Source code for ambra_sdk.service.entrypoints.generated.destination

""" Destination.

Do not edit this file by hand.
This is generated by parsing api.html service doc.
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import CanNotTrack
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import DupAetitle
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import FilterNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InsufficientCriteria
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidCdBurnInfo
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidCondition
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidDistributedDestination
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidFieldName
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidFlag
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidGatewayType
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidInteger
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidNodeType
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidRegexp
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSchedule
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortOrder
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidType
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidValue
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import MissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NodeNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotPermitted
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotSupported
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotSysadmin
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryOPSF
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryOPSF

class Destination:

    def __init__(self, api):
        self._api = api

[docs] def list( self, account_id, node_id=None, serial_no=None, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param node_id: node_id :param serial_no: serial_no """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'node_id': node_id, 'serial_no': serial_no, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'destinations' return QueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, address, aetitle, distributed_destinations, linked_destination, linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, linked_qr_to_referred_account, name, node_id, path, port, c_echo_interval=None, c_echo_schedule=None, can_mwl_search=None, can_push_hl7=None, can_query_retrieve=None, can_retrieve_thin=None, can_search=None, cd_burn_info=None, cd_burn_name=None, cd_burn_priority=None, default_query_retrieve_level=None, fire_webhooks=None, gateway_settings=None, hl7_address=None, hl7_fetch_filter=None, hl7_port=None, manual_push_roles=None, push_related_studies=None, sort_order=None, sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg=None, sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7=None, type=None, ui_json=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param address: Address of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param aetitle: Aetitle of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param distributed_destinations: A JSON array of destination ids. This list will be used to process requests in round robin manner. Meaningful for DISTRIBUTING destination type only (opional) :param linked_destination: uuid of the destination for LINKED destinations :param linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account: A flag to create DESTINATION_SEARCH activities in the linked destination's account. Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param linked_qr_to_referred_account: A flag to create resultant studies in the linked destination's account (not the account of LINKED destination where the search was initiated). Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param name: Name of the destination :param node_id: uuid of the node that handles the destination :param path: Path of the folder for a FOLDER type of destination (required if FOLDER type) :param port: Port of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param c_echo_interval: Interval in seconds to C echo the destination (optional) :param c_echo_schedule: C echo schedule (optional) :param can_mwl_search: Can this destination support searching a modality work list (optional) :param can_push_hl7: Can this destination support pushong Hl7 messages (optional) :param can_query_retrieve: Can this destination support query retrieve from HL7 messages (optional) :param can_retrieve_thin: Can this destination support retrieving thin studies (optional) :param can_search: Can this destination support searching (optional) :param cd_burn_info: A JSON hash with the CD burning information (optional) :param cd_burn_name: Name for the CD burner software (optional) :param cd_burn_priority: Integer value for the burner priority (optional) :param default_query_retrieve_level: Default query retrieve level this can be either (study|series|image) and defaults to study if not specified (optional) :param fire_webhooks: Fire webhooks for events associated with this destination (optional) :param gateway_settings: Gateway settings (optional) :param hl7_address: Address of an attached HL7 destination (optional except for VIRTUAL destinations) :param hl7_fetch_filter: A transform condition expression (see /transform/add for format) to match against the HL7 message. Only fire a query retrieve if the message matches the condition (optional) :param hl7_port: Port of an attached HL7 destination (optional except for VIRTUAL destinations) :param manual_push_roles: A comma separated list of