(model='Hl7Template', description='HL7 template and associated hl7 message to use in the template') hl7_template_id = String(description='FK. HL7 template and associated hl7 message to use in the template') hl7_template = FK(model='Hl7Template', description='HL7 template and associated hl7 message to use in the template') node_id = String(description='FK. The node to use') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node to use') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') status_reason = String(description='Status of the delivery') study_id = String(description='FK. The study or hl7 id to use') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study or hl7 id to use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, ack=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, distributing_destination_id=None, distributing_destination=None, hl7_id=None, hl7=None, hl7_template_hl7_id=None, hl7_template_hl7=None, hl7_template_id=None, hl7_template=None, node_id=None, node=None, pickup=None, status=None, status_reason=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.ack = ack self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.distributing_destination_id = distributing_destination_id self.distributing_destination = distributing_destination self.hl7_id = hl7_id self.hl7 = hl7 self.hl7_template_hl7_id = hl7_template_hl7_id self.hl7_template_hl7 = hl7_template_hl7 self.hl7_template_id = hl7_template_id self.hl7_template = hl7_template self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.pickup = pickup self.status = status self.status_reason = status_reason self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyNotReady(BaseModel): """StudyNotReady.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') phi_namespace = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='Primary key for internal use') study_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') study = FK(model='Study', description='Primary key for internal use') def __init__( self, *, id=None, phi_namespace=None, phi_namespace_obj=None, study_id=None, study=None, ): = id self.phi_namespace = phi_namespace self.phi_namespace_obj = phi_namespace_obj self.study_id = study_id = study
[docs]class StudyNotify(BaseModel): """StudyNotify.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') customfields = DictField(description='The DICOM tags, named as such so we get merging at save') study_id = String(description='FK. The study id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, customfields=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.customfields = customfields self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyPhi(BaseModel): """StudyPhi.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') customfields = DictField(description='The PHI override in DICOM tag=>value format. We name this customfields so we get the merging at save') extended = String(description='The extended PHI attributes') study_id = String(description='FK. The study id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, customfields=None, extended=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.customfields = customfields self.extended = extended self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyPush(BaseModel): """StudyPush.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination') detail = String(description='Additional detail to send to the node') image_count = Integer(description='The image count when the study was pushed') is_local = Boolean(description='Is this push local?') node_id = String(description='FK. The node to use') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node to use') pending = Integer(description='Counter for pending deliveries needed') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') status_reason = String(description='Status of the delivery') study_id = String(description='FK. The study to push') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study to push') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, detail=None, image_count=None, is_local=None, node_id=None, node=None, pending=None, pickup=None, status=None, status_reason=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.detail = detail self.image_count = image_count self.is_local = is_local self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.pending = pending self.pickup = pickup self.status = status self.status_reason = status_reason self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyPushStatus(BaseModel): """StudyPushStatus.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account for scoping 'same account' filter down') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account for scoping 'same account' filter down') copy_src_phi_namespace = String(description='FK. PHI namespace for the source of this study if copied. Used to narrow list filters down') copy_src_phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='PHI namespace for the source of this study if copied. Used to narrow list filters down') destination_id = String(description='FK. The destination') destination = FK(model='Destination', description='The destination') phi_namespace = String(description='FK. PHI namespace to allow for scoping the filter down') phi_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='PHI namespace to allow for scoping the filter down') status = String(description='Current status - pe'N'ding, 'I'n-process, 'P'artial, 'S'uccess, 'F'ailure') status_reason = String(description='Current status - pe'N'ding, 'I'n-process, 'P'artial, 'S'uccess, 'F'ailure') study_id = String(description='FK. The study') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study') study_push_id = String(description='FK. The latest push') study_push = FK(model='StudyPush', description='The latest push') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, copy_src_phi_namespace=None, copy_src_phi_namespace_obj=None, destination_id=None, destination=None, phi_namespace=None, phi_namespace_obj=None, status=None, status_reason=None, study_id=None, study=None, study_push_id=None, study_push=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.copy_src_phi_namespace = copy_src_phi_namespace self.copy_src_phi_namespace_obj = copy_src_phi_namespace_obj self.destination_id = destination_id self.destination = destination self.phi_namespace = phi_namespace self.phi_namespace_obj = phi_namespace_obj self.status = status self.status_reason = status_reason self.study_id = study_id = study self.study_push_id = study_push_id self.study_push = study_push self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyRequest(BaseModel): """StudyRequest.