Source code for ambra_sdk.service.entrypoints.generated.user

""" User.

Do not edit this file by hand.
This is generated by parsing api.html service doc.
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import Accepted
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AlreadyDone
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AlreadyExists
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AlreadyMember
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import BadPassword
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import CaptchaFailed
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import DuplicateEmail
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import FilterNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidCondition
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidEmail
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidFlag
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidJson
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidLink
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidPassword
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidSortOrder
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidTimeZone
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidToken
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import Lockout
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import MissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NoUserPubkey
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotDisabled
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotHash
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotMember
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotPermitted
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryOF
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryOF
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryOPSF
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryOPSF

class User:

    def __init__(self, api):
        self._api = api

[docs] def join( self, email, first, last, password, captcha_response=None, customfield_param=None, share_code=None, ): """Join. :param email: Email :param first: First name :param last: Last name :param password: Password :param captcha_response: Response from captcha (optional) :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) defined in the vanity_registration_customfields account setting (optional) :param share_code: Share code they are joining from (optional) """ request_data = { 'captcha_response': captcha_response, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'last': last, 'password': password, 'share_code': share_code, } if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('CAPTCHA_FAILED', None)] = CaptchaFailed('Verifying the captcha failed') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('LOCKOUT', None)] = Lockout('Too many joins attempt') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, email, first, last, mobile_phone, password, ): """Add. :param account_id: Account id to check for the user_edit permission :param email: Email :param first: First name :param last: Last name :param mobile_phone: SMS phone number :param password: Password """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'last': last, 'mobile_phone': mobile_phone, 'password': password, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, account_id=None, uuid=None, ): """Get. :param account_id: Account id if you are trying to get a user other than yourself (optional) :param uuid: The users uuid (optional). Uses the session user if not passed """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to access this user record') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, indicator_md5, privacy_md5, terms_md5, account_id=None, allowed_login_brands=None, cc_token=None, email=None, first=None, last=None, mobile_phone=None, old_password=None, password=None, pin_required=None, public_key=None, share_code=None, share_description=None, time_zone=None, ui_json=None, uuid=None, ): """Set. :param indicator_md5: MD5 of the accepted indications of use :param privacy_md5: MD5 of the accepted privacy policy :param terms_md5: MD5 of the accepted terms of service :param account_id: Account id if you are trying to set a user other than yourself (optional) :param allowed_login_brands: A comma separated list of Brand UUIDs that the user is allowed to use when logging in (optional) :param cc_token: The credit card token to attach to the users account (optional) :param email: Email (optional) :param first: First name (optional) :param last: Last name (optional) :param mobile_phone: SMS phone number (optional) :param old_password: Previous user password (optional) :param password: User password (optional) :param pin_required: Flag to require a PIN for every login (optional) :param public_key: A public key for public key authentication (optional) :param share_code: The share code of the user (optional) :param share_description: The share description of the user (optional) :param time_zone: The users time zone name as per (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) possible options: show_org_manage_link (boolean) Show link to manage multiple organizations advanced_search (array) Advanced search customization for role. See account level "advanced_search" ui_json param for possible values enable_v3_viewer (boolean) If set, enables ProViewer for PHR account :param uuid: The users uuid (optional). Uses the session user if not passed """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'allowed_login_brands': allowed_login_brands, 'cc_token': cc_token, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'indicator_md5': indicator_md5, 'last': last, 'mobile_phone': mobile_phone, 'old_password': old_password, 'password': password, 'pin_required': pin_required, 'privacy_md5': privacy_md5, 'public_key': public_key, 'share_code': share_code, 'share_description': share_description, 'terms_md5': terms_md5, 'time_zone': time_zone, 'ui_json': ui_json, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('INVALID_PASSWORD', None)] = InvalidPassword('The old_password does not match the current password') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TIME_ZONE', None)] = InvalidTimeZone('The time zone is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TOKEN', None)] = InvalidToken('The cc_token is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit this user record. The error_subtype will hold the specific reason permission was denied.') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, ): """Delete. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def password_lost( self, email, ): """Password lost. :param email: The email """ request_data = { 'email': email, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('LOCKOUT', None)] = Lockout('Too many failed attempts') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/password/lost', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def password_reset( self, password, token, ): """Password reset. :param password: The new password :param token: The reset token """ request_data = { 'password': password, 'token': token, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TOKEN', None)] = InvalidToken('The token is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/password/reset', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def welcome( self, account_id, email, link, ): """Welcome. :param account_id: Id of the account to welcome them to :param email: The email of the user to welcome :param link: URL to reset the password at. The reset token will be appended to the link """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'link': link, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_LINK', None)] = InvalidLink('The link needs to be a https link within the site domain') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/welcome', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def join_list( self, ): """Join list. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'accounts' return QueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def join_request( self, account_id, ): """Join request. :param account_id: Id of the account to request to join """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_MEMBER', None)] = AlreadyMember('The user is already a member of the account') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to join this account') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join/request', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def invite( self, account_id, email, link, groups=None, link_already=None, locations=None, role_id=None, ): """Invite. :param account_id: The account to invite the person too :param email: Email address of the person to invite :param link: URL to accept the invitation at. The invitation id will be appended to the link :param groups: A JSON hash with the keys the group uuids to add the user to and the values the role uuid for the group (optional) :param link_already: URL to accept the invitation at for an existing user on the system. The invitation id will be appended to the link (optional) :param locations: A JSON hash with the keys the location uuids to add the user to and the values the role uuid for the location (optional) :param role_id: The role to give the user (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'groups': groups, 'link': link, 'link_already': link_already, 'locations': locations, 'role_id': role_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('They are already in this account') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EMAIL', None)] = InvalidEmail('Enter a valid email address') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_LINK', None)] = InvalidLink('The link needs to be a https link within the site domain') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account or role can not be found. The error_subtype holds the uuid of the not found item') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The field is not a JSON hash. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to invite users to this account') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/invite', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def invite_accept( self, uuid, ): """Invite accept. :param uuid: Id of the invitation """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCEPTED', None)] = Accepted('The invitation was already accepted') errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('They are already in this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The invitation was not found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/invite/accept', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def namespace_list( self, account_id=None, name_and_id_only=None, plus_phr=None, ): """Namespace list. :param account_id: Only return the namespaces for this account (optional) :param name_and_id_only: Flag to return only the the namespace name and uuid (optional) :param plus_phr: Flag to include the PHR account as well if account_id was specified (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'name_and_id_only': name_and_id_only, 'plus_phr': plus_phr, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/namespace/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryOF(**query_data)
[docs] def event( self, namespace_id, uuid=None, ): """Event. :param namespace_id: Id of the namespace to set the flags on :param uuid: Return event flags for this user, not current user (optional) """ request_data = { 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_MEMBER', None)] = NotMember('The user is not a member of this namespace') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not allowed to get user's event flags') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/event', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def event_set( self, namespace_id, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, uuid=None, ): """Event set. :param namespace_id: Id of the namespace to set the flags on :param event_approve: Notify the user on a approval needed into the namespace (optional) :param event_case_assignment: Notify the user when they are assigned a case as a medical or admin user (optional) :param event_harvest: Notify the user on a harvest into the namespace (optional) :param event_incoming_study_request: Notify the user when they get an incoming study request (optional) :param event_link: Notify the user when an anonymous link is hit in the namespace (optional) :param event_link_mine: Notify the user when an anonymous link created by the user is hit in the namespace (optional) :param event_message: Notify the user when a message is sent to the namespace (optional) :param event_new_report: Notify the user when a report is attached in the namespace (optional) :param event_query_add: Notify the user when a new query is issued (optional) :param event_query_edit: Notify the user when a query is edites (optional) :param event_query_reply: Notify the user when they leave a new reply in a query (optional) :param event_report_remove: Notify the user when a report is removed in the namespace (optional) :param event_share: Notify the user on a share into the namespace (optional) :param event_site_qualified: Notify the user when a trial site is qualified for the clinical trial account (optional) :param event_status_change: Notify the user when the status of a study is changed (optional) :param event_study_comment: Notify the user when a comment is attached to a study in the namespace (optional) :param event_thin_study_fail: Notify the user when a thin study retrieval they initiated fails (optional) :param event_thin_study_success: Notify the user when a thin