role uuids, a user is required to have one of them to manually push to this destination (optional) :param push_related_studies: Push all the related studies (same MRN/patientid) in the namespace when a study is pushed (optional) :param sort_order: Integer value for sorting (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg: Squelch pushes to the destination if the image count has not changed and the push is by a routing rule (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7: Squelch pushes to the destination if the push was generated by HL7 triggered routing (optional) :param type: Type of the destination either DICOM, FOLDER, ACCELERATOR,VIRTUAL, BURNER, XDS, LINKED, DISTRIBUTING or UPLOADER. Defaults to DICOM (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'address': address, 'aetitle': aetitle, 'c_echo_interval': c_echo_interval, 'c_echo_schedule': c_echo_schedule, 'can_mwl_search': can_mwl_search, 'can_push_hl7': can_push_hl7, 'can_query_retrieve': can_query_retrieve, 'can_retrieve_thin': can_retrieve_thin, 'can_search': can_search, 'cd_burn_info': cd_burn_info, 'cd_burn_name': cd_burn_name, 'cd_burn_priority': cd_burn_priority, 'default_query_retrieve_level': default_query_retrieve_level, 'distributed_destinations': distributed_destinations, 'fire_webhooks': fire_webhooks, 'gateway_settings': gateway_settings, 'hl7_address': hl7_address, 'hl7_fetch_filter': hl7_fetch_filter, 'hl7_port': hl7_port, 'linked_destination': linked_destination, 'linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account': linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, 'linked_qr_to_referred_account': linked_qr_to_referred_account, 'manual_push_roles': manual_push_roles, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'path': path, 'port': port, 'push_related_studies': push_related_studies, 'sort_order': sort_order, 'sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg': sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg, 'sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7': sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7, 'type': type, 'ui_json': ui_json, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('DUP_AETITLE', None)] = DupAetitle('Duplicate aetitle. All destinations for the same node must have a unique aetitle') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CD_BURN_INFO', None)] = InvalidCdBurnInfo('Invalid cd_burn_info. The error_subtype holds more detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DISTRIBUTED_DESTINATION', None)] = InvalidDistributedDestination('distributed_destinations configuration is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_GATEWAY_TYPE', None)] = InvalidGatewayType('The type is wrong for the gateway it is getting attached to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('An invalid integer was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid integer') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node is not a harvester') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node type is invalid for this type of destination') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SCHEDULE', None)] = InvalidSchedule('The schedule is invalid. The error_subtype holds the error detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('An invalid type was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_VALUE', None)] = InvalidValue('An invalid value was passed. The error_subtype holds the value') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a destination to this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_SYSADMIN', None)] = NotSysadmin('The user is not a sysadmin user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, distributed_destinations, linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, linked_qr_to_referred_account, uuid, address=None, aetitle=None, c_echo_interval=None, c_echo_schedule=None, can_mwl_search=None, can_push_hl7=None, can_query_retrieve=None, can_retrieve_thin=None, can_search=None, cd_burn_info=None, cd_burn_name=None, cd_burn_priority=None, default_query_retrieve_level=None, fire_webhooks=None, gateway_settings=None, hl7_address=None, hl7_fetch_filter=None, hl7_port=None, manual_push_roles=None, name=None, node_id=None, path=None, port=None, push_related_studies=None, sort_order=None, sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg=None, sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7=None, ui_json=None, ): """Set. :param distributed_destinations: A JSON array of destination ids. This list will be used to process requests in round robin manner. Meaningful for DISTRIBUTING destination type only (opional) :param linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account: A flag to create DESTINATION_SEARCH activities in the linked destination's account. Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param linked_qr_to_referred_account: A flag to create resultant studies in the linked destination's account (not the account of LINKED destination where the search was initiated). Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param address: Address of the destination (optional) :param aetitle: Aetitle of the destination (optional) :param c_echo_interval: Interval in seconds to C echo the destination (optional) :param c_echo_schedule: C echo schedule (optional) :param can_mwl_search: Can this destination support searching a modality work list (optional) :param can_push_hl7: Can this destination support pushong Hl7 messages (optional) :param can_query_retrieve: Can this destination support query retrieve from HL7 messages (optional) :param can_retrieve_thin: Can this destination support retrieving thin studies (optional) :param can_search: Can this destination support searching (optional) :param cd_burn_info: A JSON hash with the CD burning information (optional) :param cd_burn_name: Name for the CD burner software (optional) :param cd_burn_priority: Integer value for the burner priority (optional) :param default_query_retrieve_level: Default query retrieve level this can be either (study|series|image) and defaults to study if not specified (optional) :param fire_webhooks: Fire webhooks for events associated with this destination (optional) :param gateway_settings: Gateway settings (optional) :param hl7_address: Address of an attached HL7 destination (optional) :param hl7_fetch_filter: A transform condition expression (see /transform/add for format) to match against the HL7 message. Only fire a query retrieve if the message matches the condition (optional) :param hl7_port: Port of an attached HL7 destination (optional) :param manual_push_roles: A comma separated list of role uuids, a user is required to have one of them to manually push to this destination (optional) :param name: Name of the destination (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node that handles the destination (optional) :param path: Path of the folder (optional) :param port: Port of the destination (optional) :param push_related_studies: Push all the related studies (same MRN/patientid) in the namespace when a study is pushed (optional) :param sort_order: Integer value for sorting (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg: Squelch pushes to the destination if the image count has not changed and the push is by a routing rule (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7: Squelch pushes to the destination if the push was generated by HL7 triggered routing (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) """ request_data = { 'address': address, 'aetitle': aetitle, 'c_echo_interval': c_echo_interval, 'c_echo_schedule': c_echo_schedule, 'can_mwl_search': can_mwl_search, 'can_push_hl7': can_push_hl7, 'can_query_retrieve': can_query_retrieve, 'can_retrieve_thin': can_retrieve_thin, 'can_search': can_search, 'cd_burn_info': cd_burn_info, 'cd_burn_name': cd_burn_name, 'cd_burn_priority': cd_burn_priority, 'default_query_retrieve_level': default_query_retrieve_level, 'distributed_destinations': distributed_destinations, 'fire_webhooks': fire_webhooks, 'gateway_settings': gateway_settings, 'hl7_address': hl7_address, 'hl7_fetch_filter': hl7_fetch_filter, 'hl7_port': hl7_port, 'linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account': linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, 'linked_qr_to_referred_account': linked_qr_to_referred_account, 'manual_push_roles': manual_push_roles, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'path': path, 'port': port, 'push_related_studies': push_related_studies, 'sort_order': sort_order, 'sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg': sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg, 'sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7': sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7, 'ui_json': ui_json, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('DUP_AETITLE', None)] = DupAetitle('Duplicate aetitle. All destinations for the same node must have a unique aetitle') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CD_BURN_INFO', None)] = InvalidCdBurnInfo('Invalid cd_burn_info. The error_subtype holds more detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DISTRIBUTED_DESTINATION', None)] = InvalidDistributedDestination('distributed_destinations configuration is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('An invalid integer was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid integer') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node is not a harvester') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SCHEDULE', None)] = InvalidSchedule('The schedule is invalid. The error_subtype holds the error detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_VALUE', None)] = InvalidValue('An invalid value was passed. The error_subtype holds the value') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the destination """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the destination """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search( self, uuid, accession_number=None, anonymize=None, anonymize_param=None, bundle_id=None, copy_to=None, create_study=None, create_thin=None, customfield_param=None, customfield_quoted_param=None, end_datetime=None, modality=None, node_id=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, push_to=None, query_fields=None, referring_physician=None, refetch_study=None, result_fields=None, serial_no=None, share_email=None, start_datetime=None, study_request_id=None, study_uid=None, tracking_number=None, ): """Search. :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param accession_number: Accession number to find (optional) :param anonymize: A JSON hash of anonymization rules to apply to retrieved studies (optional) :param anonymize_param: Expected values are STUDY_FIELD. The anonymization rules breakdown. This overrides the anonymize parameter if passed (optional) :param bundle_id: An integral number Used internally to track searches initiated from a single bundle (optional) :param copy_to: uuid of a namespace to copy the retrieved or create_thin studies into (optional) :param create_study: The maximum number of studies to retrieve from this search instead of creating an activity for the search results (optional) :param create_thin: The maximum number of thin studies to create from this search instead of creating an activity for the search results (optional) :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) will be set for the resultant studies after /destination/retrieve call (optional) :param customfield_quoted_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_NAME. Custom field(s) to be set for the resultant studies. (optional) :param end_datetime: DICOM end date time stamp to bound the search (optional) :param modality: Modality (optional) :param node_id: node_id :param patient_birth_date: Birth date to find (optional) :param patient_name: Patient name to find (optional) :param patient_sex: Gender to find (optional) :param patientid: Patient id to find (optional) :param push_to: uuid of a destination to push the retrieved studies to (optional) :param query_fields: A JSON hash of additional query fields (optional) :param referring_physician: Referring physician to find (optional) :param refetch_study: Flag to refetch the search results when studies have been fetched already (optional) :param result_fields: A JSON array of DICOM tags that the destination should return (optional) :param serial_no: serial_no :param share_email: Email to share retrieved studies with on subsequent /destination/retrieve (optional) :param start_datetime: DICOM start date time stamp to bound the search (optional) :param study_request_id: uuid of a study request (optional) :param study_uid: Study uid to find (optional) :param tracking_number: A UUID tracking number that can be used to pull a report against this search (optional) """ request_data = { 'accession_number': accession_number, 'anonymize': anonymize, 'bundle_id': bundle_id, 'copy_to': copy_to, 'create_study': create_study, 'create_thin': create_thin, 'end_datetime': end_datetime, 'modality': modality, 'node_id': node_id, 'patient_birth_date': patient_birth_date, 'patient_name': patient_name, 'patient_sex': patient_sex, 'patientid': patientid, 'push_to': push_to, 'query_fields': query_fields, 'referring_physician': referring_physician, 'refetch_study': refetch_study, 'result_fields': result_fields, 'serial_no': serial_no, 'share_email': share_email, 'start_datetime': start_datetime, 'study_request_id': study_request_id, 'study_uid': study_uid, 'tracking_number': tracking_number, 'uuid': uuid, } if anonymize_param is not None: anonymize_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='anonymize_', k=k): v for k,v in anonymize_param.items()} request_data.update(anonymize_param_dict) if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) if customfield_quoted_param is not None: customfield_quoted_param_dict = {'{prefix}\'{k}\''.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\'') if isinstance(k, str) else k): v for k,v in customfield_quoted_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_quoted_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('CAN_NOT_TRACK', None)] = CanNotTrack('Tracking only works with the create_study option') errors_mapping[('INSUFFICIENT_CRITERIA', None)] = InsufficientCriteria('Not enough search fields are populated') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD_NAME', None)] = InvalidFieldName('The field cannot be used in anonymization rules. The error_subtype holds the invalid field name.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid anonymization rule regular expression. The error_subtype holds the invalid regexp.') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination, namespace or study request can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to search the destination') errors_mapping[('NOT_SUPPORTED', None)] = NotSupported('The destination does not support searching a destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search_report( self, email, tracking_number, ): """Search report. :param email: Optional email address to send the report to :param tracking_number: The tracking number to report on """ request_data = { 'email': email, 'tracking_number': tracking_number, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace was not found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search/report', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def retrieve( self, activity_id, send_method, study_request_found_id, customfield_param=None, ): """Retrieve. :param activity_id: uuid of the DESTINATION_SEARCH activity to retrieve from :param send_method: The method to send a study as a study request response (share|duplicate) :param study_request_found_id: UUID of a study request search results to retrieve and send as study request response :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) will be set for the study retrieved (optional) """ request_data = { 'activity_id': activity_id, 'send_method': send_method, 'study_request_found_id': study_request_found_id, } if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The activity can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/retrieve', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search_mwl( self, study_id, uuid, accession_number=None, order_date=None, order_number=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, ): """Search mwl. :param study_id: The id of the study we are searching for orders for :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param accession_number: Accession number to find (optional) :param order_date: Order date to find (optional) :param order_number: Order number to find (optional) :param patient_birth_date: Birth date to find (optional) :param patient_name: Patient name to find (optional) :param patient_sex: Gender to find (optional) :param patientid: Patient id to find (optional) """ request_data = { 'accession_number': accession_number, 'order_date': order_date, 'order_number': order_number, 'patient_birth_date': patient_birth_date, 'patient_name': patient_name, 'patient_sex': patient_sex, 'patientid': patientid, 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INSUFFICIENT_CRITERIA', None)] = InsufficientCriteria('Not enough search fields are populated') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to search the destination') errors_mapping[('NOT_SUPPORTED', None)] = NotSupported('The destination does not support searching a destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search/mwl', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
