Source code for ambra_sdk.service.entrypoints.generated.customfield

""" Customfield.

Do not edit this file by hand.
This is generated by parsing api.html service doc.
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AccountNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AlreadyExists
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import FilterNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidCondition
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidDicomTag
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidDicomTagObject
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidFlag
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidHl7Field
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidHl7Object
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidHl7Segment
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidInteger
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidJson
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidObject
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidOptions
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSearchSource
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortOrder
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidType
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import MissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NoDicomTagDefined
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotASearch
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotPermitted
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryOPSF
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryOPSF

class Customfield:

    def __init__(self, api):
        self._api = api

[docs] def list( self, account_id, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'customfields' return QueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, name, object, capture_on_destination_search=None, capture_on_share_code=None, dicom_only=None, dicom_tag=None, dicom_tag_ignore_empty=None, display_order=None, field_flag=None, hl7_component=None, hl7_field=None, hl7_segment=None, load_dicom_tag=None, load_from_sr=None, load_hl7=None, load_hl7_filter=None, load_order=None, options=None, other_customfield_id=None, other_dicom_tags=None, required=None, type=None, wrapped_dicom_only=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param name: Name of the customfield :param object: The object to associate the customfield with (Study|User_account|Group|Location|Account|Patient|Case|Order|Appointment|Dicomdata|Scanner|Query) :param capture_on_destination_search: Flag if the field should be captured during query retrieve on /destination/search call (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param capture_on_share_code: Flag if the field should be captured during a share code exchange (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_only: Only capture for non-wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_tag: DICOM tag to map this field to. Format should be of form (1234,1234). (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_tag_ignore_empty: Flag to not map an empty custom field to the DICOM tag. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param display_order: Integer to order how the fields should be displayed (optional) :param field_flag: Default customfield flag (optional) :param hl7_component: Component number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_field: Segment field number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_segment: Segment to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are (NTE|PID|PID1|PV1|PV2|OBR|DG1|OBX|CTI|BLG|ORC) (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_dicom_tag: Flag to load the current value from the study into this field. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param load_from_sr: Load the value from the structured reports in the study (only applicable to study fields) .(optional) :param load_hl7: If this is set to a HL7 message type the value of this field will be updated from the hl7_segment, hl7_field and hl7_component from incoming HL7 messages of the matching message type (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_hl7_filter: Filter token for the load_hl7 option (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_order: If this flag is on the value of this field will be loaded from a customfield of the matching Order. The customfield is defined by the other_customfield_id parameter (optional) :param options: Additional options in JSON format (optional) :param other_customfield_id: Id of a customfield to map its value to this customfield's value (optional) :param other_dicom_tags: JSON array of other DICOM tags to map this field to. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param required: Flag if the field is required (optional) :param type: Type of the custom field (text|number|date|memo|select|multiselect|radio|checkbox|search|bool) (optional) :param wrapped_dicom_only: Only capture for wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'capture_on_destination_search': capture_on_destination_search, 'capture_on_share_code': capture_on_share_code, 'dicom_only': dicom_only, 'dicom_tag': dicom_tag, 'dicom_tag_ignore_empty': dicom_tag_ignore_empty, 'display_order': display_order, 'field_flag': field_flag, 'hl7_component': hl7_component, 'hl7_field': hl7_field, 'hl7_segment': hl7_segment, 'load_dicom_tag': load_dicom_tag, 'load_from_sr': load_from_sr, 'load_hl7': load_hl7, 'load_hl7_filter': load_hl7_filter, 'load_order': load_order, 'name': name, 'object': object, 'options': options, 'other_customfield_id': other_customfield_id, 'other_dicom_tags': other_dicom_tags, 'required': required, 'type': type, 'wrapped_dicom_only': wrapped_dicom_only, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND', None)] = AccountNotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG', None)] = InvalidDicomTag('The DICOM tag is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidDicomTagObject('DICOM tags can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidHl7Object('HL7 fields can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_SEGMENT', None)] = InvalidHl7Segment('Invalid segment name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('Invalid integer. The error_subtype holds the invalid integer.