study retrieval they initiated succeeds (optional) :param event_upload: Notify the user on an upload into the namespace (optional) :param event_upload_fail: Notify the user on a failed upload into the namespace (optional) :param uuid: Return event flags for this user, not current user (optional) """ request_data = { 'event_approve': event_approve, 'event_case_assignment': event_case_assignment, 'event_harvest': event_harvest, 'event_incoming_study_request': event_incoming_study_request, 'event_link': event_link, 'event_link_mine': event_link_mine, 'event_message': event_message, 'event_new_report': event_new_report, 'event_query_add': event_query_add, 'event_query_edit': event_query_edit, 'event_query_reply': event_query_reply, 'event_report_remove': event_report_remove, 'event_share': event_share, 'event_site_qualified': event_site_qualified, 'event_status_change': event_status_change, 'event_study_comment': event_study_comment, 'event_thin_study_fail': event_thin_study_fail, 'event_thin_study_success': event_thin_study_success, 'event_upload': event_upload, 'event_upload_fail': event_upload_fail, 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_MEMBER', None)] = NotMember('The user is not a member of this namespace') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not allowed to set user's event flags') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/event/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def token( self, delete, generate, ): """Token. :param delete: Flag to delete the shared secret and disable TOKEN PIN authentication :param generate: Flag to generate the shared secret for a token authenticator and enable TOKEN PIN authentication """ request_data = { 'delete': delete, 'generate': generate, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_DONE', None)] = AlreadyDone('A shared secret was already generated') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/token', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def device_clear( self, ): """Device clear. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/device/clear', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def signature( self, signature, ): """Signature. :param signature: Set the users signature to this base64 encoded image """ request_data = { 'signature': signature, } errors_mapping = {} query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/signature', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def enable( self, uuid, disable=None, ): """Enable. :param uuid: User uuid :param disable: A flag indicating whether to disable the user (optional) """ request_data = { 'disable': disable, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('NOT_DISABLED', None)] = NotDisabled('The user is not disabled') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to enable this user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/enable', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def pubkey_list( self, serial_no, uuid, ): """Pubkey list. :param serial_no: The serial number of the node :param uuid: The node id """ request_data = { 'serial_no': serial_no, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The node can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/pubkey/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def pubkey_set( self, email, public_key, serial_no, uuid, ): """Pubkey set. :param email: The users email :param public_key: A public key for public key authentication :param serial_no: The serial number of the node :param uuid: The node id """ request_data = { 'email': email, 'public_key': public_key, 'serial_no': serial_no, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The node or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NO_USER_PUBKEY', None)] = NoUserPubkey('The user does not use public key authentication') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/pubkey/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
class AsyncUser: """AsyncUser.""" def __init__(self, api): self._api = api
[docs] def join( self, email, first, last, password, captcha_response=None, customfield_param=None, share_code=None, ): """Join. :param email: Email :param first: First name :param last: Last name :param password: Password :param captcha_response: Response from captcha (optional) :param customfield_param: Expected values are CUSTOMFIELD_UUID. Custom field(s) defined in the vanity_registration_customfields account setting (optional) :param share_code: Share code they are joining from (optional) """ request_data = { 'captcha_response': captcha_response, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'last': last, 'password': password, 'share_code': share_code, } if customfield_param is not None: customfield_param_dict = {'{prefix}{k}'.format(prefix='customfield-', k=k): v for k,v in customfield_param.items()} request_data.update(customfield_param_dict) errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('CAPTCHA_FAILED', None)] = CaptchaFailed('Verifying the captcha failed') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('LOCKOUT', None)] = Lockout('Too many joins attempt') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, email, first, last, mobile_phone, password, ): """Add. :param account_id: Account id to check for the user_edit permission :param email: Email :param first: First name :param last: Last name :param mobile_phone: SMS phone number :param password: Password """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'last': last, 'mobile_phone': mobile_phone, 'password': password, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, account_id=None, uuid=None, ): """Get. :param account_id: Account id if you are trying to get a user other than yourself (optional) :param uuid: The users uuid (optional). Uses the session user if not passed """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to access this user record') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, indicator_md5, privacy_md5, terms_md5, account_id=None, allowed_login_brands=None, cc_token=None, email=None, first=None, last=None, mobile_phone=None, old_password=None, password=None, pin_required=None, public_key=None, share_code=None, share_description=None, time_zone=None, ui_json=None, uuid=None, ): """Set. :param indicator_md5: MD5 of the accepted indications of use :param privacy_md5: MD5 of the accepted privacy policy :param terms_md5: MD5 of the accepted terms of service :param account_id: Account id if you are trying to set a user other than yourself (optional) :param allowed_login_brands: A comma separated list of Brand UUIDs that the user is allowed to use when logging in (optional) :param cc_token: The credit card token to attach to the users account (optional) :param email: Email (optional) :param first: First name (optional) :param last: Last name (optional) :param mobile_phone: SMS phone number (optional) :param