class AsyncDestination: """AsyncDestination.""" def __init__(self, api): self._api = api
[docs] def list( self, account_id, node_id=None, serial_no=None, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param node_id: node_id :param serial_no: serial_no """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'node_id': node_id, 'serial_no': serial_no, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'destinations' return AsyncQueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, address, aetitle, distributed_destinations, linked_destination, linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, linked_qr_to_referred_account, name, node_id, path, port, c_echo_interval=None, c_echo_schedule=None, can_mwl_search=None, can_push_hl7=None, can_query_retrieve=None, can_retrieve_thin=None, can_search=None, cd_burn_info=None, cd_burn_name=None, cd_burn_priority=None, default_query_retrieve_level=None, fire_webhooks=None, gateway_settings=None, hl7_address=None, hl7_fetch_filter=None, hl7_port=None, manual_push_roles=None, push_related_studies=None, sort_order=None, sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg=None, sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7=None, type=None, ui_json=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param address: Address of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param aetitle: Aetitle of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param distributed_destinations: A JSON array of destination ids. This list will be used to process requests in round robin manner. Meaningful for DISTRIBUTING destination type only (opional) :param linked_destination: uuid of the destination for LINKED destinations :param linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account: A flag to create DESTINATION_SEARCH activities in the linked destination's account. Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param linked_qr_to_referred_account: A flag to create resultant studies in the linked destination's account (not the account of LINKED destination where the search was initiated). Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param name: Name of the destination :param node_id: uuid of the node that handles the destination :param path: Path of the folder for a FOLDER type of destination (required if FOLDER type) :param port: Port of the destination (required if DICOM type) :param c_echo_interval: Interval in seconds to C echo the destination (optional) :param c_echo_schedule: C echo schedule (optional) :param can_mwl_search: Can this destination support searching a modality work list (optional) :param can_push_hl7: Can this destination support pushong Hl7 messages (optional) :param can_query_retrieve: Can this destination support query retrieve from HL7 messages (optional) :param can_retrieve_thin: Can this destination support retrieving thin studies (optional) :param can_search: Can this destination support searching (optional) :param cd_burn_info: A JSON hash with the CD burning information (optional) :param cd_burn_name: Name for the CD burner software (optional) :param cd_burn_priority: Integer value for the burner priority (optional) :param default_query_retrieve_level: Default query retrieve level this can be either (study|series|image) and defaults to study if not specified (optional) :param fire_webhooks: Fire webhooks for events associated with this destination (optional) :param gateway_settings: Gateway settings (optional) :param hl7_address: Address of an attached HL7 destination (optional except for VIRTUAL destinations) :param hl7_fetch_filter: A transform condition expression (see /transform/add for format) to match against the HL7 message. Only fire a query retrieve if the message matches the condition (optional) :param hl7_port: Port of an attached HL7 destination (optional except for VIRTUAL destinations) :param manual_push_roles: A comma separated list of role uuids, a user is required to have one of them to manually push to this destination (optional) :param push_related_studies: Push all the related studies (same MRN/patientid) in the namespace when a study is pushed (optional) :param sort_order: Integer value for sorting (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg: Squelch pushes to the destination if the image count has not changed and the push is by a routing rule (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7: Squelch pushes to the destination if the push was generated by HL7 triggered routing (optional) :param type: Type of the destination either DICOM, FOLDER, ACCELERATOR,VIRTUAL, BURNER, XDS, LINKED, DISTRIBUTING or UPLOADER. Defaults to DICOM (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'address': address, 'aetitle': aetitle, 'c_echo_interval': c_echo_interval, 'c_echo_schedule': c_echo_schedule, 'can_mwl_search': can_mwl_search, 