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The requested account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The requested account') comments = String(description='Free form comments') inbound_activity_id = String(description='FK. Associated activities') inbound_activity = FK(model='Activity', description='Associated activities') modality = String(description='Study search criteria') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The destination namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The destination namespace') outbound_activity_id = String(description='FK. Associated activities') outbound_activity = FK(model='Activity', description='Associated activities') patient_birth_date = String(description='Study search criteria') patient_first_name = String(description='Study search criteria') patient_last_name = String(description='Study search criteria') patient_sex = String(description='Study search criteria') patientid = String(description='Study search criteria') status = String(description='The request status N-pending, R-rejected, I-in progress, C-closed') study_date_end = String(description='Study search criteria') study_date_start = String(description='Study search criteria') study_description = String(description='Study search criteria') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, comments=None, inbound_activity_id=None, inbound_activity=None, modality=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, outbound_activity_id=None, outbound_activity=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_first_name=None, patient_last_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, status=None, study_date_end=None, study_date_start=None, study_description=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.comments = comments self.inbound_activity_id = inbound_activity_id self.inbound_activity = inbound_activity self.modality = modality self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.outbound_activity_id = outbound_activity_id self.outbound_activity = outbound_activity self.patient_birth_date = patient_birth_date self.patient_first_name = patient_first_name self.patient_last_name = patient_last_name self.patient_sex = patient_sex self.patientid = patientid self.status = status self.study_date_end = study_date_end self.study_date_start = study_date_start self.study_description = study_description self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyRequestFound(BaseModel): """StudyRequestFound.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') destination_search_id = String(description='FK. The query id') destination_search = FK(model='DestinationSearch', description='The query id') result = String(description='The search result') study_fetch_id = String(description='FK. The retrieve id') study_fetch = FK(model='StudyFetch', description='The retrieve id') study_request_id = String(description='FK. The study request id') study_request = FK(model='StudyRequest', description='The study request id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, destination_search_id=None, destination_search=None, result=None, study_fetch_id=None, study_fetch=None, study_request_id=None, study_request=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.destination_search_id = destination_search_id self.destination_search = destination_search self.result = result self.study_fetch_id = study_fetch_id self.study_fetch = study_fetch self.study_request_id = study_request_id self.study_request = study_request self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyShare(BaseModel): """StudyShare.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') account = FK(model='Account', description='Who it is shared with') group_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') group = FK(model='Group', description='Who it is shared with') location_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') location = FK(model='Location', description='Who it is shared with') message = String(description='Share message') new_study_id = String(description='FK. Id of the new study created by the share') new_study = FK(model='Study', description='Id of the new study created by the share') study_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') study = FK(model='Study', description='Primary key for internal use') user_id = String(description='FK. Who it is shared with') user = FK(model='User', description='Who it is shared with') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, group_id=None, group=None, location_id=None, location=None, message=None, new_study_id=None, new_study=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.group_id = group_id = group self.location_id = location_id self.location = location self.message = message self.new_study_id = new_study_id self.new_study = new_study self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyShareAi(BaseModel): """StudyShareAi.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. UUID for external use') account = FK(model='Account', description='UUID for external use') from_account_id = String(description='FK. Id and account of the study it was shared from') from_account = FK(model='Account', description='Id and account of the study it was shared from') from_study_id = String(description='FK. Id and account of the study it was shared from') from_study = FK(model='Study', description='Id and account of the study it was shared from') study_id = String(description='FK. UUID for external use') study = FK(model='Study', description='UUID for external use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, from_account_id=None, from_account=None, from_study_id=None, from_study=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.from_account_id = from_account_id self.from_account = from_account self.from_study_id = from_study_id self.from_study = from_study self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyShareRsna(BaseModel): """StudyShareRsna.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') exam_id = String(description='The PIN and Exam id') pin = String(description='The PIN and Exam id') reason = String(description='Reason the delivery failed') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') study_id = String(description='FK. The study shared') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study shared') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, exam_id=None, pin=None, reason=None, status=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.exam_id = exam_id = pin self.reason = reason self.status = status self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudySplit(BaseModel): """StudySplit.