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidObject('An invalid object was passed.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OPTIONS', None)] = InvalidOptions('An option is invalid. The error_subtype holds the specific error message') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SEARCH_SOURCE', None)] = InvalidSearchSource('An invalid search source was passed.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('An invalid type was passed.') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The Customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a customfield to this account') errors_mapping[('NO_DICOM_TAG_DEFINED', None)] = NoDicomTagDefined('The load_dicom_tag flag is set but the dicom_tag field is not defined') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, uuid, capture_on_destination_search=None, capture_on_share_code=None, dicom_only=None, dicom_tag=None, dicom_tag_ignore_empty=None, display_order=None, field_flag=None, hl7_component=None, hl7_field=None, hl7_segment=None, load_dicom_tag=None, load_from_sr=None, load_hl7=None, load_hl7_filter=None, load_order=None, name=None, options=None, other_customfield_id=None, other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank=None, other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare=None, other_dicom_tags=None, required=None, wrapped_dicom_only=None, ): """Set. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield :param capture_on_destination_search: Flag if the field should be captured during query retrieve on /destination/search call (optional) :param capture_on_share_code: Flag if the study type field should be captured during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_only: Only capture for non-wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_tag: Dicom tag to map this field to. Format should be of form (1234,1234). (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_tag_ignore_empty: Flag to not map an empty custom field to the DICOM tag. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param display_order: Integer to order how the fields should be displayed (optional) :param field_flag: Default customfield flag (optional) :param hl7_component: Component number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_field: Segment field number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_segment: Segment to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are (NTE|PID|PID1|PV1|PV2|OBR|DG1|OBX|CTI|BLG|ORC) (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_dicom_tag: Flag to load the current value from the study into this field. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param load_from_sr: Load the value from the structured reports in the study. (only applicable to study fields) .(optional) :param load_hl7: If this is set to a HL7 message type the value of this field will be updated from the hl7_segment, hl7_field and hl7_component from incoming HL7 messages of the matching message type (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_hl7_filter: Filter token for the load_hl7 option (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_order: If this flag is on the value of this field will be loaded from a customfield of the matching Order. The customfield is defined by the other_customfield_id parameter (optional) :param name: Name of the customfield (optional) :param options: Additional options in JSON format (optional) :param other_customfield_id: Id of a customfield to map its value to this customfield's value (optional) :param other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the customfield should be updated with a blank value (optional) :param other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the customfield should be updated on Study reshare (optional) :param other_dicom_tags: JSON array of other DICOM tags to map this field to. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param required: Flag if the field is required (optional) :param wrapped_dicom_only: Only capture for wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) """ request_data = { 'capture_on_destination_search': capture_on_destination_search, 'capture_on_share_code': capture_on_share_code, 'dicom_only': dicom_only, 'dicom_tag': dicom_tag, 'dicom_tag_ignore_empty': dicom_tag_ignore_empty, 'display_order': display_order, 'field_flag': field_flag, 'hl7_component': hl7_component, 'hl7_field': hl7_field, 'hl7_segment': hl7_segment, 'load_dicom_tag': load_dicom_tag, 'load_from_sr': load_from_sr, 'load_hl7': load_hl7, 'load_hl7_filter': load_hl7_filter, 'load_order': load_order, 'name': name, 'options': options, 'other_customfield_id': other_customfield_id, 'other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank': other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank, 'other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare': other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare, 'other_dicom_tags': other_dicom_tags, 'required': required, 'uuid': uuid, 'wrapped_dicom_only': wrapped_dicom_only, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG', None)] = InvalidDicomTag('The DICOM tag is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidDicomTagObject('DICOM tags can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_FIELD', None)] = InvalidHl7Field('Invalid field number') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidHl7Object('HL7 fields can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_SEGMENT', None)] = InvalidHl7Segment('Invalid segment name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('Invalid integer. The error_subtype holds the invalid integer.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OPTIONS', None)] = InvalidOptions('An option is invalid. The error_subtype holds the specific error message') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The object was not found. The error_subtype holds the name of the key for the object that can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the customfield') errors_mapping[('NO_DICOM_TAG_DEFINED', None)] = NoDicomTagDefined('The load_dicom_tag flag is set but the dicom_tag field is not defined') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the customfield') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the customfield') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def lookup( self, account_id, name, ): """Lookup. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param name: Name of the customfield """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'name': name, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/lookup', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search( self, uuid, search=None, ): """Search. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield :param search: The value to search for (optional) """ request_data = { 'search': search, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_A_SEARCH', None)] = NotASearch('This is not a search type of customfield') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/search', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_add( self, from_customfield_id, to_customfield_id, overwrite_with_blank=None, refresh_on_edit=None, refresh_on_reshare=None, reverse_refresh_on_edit=None, ): """Mapping add. :param from_customfield_id: The source custom field id :param to_customfield_id: The destination custom field id :param overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated with a blank value, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_edit: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on the source customfield edit, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on Study reshare, 1 by default (optional) :param reverse_refresh_on_edit: Flag if the mapping should apply in reverse, ie to the customfield designated as a from_customfield_id of the original study when a shared version of the study is edited, 0 by default (optional) """ request_data = { 'from_customfield_id': from_customfield_id, 'overwrite_with_blank': overwrite_with_blank, 'refresh_on_edit': refresh_on_edit, 'refresh_on_reshare': refresh_on_reshare, 'reverse_refresh_on_edit': reverse_refresh_on_edit, 'to_customfield_id': to_customfield_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('The mapping rule already exists') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found, The error_subtype refers to a customfield by the following values: FROM_CUSTOMFIELD or TO_CUSTOMFIELD') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_set( self, uuid, overwrite_with_blank=None, refresh_on_edit=None, refresh_on_reshare=None, reverse_refresh_on_edit=None, ): """Mapping set. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield mapping rule :param overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated with a blank value, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_edit: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on the source customfield edit, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on Study reshare, 1 by default (optional) :param reverse_refresh_on_edit: Flag if the mapping should apply in reverse, ie to the customfield designated as a from_customfield_id of the original study when a shared version of the study is edited, 0 by default (optional) """ request_data = { 'overwrite_with_blank': overwrite_with_blank, 'refresh_on_edit': refresh_on_edit, 'refresh_on_reshare': refresh_on_reshare, 'reverse_refresh_on_edit': reverse_refresh_on_edit, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield mapping rule can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_delete( self, uuid, ): """Mapping delete. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield mapping rule """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield mapping rule can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
class AsyncCustomfield: """AsyncCustomfield.""" def __init__(self, api): self._api = api
[docs] def list( self, account_id, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'customfields' return AsyncQueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, name, object, capture_on_destination_search=None, capture_on_share_code=None, dicom_only=None, dicom_tag=None, dicom_tag_ignore_empty=None, display_order=None, field_flag=None, hl7_component=None, hl7_field=None, hl7_segment=None, load_dicom_tag=None, load_from_sr=None, load_hl7=None, load_hl7_filter=None, load_order=None, options=None, other_customfield_id=None, other_dicom_tags=None, required=None, type=None, wrapped_dicom_only=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param name: Name of the customfield :param object: The object to associate the customfield with (Study|User_account|Group|Location|Account|Patient|Case|Order|Appointment|Dicomdata|Scanner|Query) :param capture_on_destination_search: Flag if the field should be captured during query retrieve on /destination/search call (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param capture_on_share_code: Flag if the field should be captured during a share code exchange (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_only: Only capture for non-wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_tag: DICOM tag to map this field to. Format should be of form (1234,1234). (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_tag_ignore_empty: Flag to not map an empty custom field to the DICOM tag. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param display_order: Integer to order how the fields should be displayed (optional) :param field_flag: Default customfield flag (optional) :param hl7_component: Component number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_field: Segment field number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_segment: Segment to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are (NTE|PID|PID1|PV1|PV2|OBR|DG1|OBX|CTI|BLG|ORC) (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_dicom_tag: Flag to load the current value from the study into this field. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param load_from_sr: Load the value from the structured reports in the study (only applicable to study fields) .