'can_push_hl7': can_push_hl7, 'can_query_retrieve': can_query_retrieve, 'can_retrieve_thin': can_retrieve_thin, 'can_search': can_search, 'cd_burn_info': cd_burn_info, 'cd_burn_name': cd_burn_name, 'cd_burn_priority': cd_burn_priority, 'default_query_retrieve_level': default_query_retrieve_level, 'distributed_destinations': distributed_destinations, 'fire_webhooks': fire_webhooks, 'gateway_settings': gateway_settings, 'hl7_address': hl7_address, 'hl7_fetch_filter': hl7_fetch_filter, 'hl7_port': hl7_port, 'linked_destination': linked_destination, 'linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account': linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, 'linked_qr_to_referred_account': linked_qr_to_referred_account, 'manual_push_roles': manual_push_roles, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'path': path, 'port': port, 'push_related_studies': push_related_studies, 'sort_order': sort_order, 'sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg': sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg, 'sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7': sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7, 'type': type, 'ui_json': ui_json, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('DUP_AETITLE', None)] = DupAetitle('Duplicate aetitle. All destinations for the same node must have a unique aetitle') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CD_BURN_INFO', None)] = InvalidCdBurnInfo('Invalid cd_burn_info. The error_subtype holds more detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DISTRIBUTED_DESTINATION', None)] = InvalidDistributedDestination('distributed_destinations configuration is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_GATEWAY_TYPE', None)] = InvalidGatewayType('The type is wrong for the gateway it is getting attached to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('An invalid integer was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid integer') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node is not a harvester') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node type is invalid for this type of destination') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SCHEDULE', None)] = InvalidSchedule('The schedule is invalid. The error_subtype holds the error detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('An invalid type was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_VALUE', None)] = InvalidValue('An invalid value was passed. The error_subtype holds the value') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a destination to this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_SYSADMIN', None)] = NotSysadmin('The user is not a sysadmin user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, distributed_destinations, linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, linked_qr_to_referred_account, uuid, address=None, aetitle=None, c_echo_interval=None, c_echo_schedule=None, can_mwl_search=None, can_push_hl7=None, can_query_retrieve=None, can_retrieve_thin=None, can_search=None, cd_burn_info=None, cd_burn_name=None, cd_burn_priority=None, default_query_retrieve_level=None, fire_webhooks=None, gateway_settings=None, hl7_address=None, hl7_fetch_filter=None, hl7_port=None, manual_push_roles=None, name=None, node_id=None, path=None, port=None, push_related_studies=None, sort_order=None, sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg=None, sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7=None, ui_json=None, ): """Set. :param distributed_destinations: A JSON array of destination ids. This list will be used to process requests in round robin manner. Meaningful for DISTRIBUTING destination type only (opional) :param linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account: A flag to create DESTINATION_SEARCH activities in the linked destination's account. Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param linked_qr_to_referred_account: A flag to create resultant studies in the linked destination's account (not the account of LINKED destination where the search was initiated). Meaningful for LINKED destinations only (opional) :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param address: Address of the destination (optional) :param aetitle: Aetitle of the destination (optional) :param c_echo_interval: Interval in seconds to C echo the destination (optional) :param c_echo_schedule: C echo schedule (optional) :param can_mwl_search: Can this destination support searching a modality work list (optional) :param can_push_hl7: Can this destination support pushong Hl7 messages (optional) :param can_query_retrieve: Can this destination support query retrieve from HL7 messages (optional) :param can_retrieve_thin: Can this destination support retrieving thin studies (optional) :param can_search: Can this destination support searching (optional) :param cd_burn_info: A JSON hash with the CD burning information (optional) :param cd_burn_name: Name for the CD burner software (optional) :param cd_burn_priority: Integer value for the burner priority (optional) :param default_query_retrieve_level: Default query retrieve level this can be either (study|series|image) and defaults to study if not specified (optional) :param fire_webhooks: Fire webhooks for events associated with this destination (optional) :param gateway_settings: Gateway settings (optional) :param hl7_address: Address of an attached HL7 destination (optional) :param hl7_fetch_filter: A transform condition expression (see /transform/add for format) to match against the HL7 message. Only fire a query retrieve if the