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') new_study_id = String(description='FK. Id of the study split') new_study = FK(model='Study', description='Id of the study split') study_id = String(description='FK. Primary key for internal use') study = FK(model='Study', description='Primary key for internal use') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, new_study_id=None, new_study=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.new_study_id = new_study_id self.new_study = new_study self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class StudyStar(BaseModel): """StudyStar.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') star = Boolean(description='The study star') study_id = String(description='FK. ') study = FK(model='Study', description='') user_id = String(description='FK. ') user = FK(model='User', description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, star=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id = star self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyStatusLock(BaseModel): """StudyStatusLock.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') study_id = String(description='FK. The study and user id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study and user id') user_id = String(description='FK. The study and user id') user = FK(model='User', description='The study and user id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class StudyTiming(BaseModel): """StudyTiming.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') event = String(description='The event') node_id = String(description='FK. Node id') node = FK(model='Node', description='Node id') size = Integer(description='The event') storage_namespace = String(description='FK. The study uid and storage namespace') storage_namespace_obj = FK(model='Namespace', description='The study uid and storage namespace') study_uid = String(description='The study uid and storage namespace') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, event=None, node_id=None, node=None, size=None, storage_namespace=None, storage_namespace_obj=None, study_uid=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.event = event self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.size = size self.storage_namespace = storage_namespace self.storage_namespace_obj = storage_namespace_obj self.study_uid = study_uid self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class StudyUpload(BaseModel): """StudyUpload.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') message = String(description='The messge to send out on upload finish') study_id = String(description='FK. The study id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The study id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, message=None, study_id=None, study=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, ): = id self.message = message self.study_id = study_id = study self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj
[docs]class System(BaseModel): """System.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') ai_password = String(description='AI stack basic auth credentials') ai_username = String(description='AI stack basic auth credentials') apply_account_password_expire_to_users = Boolean(description='Apply account's password_expire to its users' passwords') archive = DictField(description='The archive settings') athena_pk = String(description='Athena key and secret') athena_sk = String(description='Athena key and secret') aws_pk = String(description='AWS information') aws_region = String(description='AWS information') aws_sk = String(description='AWS information') azure_access_key = String(description='Azure information') azure_account_name = String(description='Azure information') azure_endpoint_suffix = String(description='Azure information') azure_query_attachments_dir = String(description='Azure information') box_client_id = String(description='Box information') box_client_secret = String(description='Box information') box_enterprises = String(description='Box information') cache = Boolean(description='Cache new studies images') captcha_pk = String(description='Captcha public key') captcha_sk = String(description='Captcha secret key') clickhouse_version = Integer(description='ClickHouse scheme version') database_version = Integer(description='Database version') documo_mfax_caller_id = String(description='Documo (mFax) key and caller_id phone number') documo_mfax_key = String(description='Documo (mFax) key and caller_id phone number') drchrono_client_id = String(description='Drchrono information') drchrono_client_secret = String(description='Drchrono information') drchrono_redirect_uri = String(description='Drchrono information') email_from = String(description='From email address and name') email_from_name = String(description='From email address and name') email_validation = Boolean(description='Flag to enable email validation') enhanced_security = Boolean(description='Enable enhanced security') global_purge = Boolean(description='Flag to enable global purge rule support') google_client_id = String(description='Google information') google_client_secret = String(description='Google information') google_service_account = String(description='Google information') hide_help_tool = Boolean(description='Flag to hide the help tool globally') indicator_html = String(description='HTML for the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') indicator_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') log_days = Integer(description='Number of days to retain logs for') login_page_banner_html = String(description='Login page banner text') login_page_banner_show_start = DateTime(description='Login page banner text') login_page_banner_show_stop = DateTime(description='Login page banner text') passwdqc = String(description='Password controls') passwdqc_description = String(description='Password controls') permissions_mask = String(description='Permissions mask') phr_bypass_study_oversized_threshold = Boolean(description='Bypass oversized threshold for studies in PHR accounts') phr_permissions = String(description='The PHR permissions over-ride') privacy_html = String(description='HTML for the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') privacy_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') prometheus_password = String(description='Prometheus password for scraping') rsna_xds = String(description='RSNA XDS server') stripe_ca = String(description='Stripe connect client id') stripe_pk = String(description='Stripe public key') stripe_sk = String(description='Stripe secret key') stripe_uri = String(description='Stripe