(optional) :param load_hl7: If this is set to a HL7 message type the value of this field will be updated from the hl7_segment, hl7_field and hl7_component from incoming HL7 messages of the matching message type (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_hl7_filter: Filter token for the load_hl7 option (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_order: If this flag is on the value of this field will be loaded from a customfield of the matching Order. The customfield is defined by the other_customfield_id parameter (optional) :param options: Additional options in JSON format (optional) :param other_customfield_id: Id of a customfield to map its value to this customfield's value (optional) :param other_dicom_tags: JSON array of other DICOM tags to map this field to. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param required: Flag if the field is required (optional) :param type: Type of the custom field (text|number|date|memo|select|multiselect|radio|checkbox|search|bool) (optional) :param wrapped_dicom_only: Only capture for wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'capture_on_destination_search': capture_on_destination_search, 'capture_on_share_code': capture_on_share_code, 'dicom_only': dicom_only, 'dicom_tag': dicom_tag, 'dicom_tag_ignore_empty': dicom_tag_ignore_empty, 'display_order': display_order, 'field_flag': field_flag, 'hl7_component': hl7_component, 'hl7_field': hl7_field, 'hl7_segment': hl7_segment, 'load_dicom_tag': load_dicom_tag, 'load_from_sr': load_from_sr, 'load_hl7': load_hl7, 'load_hl7_filter': load_hl7_filter, 'load_order': load_order, 'name': name, 'object': object, 'options': options, 'other_customfield_id': other_customfield_id, 'other_dicom_tags': other_dicom_tags, 'required': required, 'type': type, 'wrapped_dicom_only': wrapped_dicom_only, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND', None)] = AccountNotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG', None)] = InvalidDicomTag('The DICOM tag is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidDicomTagObject('DICOM tags can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidHl7Object('HL7 fields can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_SEGMENT', None)] = InvalidHl7Segment('Invalid segment name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('Invalid integer. The error_subtype holds the invalid integer.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidObject('An invalid object was passed.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OPTIONS', None)] = InvalidOptions('An option is invalid. The error_subtype holds the specific error message') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SEARCH_SOURCE', None)] = InvalidSearchSource('An invalid search source was passed.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('An invalid type was passed.') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The Customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a customfield to this account') errors_mapping[('NO_DICOM_TAG_DEFINED', None)] = NoDicomTagDefined('The load_dicom_tag flag is set but the dicom_tag field is not defined') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, uuid, capture_on_destination_search=None, capture_on_share_code=None, dicom_only=None, dicom_tag=None, dicom_tag_ignore_empty=None, display_order=None, field_flag=None, hl7_component=None, hl7_field=None, hl7_segment=None, load_dicom_tag=None, load_from_sr=None, load_hl7=None, load_hl7_filter=None, load_order=None, name=None, options=None, other_customfield_id=None, other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank=None, other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare=None, other_dicom_tags=None, required=None, wrapped_dicom_only=None, ): """Set. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield :param capture_on_destination_search: Flag if the field should be captured during query retrieve on /destination/search call (optional) :param capture_on_share_code: Flag if the study type field should be captured during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_only: Only capture for non-wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) :param dicom_tag: Dicom tag to map this field to. Format should be of form (1234,1234). (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param dicom_tag_ignore_empty: Flag to not map an empty custom field to the DICOM tag. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param display_order: Integer to order how the fields should be displayed (optional) :param field_flag: Default customfield flag (optional) :param hl7_component: Component number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_field: Segment field number to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are 1 to 64. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param hl7_segment: Segment to map this field to in HL7 ORM messages. Valid values are (NTE|PID|PID1|PV1|PV2|OBR|DG1|OBX|CTI|BLG|ORC) (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_dicom_tag: Flag to load the current value from the study into this field. (only applicable if a dicom_tag is specified) (optional) :param load_from_sr: Load the value from the structured reports in the study. (only applicable to study fields) .(optional) :param load_hl7: If this is set to a HL7 message type the value of this field will be updated from the hl7_segment, hl7_field and hl7_component from incoming HL7 messages of the matching message type (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_hl7_filter: Filter token for the load_hl7 option (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param load_order: If this flag is on the value of this field will be loaded from a customfield of the matching Order. The customfield is defined by the other_customfield_id parameter (optional) :param name: Name of the customfield (optional) :param options: Additional options in JSON format (optional) :param other_customfield_id: Id of a customfield to map its value to this customfield's value (optional) :param other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the customfield should be updated with a blank value (optional) :param other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the customfield should be updated on Study reshare (optional) :param other_dicom_tags: JSON array of other DICOM tags