message matches the condition (optional) :param hl7_port: Port of an attached HL7 destination (optional) :param manual_push_roles: A comma separated list of role uuids, a user is required to have one of them to manually push to this destination (optional) :param name: Name of the destination (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node that handles the destination (optional) :param path: Path of the folder (optional) :param port: Port of the destination (optional) :param push_related_studies: Push all the related studies (same MRN/patientid) in the namespace when a study is pushed (optional) :param sort_order: Integer value for sorting (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg: Squelch pushes to the destination if the image count has not changed and the push is by a routing rule (optional) :param sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7: Squelch pushes to the destination if the push was generated by HL7 triggered routing (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) """ request_data = { 'address': address, 'aetitle': aetitle, 'c_echo_interval': c_echo_interval, 'c_echo_schedule': c_echo_schedule, 'can_mwl_search': can_mwl_search, 'can_push_hl7': can_push_hl7, 'can_query_retrieve': can_query_retrieve, 'can_retrieve_thin': can_retrieve_thin, 'can_search': can_search, 'cd_burn_info': cd_burn_info, 'cd_burn_name': cd_burn_name, 'cd_burn_priority': cd_burn_priority, 'default_query_retrieve_level': default_query_retrieve_level, 'distributed_destinations': distributed_destinations, 'fire_webhooks': fire_webhooks, 'gateway_settings': gateway_settings, 'hl7_address': hl7_address, 'hl7_fetch_filter': hl7_fetch_filter, 'hl7_port': hl7_port, 'linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account': linked_qr_activity_in_referred_account, 'linked_qr_to_referred_account': linked_qr_to_referred_account, 'manual_push_roles': manual_push_roles, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'path': path, 'port': port, 'push_related_studies': push_related_studies, 'sort_order': sort_order, 'sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg': sqlch_psh_if_img_unchg, 'sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7': sqlch_psh_if_route_hl7, 'ui_json': ui_json, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('DUP_AETITLE', None)] = DupAetitle('Duplicate aetitle. All destinations for the same node must have a unique aetitle') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CD_BURN_INFO', None)] = InvalidCdBurnInfo('Invalid cd_burn_info. The error_subtype holds more detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_DISTRIBUTED_DESTINATION', None)] = InvalidDistributedDestination('distributed_destinations configuration is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('INVALID_INTEGER', None)] = InvalidInteger('An invalid integer was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid integer') errors_mapping[('INVALID_NODE_TYPE', None)] = InvalidNodeType('The node is not a harvester') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SCHEDULE', None)] = InvalidSchedule('The schedule is invalid. The error_subtype holds the error detail') errors_mapping[('INVALID_VALUE', None)] = InvalidValue('An invalid value was passed. The error_subtype holds the value') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the destination """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the destination """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search( self, uuid, accession_number=None, anonymize=None, anonymize_param=None, bundle_id=None, copy_to=None, create_study=None, create_thin=None, customfield_param=None, customfield_quoted_param=None, end_datetime=None, modality=None, node_id=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, push_to=None, query_fields=None, referring_physician=None, refetch_study=None, result_fields=None, serial_no=None, share_email=None, start_datetime=None, study_request_id=None, study_uid=None, tracking_number=None, ): """Search. :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param accession_number: Accession number to find (optional) :param anonymize: A JSON hash of anonymization rules to apply to retrieved studies (optional) :param anonymize_param: Expected values are STUDY_FIELD. The anonymization rules breakdown. This overrides the anonymize parameter if passed (optional) :param bundle_id: An integral number Used internally to track searches initiated from a single bundle (optional) :param copy_to: uuid of a namespace to copy the retrieved or create_thin studies into (optional) :param create_study: The maximum number of studies to retrieve from this search instead of creating an activity for the search results (optional) :param create_thin: The maximum number of thin studies to create from this search instead of creating an activity for the search results (optional) :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) will be set for the resultant studies after /destination/retrieve call (optional) :param customfield_quoted_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_NAME. Custom field(s) to be set for the resultant studies. (optional) :param end_datetime: DICOM end date time stamp to bound the search (optional) :param modality: Modality (optional) :param node_id: node_id :param patient_birth_date: Birth date to find (optional) :param patient_name: Patient name to find (optional) :param patient_sex: Gender to find (optional) :param patientid: Patient id to find (optional) :param push_to: uuid of a destination to push the retrieved studies to (optional) :param query_fields: A JSON hash of