URI') sysadmin_pin_required = Boolean(description='Require 2FA for a support or sysadmin user') terms_html = String(description='HTML for the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') terms_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') twilio_callback_password = String(description='Twilio key, secret, from phone number and callback password for HTTP basic authentication') twilio_from = String(description='Twilio key, secret, from phone number and callback password for HTTP basic authentication') twilio_pk = String(description='Twilio key, secret, from phone number and callback password for HTTP basic authentication') twilio_sk = String(description='Twilio key, secret, from phone number and callback password for HTTP basic authentication') ui_json = String(description='System-wide UI settings') updates_html = String(description='Updates text') updates_html_version = Integer(description='Updates text') updates_release_notes = String(description='Updates text') updates_show_start = DateTime(description='Updates text') updates_show_stop = DateTime(description='Updates text') user_settings = DictField(description='Default user settings') watchdog_host = String(description='Watch dog host, used if not set in site.conf') websocket_domain = String(description='Websocket domain') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, ai_password=None, ai_username=None, apply_account_password_expire_to_users=None, archive=None, athena_pk=None, athena_sk=None, aws_pk=None, aws_region=None, aws_sk=None, azure_access_key=None, azure_account_name=None, azure_endpoint_suffix=None, azure_query_attachments_dir=None, box_client_id=None, box_client_secret=None, box_enterprises=None, cache=None, captcha_pk=None, captcha_sk=None, clickhouse_version=None, database_version=None, documo_mfax_caller_id=None, documo_mfax_key=None, drchrono_client_id=None, drchrono_client_secret=None, drchrono_redirect_uri=None, email_from=None, email_from_name=None, email_validation=None, enhanced_security=None, global_purge=None, google_client_id=None, google_client_secret=None, google_service_account=None, hide_help_tool=None, indicator_html=None, indicator_md5=None, log_days=None, login_page_banner_html=None, login_page_banner_show_start=None, login_page_banner_show_stop=None, passwdqc=None, passwdqc_description=None, permissions_mask=None, phr_bypass_study_oversized_threshold=None, phr_permissions=None, privacy_html=None, privacy_md5=None, prometheus_password=None, rsna_xds=None, stripe_ca=None, stripe_pk=None, stripe_sk=None, stripe_uri=None, sysadmin_pin_required=None, terms_html=None, terms_md5=None, twilio_callback_password=None, twilio_from=None, twilio_pk=None, twilio_sk=None, ui_json=None, updates_html=None, updates_html_version=None, updates_release_notes=None, updates_show_start=None, updates_show_stop=None, user_settings=None, watchdog_host=None, websocket_domain=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.ai_password = ai_password self.ai_username = ai_username self.apply_account_password_expire_to_users = apply_account_password_expire_to_users self.archive = archive self.athena_pk = athena_pk self.athena_sk = athena_sk self.aws_pk = aws_pk self.aws_region = aws_region self.aws_sk = aws_sk self.azure_access_key = azure_access_key self.azure_account_name = azure_account_name self.azure_endpoint_suffix = azure_endpoint_suffix self.azure_query_attachments_dir = azure_query_attachments_dir self.box_client_id = box_client_id self.box_client_secret = box_client_secret self.box_enterprises = box_enterprises self.cache = cache self.captcha_pk = captcha_pk self.captcha_sk = captcha_sk self.clickhouse_version = clickhouse_version self.database_version = database_version self.documo_mfax_caller_id = documo_mfax_caller_id self.documo_mfax_key = documo_mfax_key self.drchrono_client_id = drchrono_client_id self.drchrono_client_secret = drchrono_client_secret self.drchrono_redirect_uri = drchrono_redirect_uri self.email_from = email_from self.email_from_name = email_from_name self.email_validation = email_validation self.enhanced_security = enhanced_security self.global_purge = global_purge self.google_client_id = google_client_id self.google_client_secret = google_client_secret self.google_service_account = google_service_account self.hide_help_tool = hide_help_tool self.indicator_html = indicator_html self.indicator_md5 = indicator_md5 self.log_days = log_days self.login_page_banner_html = login_page_banner_html self.login_page_banner_show_start = login_page_banner_show_start self.login_page_banner_show_stop = login_page_banner_show_stop self.passwdqc = passwdqc self.passwdqc_description = passwdqc_description self.permissions_mask = permissions_mask self.phr_bypass_study_oversized_threshold = phr_bypass_study_oversized_threshold self.phr_permissions = phr_permissions self.privacy_html = privacy_html self.privacy_md5 = privacy_md5 self.prometheus_password = prometheus_password self.rsna_xds = rsna_xds self.stripe_ca = stripe_ca self.stripe_pk = stripe_pk self.stripe_sk = stripe_sk self.stripe_uri = stripe_uri self.sysadmin_pin_required = sysadmin_pin_required self.terms_html = terms_html self.terms_md5 = terms_md5 self.twilio_callback_password = twilio_callback_password self.twilio_from = twilio_from self.twilio_pk = twilio_pk self.twilio_sk = twilio_sk self.ui_json = ui_json self.updates_html = updates_html self.updates_html_version = updates_html_version self.updates_release_notes = updates_release_notes self.updates_show_start = updates_show_start self.updates_show_stop = updates_show_stop self.user_settings = user_settings self.watchdog_host = watchdog_host self.websocket_domain = websocket_domain self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Tag(BaseModel): """Tag.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') object = String(description='The associated user and object class') tag = String(description='The tag') user_id = String(description='FK. The associated user and object class') user = FK(model='User', description='The associated user and object class') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, object=None, tag=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.object = object self.tag = tag self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class TagObject(BaseModel): """TagObject.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') object = String(description='The user and object fields') object_id = String(description='FK. The user and object fields') tags = DictField(description='The tags') user_id = String(description='FK. The user and object fields') user = FK(model='User', description='The user and object fields') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, object=None, object_id=None, tags=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.object = object self.object_id = object_id self.tags = tags self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class TemplateAssign(BaseModel): """TemplateAssign.