to map this field to. (only applicable to study fields) (optional) :param required: Flag if the field is required (optional) :param wrapped_dicom_only: Only capture for wrapped DICOM uploads during a share code exchange (optional) """ request_data = { 'capture_on_destination_search': capture_on_destination_search, 'capture_on_share_code': capture_on_share_code, 'dicom_only': dicom_only, 'dicom_tag': dicom_tag, 'dicom_tag_ignore_empty': dicom_tag_ignore_empty, 'display_order': display_order, 'field_flag': field_flag, 'hl7_component': hl7_component, 'hl7_field': hl7_field, 'hl7_segment': hl7_segment, 'load_dicom_tag': load_dicom_tag, 'load_from_sr': load_from_sr, 'load_hl7': load_hl7, 'load_hl7_filter': load_hl7_filter, 'load_order': load_order, 'name': name, 'options': options, 'other_customfield_id': other_customfield_id, 'other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank': other_customfield_no_overwrite_with_blank, 'other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare': other_customfield_no_refresh_on_reshare, 'other_dicom_tags': other_dicom_tags, 'required': required, 'uuid': uuid, 'wrapped_dicom_only': wrapped_dicom_only, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG', None)] = InvalidDicomTag('The DICOM tag is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DICOM_TAG_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidDicomTagObject('DICOM tags can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_FIELD', None)] = InvalidHl7Field('Invalid field number') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_OBJECT', None)] = InvalidHl7Object('HL7 fields can only be applied to study fields') errors_mapping[('INVALID_HL7_SEGMENT', None)] = InvalidHl7Segment('Invalid segment name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('Invalid integer. The error_subtype holds the invalid integer.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_OPTIONS', None)] = InvalidOptions('An option is invalid. The error_subtype holds the specific error message') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The object was not found. The error_subtype holds the name of the key for the object that can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the customfield') errors_mapping[('NO_DICOM_TAG_DEFINED', None)] = NoDicomTagDefined('The load_dicom_tag flag is set but the dicom_tag field is not defined') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the customfield') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the customfield') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def lookup( self, account_id, name, ): """Lookup. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param name: Name of the customfield """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'name': name, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/lookup', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search( self, uuid, search=None, ): """Search. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield :param search: The value to search for (optional) """ request_data = { 'search': search, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_A_SEARCH', None)] = NotASearch('This is not a search type of customfield') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/search', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_add( self, from_customfield_id, to_customfield_id, overwrite_with_blank=None, refresh_on_edit=None, refresh_on_reshare=None, reverse_refresh_on_edit=None, ): """Mapping add. :param from_customfield_id: The source custom field id :param to_customfield_id: The destination custom field id :param overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated with a blank value, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_edit: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on the source customfield edit, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on Study reshare, 1 by default (optional) :param reverse_refresh_on_edit: Flag if the mapping should apply in reverse, ie to the customfield designated as a from_customfield_id of the original study when a shared version of the study is edited, 0 by default (optional) """ request_data = { 'from_customfield_id': from_customfield_id, 'overwrite_with_blank': overwrite_with_blank, 'refresh_on_edit': refresh_on_edit, 'refresh_on_reshare': refresh_on_reshare, 'reverse_refresh_on_edit': reverse_refresh_on_edit, 'to_customfield_id': to_customfield_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('The mapping rule already exists') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield can not be found, The error_subtype refers to a customfield by the following values: FROM_CUSTOMFIELD or TO_CUSTOMFIELD') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_set( self, uuid, overwrite_with_blank=None, refresh_on_edit=None, refresh_on_reshare=None, reverse_refresh_on_edit=None, ): """Mapping set. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield mapping rule :param overwrite_with_blank: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated with a blank value, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_edit: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on the source customfield edit, 1 by default (optional) :param refresh_on_reshare: Flag if the destination customfield should be updated on Study reshare, 1 by default (optional) :param reverse_refresh_on_edit: Flag if the mapping should apply in reverse, ie to the customfield designated as a from_customfield_id of the original study when a shared version of the study is edited, 0 by default (optional) """ request_data = { 'overwrite_with_blank': overwrite_with_blank, 'refresh_on_edit': refresh_on_edit, 'refresh_on_reshare': refresh_on_reshare, 'reverse_refresh_on_edit': reverse_refresh_on_edit, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield mapping rule can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def mapping_delete( self, uuid, ): """Mapping delete. :param uuid: uuid of the customfield mapping rule """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The customfield mapping rule can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/customfield/mapping/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)