additional query fields (optional) :param referring_physician: Referring physician to find (optional) :param refetch_study: Flag to refetch the search results when studies have been fetched already (optional) :param result_fields: A JSON array of DICOM tags that the destination should return (optional) :param serial_no: serial_no :param share_email: Email to share retrieved studies with on subsequent /destination/retrieve (optional) :param start_datetime: DICOM start date time stamp to bound the search (optional) :param study_request_id: uuid of a study request (optional) :param study_uid: Study uid to find (optional) :param tracking_number: A UUID tracking number that can be used to pull a report against this search (optional) """ request_data = { 'accession_number': accession_number, 'anonymize': anonymize, 'bundle_id': bundle_id, 'copy_to': copy_to, 'create_study': create_study, 'create_thin': create_thin, 'end_datetime': end_datetime, 'modality': modality, 'node_id': node_id, 'patient_birth_date': patient_birth_date, 'patient_name': patient_name, 'patient_sex': patient_sex, 'patientid': patientid, 'push_to': push_to, 'query_fields': query_fields, 'referring_physician': referring_physician, 'refetch_study': refetch_study, 'result_fields': result_fields, 'serial_no': serial_no, 'share_email': share_email, 'start_datetime': start_datetime, 'study_request_id': study_request_id, 'study_uid': study_uid, 'tracking_number': tracking_number, 'uuid': uuid, } if anonymize_param is not None: anonymize_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='anonymize_', k=k): v for k,v in anonymize_param.items()} request_data.update(anonymize_param_dict) if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) if customfield_quoted_param is not None: customfield_quoted_param_dict = {'{prefix}\'{k}\''.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\'') if isinstance(k, str) else k): v for k,v in customfield_quoted_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_quoted_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('CAN_NOT_TRACK', None)] = CanNotTrack('Tracking only works with the create_study option') errors_mapping[('INSUFFICIENT_CRITERIA', None)] = InsufficientCriteria('Not enough search fields are populated') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD_NAME', None)] = InvalidFieldName('The field cannot be used in anonymization rules. The error_subtype holds the invalid field name.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid anonymization rule regular expression. The error_subtype holds the invalid regexp.') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination, namespace or study request can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to search the destination') errors_mapping[('NOT_SUPPORTED', None)] = NotSupported('The destination does not support searching a destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search_report( self, email, tracking_number, ): """Search report. :param email: Optional email address to send the report to :param tracking_number: The tracking number to report on """ request_data = { 'email': email, 'tracking_number': tracking_number, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace was not found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search/report', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def retrieve( self, activity_id, send_method, study_request_found_id, customfield_param=None, ): """Retrieve. :param activity_id: uuid of the DESTINATION_SEARCH activity to retrieve from :param send_method: The method to send a study as a study request response (share|duplicate) :param study_request_found_id: UUID of a study request search results to retrieve and send as study request response :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) will be set for the study retrieved (optional) """ request_data = { 'activity_id': activity_id, 'send_method': send_method, 'study_request_found_id': study_request_found_id, } if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The activity can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/retrieve', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def search_mwl( self, study_id, uuid, accession_number=None, order_date=None, order_number=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_name=None, patient_sex=None, patientid=None, ): """Search mwl. :param study_id: The id of the study we are searching for orders for :param uuid: uuid of the destination :param accession_number: Accession number to find (optional) :param order_date: Order date to find (optional) :param order_number: Order number to find (optional) :param patient_birth_date: Birth date to find (optional) :param patient_name: Patient name to find (optional) :param patient_sex: Gender to find (optional) :param patientid: Patient id to find (optional) """ request_data = { 'accession_number': accession_number, 'order_date': order_date, 'order_number': order_number, 'patient_birth_date': patient_birth_date, 'patient_name': patient_name, 'patient_sex': patient_sex, 'patientid': patientid, 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INSUFFICIENT_CRITERIA', None)] = InsufficientCriteria('Not enough search fields are populated') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The destination or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to search the destination') errors_mapping[('NOT_SUPPORTED', None)] = NotSupported('The destination does not support searching a destination') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/destination/search/mwl', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)