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account the template is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account the template is for') name = String(description='Template name, this is the directory name for the template') version = String(description='Version, this is the file name to serve') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, name=None, version=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = name self.version = version self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Terminology(BaseModel): """Terminology.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account id if we have an over ride') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account id if we have an over ride') language = String(description='ISO 639-1 code of the language') tag = String(description='Dynamic tag') value = String(description='The translated value') vanity = String(description='Vanity override') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, language=None, tag=None, value=None, vanity=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.language = language self.tag = tag self.value = value self.vanity = vanity self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class TrainingAccount(BaseModel): """TrainingAccount.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. ') account = FK(model='Account', description='') form_description = String(description='') form_number = String(description='') group_description = String(description='') group_number = Integer(description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, form_description=None, form_number=None, group_description=None, group_number=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.form_description = form_description self.form_number = form_number self.group_description = group_description self.group_number = group_number self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class TrainingUser(BaseModel): """TrainingUser.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') form_number = String(description='') results = DictField(description='The form data from the training') user_id = String(description='FK. ') user = FK(model='User', description='') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, form_number=None, results=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.form_number = form_number self.results = results self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class TrustedDevice(BaseModel): """TrustedDevice.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') client_address = String(description='IP address') user_id = String(description='FK. User who owns the device') user = FK(model='User', description='User who owns the device') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, client_address=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, updated=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.client_address = client_address self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.updated = updated
[docs]class User(BaseModel): """User.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') access_token = String(description='Stripe access token') allowed_login_brands = String(description='A list of brands user can login from') app_password = String(description='Password') billing = Boolean(description='Are they a billing person') blocked = Boolean(description='Is a the user blocked from the system') disabled = Boolean(description='Is a the user disabled from the system') email = String(description='Email address') email_validation = Boolean(description='2 - email is validated') event_approve = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_link = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_message = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_upload = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags for the personal namespace') first = String(description='Name') indicator_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the accepted terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') last = String(description='Name') last_login = DateTime(description='This is depreciated and stored in redis, this field should be dropped in the future') last_reset = DateTime(description='Time the password was last reset') mobile_phone = String(description='Mobile phone') namespace_id = String(description='FK. Their namespace') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='Their namespace') npi = String(description='NPI number') oauth = String(description='OAuth id and refresh token') password = String(description='Password') pin_required = Boolean(description='Is a PIN required for login') pkey_last_reset = DateTime(description='Time the public key was last reset') privacy_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the accepted terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') public_key = String(description='Public key for authentication') refresh_token = String(description='OAuth id and refresh token') signature = String(description='Signature image (base64)') support = Boolean(description='Are they a support person') sysadmin = Boolean(description='Are they a system administrator') terms_md5 = String(description='MD5 sums of the accepted terms of use, privacy policy and indicators of use') time_zone = String(description='Timezone') token = String(description='Shared secret for TOKEN authentication') ui_json = String(description='JSON for UI settings') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, access_token=None, allowed_login_brands=None, app_password=None, billing=None, blocked=None, disabled=None, email=None, email_validation=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, first=None, indicator_md5=None, last=None, last_login=None, last_reset=None, mobile_phone=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, npi=None, oauth=None, password=None, pin_required=None, pkey_last_reset=None, privacy_md5=None, public_key=None, refresh_token=None, signature=None, support=None, sysadmin=None, terms_md5=None, time_zone=None, token=None, ui_json=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.access_token = access_token self.allowed_login_brands = allowed_login_brands self.app_password = app_password self.billing = billing self.blocked = blocked self.disabled = disabled = email self.email_validation = email_validation self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.first = first self.indicator_md5 = indicator_md5 self.last = last self.last_login = last_login self.last_reset = last_reset self.mobile_phone = mobile_phone self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.npi = npi self.oauth = oauth self.password = password self.pin_required = pin_required self.pkey_last_reset = pkey_last_reset self.privacy_md5 = privacy_md5 self.public_key = public_key self.refresh_token = refresh_token self.signature = signature = support self.sysadmin = sysadmin self.terms_md5 = terms_md5 self.time_zone = time_zone self.token = token self.ui_json = ui_json self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserAccount(BaseModel): """UserAccount.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_alias = String(description='The users alias for the account') account_email = String(description='The email for account. One needed if this is different that the users email') account_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and account') account = FK(model='Account', description='Mapping between the user and account') account_login = String(description='The users login name for the account') account_password = String(description='The users password in the account') customfields = DictField(description='Custom fields') epic_user = String(description='Epic user to match account user against') event_approve = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_join = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_message = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_node = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_purge = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') global_field = Boolean(description='This user is automatically added to every group and location in the account') global_role_id = String(description='FK. This role is used as a namespace role if defined') global_role = FK(model='Role', description='This role is used as a namespace role if defined') last_reset = DateTime(description='Time the password was last reset') max_sessions = Integer(description='Override for the max number of sessions a user can have') password_reset = Boolean(description='Flag to reset the password') role_id = String(description='FK. Role') role = FK(model='Role', description='Role') session_expire = Integer(description='Minutes before an idle session expires, this is an override of the account setting') settings = DictField(description='Account settings overrides') sso_only = Boolean(description='Flag that the user can only login via SSO') user_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and account') user = FK(model='User', description='Mapping between the user and account') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_alias=None, account_email=None, account_id=None, account=None, account_login=None, account_password=None, customfields=None, epic_user=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_join=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_node=None, event_purge=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, global_field=None, global_role_id=None, global_role=None, last_reset=None, max_sessions=None, password_reset=None, role_id=None, role=None, session_expire=None, settings=None, sso_only=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_alias = account_alias self.account_email = account_email self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.account_login = account_login self.account_password = account_password self.customfields = customfields self.epic_user = epic_user self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_join = event_join self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_node = event_node self.event_purge = event_purge self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.global_field = global_field self.global_role_id = global_role_id self.global_role = global_role self.last_reset = last_reset self.max_sessions = max_sessions self.password_reset = password_reset self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.session_expire = session_expire self.settings = settings self.sso_only = sso_only self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserAnalytics(BaseModel): """UserAnalytics.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') account_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') account = FK(model='Account', description='The primary keys') day = Date(description='The day and time') namespace_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') namespace = FK(model='Namespace', description='The primary keys') study_approve = Integer(description='The metrics') study_reject = Integer(description='The metrics') study_upload_epic = Integer(description='The metrics') study_view = Integer(description='The metrics') study_view_load_cnt = Integer(description='Study view count and total load time') study_view_load_tot = Integer(description='Study view count and total load time') time = DateTime(description='The day and time') user_id = String(description='FK. The primary keys') user = FK(model='User', description='The primary keys') def __init__( self, *, id=None, account_id=None, account=None, day=None, namespace_id=None, namespace=None, study_approve=None, study_reject=None, study_upload_epic=None, study_view=None, study_view_load_cnt=None, study_view_load_tot=None, time=None, user_id=None, user=None, ): = id self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = day self.namespace_id = namespace_id self.namespace = namespace self.study_approve = study_approve self.study_reject = study_reject self.study_upload_epic = study_upload_epic self.study_view = study_view self.study_view_load_cnt = study_view_load_cnt self.study_view_load_tot = study_view_load_tot self.time = time self.user_id = user_id self.user = user
[docs]class UserAws(BaseModel): """UserAws.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') customer_identifier = String(description='The AWS customer identifier') product_code = String(description='The product they are registered for') subscription_state = String(description='The state of the subscription') user_id = String(description='FK. User id') user = FK(model='User', description='User id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, customer_identifier=None, product_code=None, subscription_state=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.customer_identifier = customer_identifier self.product_code = product_code self.subscription_state = subscription_state self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserGroup(BaseModel): """UserGroup.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') event_approve = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_message = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_node = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') group_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and group') group = FK(model='Group', description='Mapping between the user and group') no_physician_alias_share = Boolean(description='Do not do a physician alias share into this group') role_id = String(description='FK. Role override for the user in this group') role = FK(model='Role', description='Role override for the user in this group') user_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and group') user = FK(model='User', description='Mapping between the user and group') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_node=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, group_id=None, group=None, no_physician_alias_share=None, role_id=None, role=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_node = event_node self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.group_id = group_id = group self.no_physician_alias_share = no_physician_alias_share self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserInvite(BaseModel): """UserInvite.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. Account the invitation is for') account = FK(model='Account', description='Account the invitation is for') email = String(description='Email address to invite') global_field = Boolean(description='This user is automatically added to every group and location in the account') groups = String(description='JSON hashes of the groups and locations to add them to with the role as the key value') locations = String(description='JSON hashes of the groups and locations to add them to with the role as the key value') role_id = String(description='FK. Role the invitation is for') role = FK(model='Role', description='Role the invitation is for') user_id = String(description='FK. Id of the user who accepted the invitation') user = FK(model='User', description='Id of the user who accepted the invitation') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, email=None, global_field=None, groups=None, locations=None, role_id=None, role=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account = email self.global_field = global_field self.groups = groups self.locations = locations self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserInviteShare(BaseModel): """UserInviteShare.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') email = String(description='Email address to invite') message = String(description='Share message') study_id = String(description='FK. Id for the study to be shared') study = FK(model='Study', description='Id for the study to be shared') user_id = String(description='FK. Id the invitation is from') user = FK(model='User', description='Id the invitation is from') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, email=None, message=None, study_id=None, study=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid = email self.message = message self.study_id = study_id = study self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserLocation(BaseModel): """UserLocation.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') event_approve = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_case_assignment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_harvest = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_incoming_study_request = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_link_mine = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_message = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_new_report = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_node = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_add = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_edit = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_query_reply = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_report_remove = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_share = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_site_qualified = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_status_change = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_study_comment = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_thin_study_success = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload = Boolean(description='The event flags') event_upload_fail = Boolean(description='The event flags') location_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and location') location = FK(model='Location', description='Mapping between the user and location') no_physician_alias_share = Boolean(description='Do not do a physician alias share into this location') role_id = String(description='FK. Role override for the user in this location') role = FK(model='Role', description='Role override for the user in this location') user_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and location') user = FK(model='User', description='Mapping between the user and location') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_node=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, location_id=None, location=None, no_physician_alias_share=None, role_id=None, role=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.event_approve = event_approve self.event_case_assignment = event_case_assignment self.event_harvest = event_harvest self.event_incoming_study_request = event_incoming_study_request self.event_link = event_link self.event_link_mine = event_link_mine self.event_message = event_message self.event_new_report = event_new_report self.event_node = event_node self.event_query_add = event_query_add self.event_query_edit = event_query_edit self.event_query_reply = event_query_reply self.event_report_remove = event_report_remove self.event_share = event_share self.event_site_qualified = event_site_qualified self.event_status_change = event_status_change self.event_study_comment = event_study_comment self.event_thin_study_fail = event_thin_study_fail self.event_thin_study_success = event_thin_study_success self.event_upload = event_upload self.event_upload_fail = event_upload_fail self.location_id = location_id self.location = location self.no_physician_alias_share = no_physician_alias_share self.role_id = role_id self.role = role self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class UserSite(BaseModel): """UserSite.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') role_name = String(description='Role will be mapped to a study account role by name') site_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and site') site = FK(model='Site', description='Mapping between the user and site') user_id = String(description='FK. Mapping between the user and site') user = FK(model='User', description='Mapping between the user and site') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, role_name=None, site_id=None, site=None, user_id=None, user=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.role_name = role_name self.site_id = site_id = site self.user_id = user_id self.user = user self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Validate(BaseModel): """Validate.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The associated account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The associated account') conditions = String(description='The validate conditions') name = String(description='Name') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, conditions=None, name=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.conditions = conditions = name self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class Webhook(BaseModel): """Webhook.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') account_id = String(description='FK. The account') account = FK(model='Account', description='The account') auth = String(description='The webhook auth') by_accession_number = Boolean(description='Expand the once to check by accession_number as well') by_uid = Boolean(description='Expand the once to check by study_uid as well') by_webhook_event = Boolean(description='Apply the once to a webhook event for the WEBHOOK_FAILED') cron = String(description='Cron string for a cron type of webhook') delay = Integer(description='Number of seconds to delay running this webhook after it is triggered') event = String(description='The event to trigger the webhook for') filter_field = String(description='Filter field and regexp') filter_regexp = String(description='Filter field and regexp') last_error = String(description='Note this value is now stored in the redis and this field should be depreciated and dropped') max_age = Integer(description='Ignore studies that are more than this number of days old') method = String(description='Call method') name = String(description='Name') node_id = String(description='FK. The node id to proxy the call through') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node id to proxy the call through') once = Boolean(description='Run this only once for a specific study') parameters = String(description='The parameters for the call') retry = Boolean(description='Retry if it fails and a counter to track the retries') retry_count = Integer(description='Retry if it fails and a counter to track the retries') sid_user_id = String(description='FK. The user id to generate a sid as') sid_user = FK(model='User', description='The user id to generate a sid as') suspended = Boolean(description='Suspend this hook from running') url = String(description='The URL to call') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, account_id=None, account=None, auth=None, by_accession_number=None, by_uid=None, by_webhook_event=None, cron=None, delay=None, event=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, last_error=None, max_age=None, method=None, name=None, node_id=None, node=None, once=None, parameters=None, retry=None, retry_count=None, sid_user_id=None, sid_user=None, suspended=None, url=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.account_id = account_id self.account = account self.auth = auth self.by_accession_number = by_accession_number self.by_uid = by_uid self.by_webhook_event = by_webhook_event self.cron = cron self.delay = delay self.event = event self.filter_field = filter_field self.filter_regexp = filter_regexp self.last_error = last_error self.max_age = max_age self.method = method = name self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.once = once self.parameters = parameters self.retry = retry self.retry_count = retry_count self.sid_user_id = sid_user_id self.sid_user = sid_user self.suspended = suspended self.url = url self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class WebhookNode(BaseModel): """WebhookNode.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') method = String(description='Call method') node_id = String(description='FK. The node id to proxy the call through') node = FK(model='Node', description='The node id to proxy the call through') parameters = String(description='The parameters for the call') pickup = DateTime(description='When was this picked up by the node') status = String(description='Status of the delivery') url = String(description='The URL to call') webhook_id = String(description='FK. The webhook id') webhook = FK(model='Webhook', description='The webhook id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, method=None, node_id=None, node=None, parameters=None, pickup=None, status=None, url=None, webhook_id=None, webhook=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.method = method self.node_id = node_id self.node = node self.parameters = parameters self.pickup = pickup self.status = status self.url = url self.webhook_id = webhook_id self.webhook = webhook self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj
[docs]class WebhookOnce(BaseModel): """WebhookOnce.""" id = Integer(description='Primary key for internal use') uuid = String(description='UUID for external use') study_id = String(description='FK. The webhook and study id') study = FK(model='Study', description='The webhook and study id') webhook_id = String(description='FK. The webhook and study id') webhook = FK(model='Webhook', description='The webhook and study id') created = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was created') created_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who created the record') created_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who created the record') updated = DateTime(description='Timestamp when the record was last updated') updated_by = String(description='FK. ID of the user who updated the record') updated_by_obj = FK(model='User', description='ID of the user who updated the record') def __init__( self, *, id=None, uuid=None, study_id=None, study=None, webhook_id=None, webhook=None, created=None, created_by=None, created_by_obj=None, updated=None, updated_by=None, updated_by_obj=None, ): = id self.uuid = uuid self.study_id = study_id = study self.webhook_id = webhook_id self.webhook = webhook self.created = created self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_obj = created_by_obj self.updated = updated self.updated_by = updated_by self.updated_by_obj = updated_by_obj