old_password: Previous user password (optional) :param password: User password (optional) :param pin_required: Flag to require a PIN for every login (optional) :param public_key: A public key for public key authentication (optional) :param share_code: The share code of the user (optional) :param share_description: The share description of the user (optional) :param time_zone: The users time zone name as per (optional) :param ui_json: JSON for UI settings (optional) possible options: show_org_manage_link (boolean) Show link to manage multiple organizations advanced_search (array) Advanced search customization for role. See account level "advanced_search" ui_json param for possible values enable_v3_viewer (boolean) If set, enables ProViewer for PHR account :param uuid: The users uuid (optional). Uses the session user if not passed """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'allowed_login_brands': allowed_login_brands, 'cc_token': cc_token, 'email': email, 'first': first, 'indicator_md5': indicator_md5, 'last': last, 'mobile_phone': mobile_phone, 'old_password': old_password, 'password': password, 'pin_required': pin_required, 'privacy_md5': privacy_md5, 'public_key': public_key, 'share_code': share_code, 'share_description': share_description, 'terms_md5': terms_md5, 'time_zone': time_zone, 'ui_json': ui_json, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('DUPLICATE_EMAIL', None)] = DuplicateEmail('The email is already used') errors_mapping[('INVALID_PASSWORD', None)] = InvalidPassword('The old_password does not match the current password') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TIME_ZONE', None)] = InvalidTimeZone('The time zone is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TOKEN', None)] = InvalidToken('The cc_token is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit this user record. The error_subtype will hold the specific reason permission was denied.') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, ): """Delete. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def password_lost( self, email, ): """Password lost. :param email: The email """ request_data = { 'email': email, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('LOCKOUT', None)] = Lockout('Too many failed attempts') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/password/lost', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def password_reset( self, password, token, ): """Password reset. :param password: The new password :param token: The reset token """ request_data = { 'password': password, 'token': token, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('BAD_PASSWORD', None)] = BadPassword('Password needs to be at least 8 characters long, contain at least two numbers, contain at least two characters and can't be one of your last three passwords') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TOKEN', None)] = InvalidToken('The token is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/password/reset', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def welcome( self, account_id, email, link, ): """Welcome. :param account_id: Id of the account to welcome them to :param email: The email of the user to welcome :param link: URL to reset the password at. The reset token will be appended to the link """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'link': link, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_LINK', None)] = InvalidLink('The link needs to be a https link within the site domain') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/welcome', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def join_list( self, ): """Join list. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_FIELD', None)] = InvalidSortField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_SORT_ORDER', None)] = InvalidSortOrder('The sort order for the field is invalid. The error_subtype will hold the field name this applies to') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } query_data['paginated_field'] = 'accounts' return AsyncQueryOPSF(**query_data)
[docs] def join_request( self, account_id, ): """Join request. :param account_id: Id of the account to request to join """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_MEMBER', None)] = AlreadyMember('The user is already a member of the account') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to join this account') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/join/request', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def invite( self, account_id, email, link, groups=None, link_already=None, locations=None, role_id=None, ): """Invite. :param account_id: The account to invite the person too :param email: Email address of the person to invite :param link: URL to accept the invitation at. The invitation id will be appended to the link :param groups: A JSON hash with the keys the group uuids to add the user to and the values the role uuid for the group (optional) :param link_already: URL to accept the invitation at for an existing user on the system. The invitation id will be appended to the link (optional) :param locations: A JSON hash with the keys the location uuids to add the user to and the values the role uuid for the location (optional) :param role_id: The role to give the user (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'email': email, 'groups': groups, 'link': link, 'link_already': link_already, 'locations': locations, 'role_id': role_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('They are already in this account') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EMAIL', None)] = InvalidEmail('Enter a valid email address') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The field is not in valid JSON format. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('INVALID_LINK', None)] = InvalidLink('The link needs to be a https link within the site domain') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account or role can not be found. The error_subtype holds the uuid of the not found item') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The field is not a JSON hash. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to invite users to this account') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/invite', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def invite_accept( self, uuid, ): """Invite accept. :param uuid: Id of the invitation """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCEPTED', None)] = Accepted('The invitation was already accepted') errors_mapping[('ALREADY_EXISTS', None)] = AlreadyExists('They are already in this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The invitation was not found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/invite/accept', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def namespace_list( self, account_id=None, name_and_id_only=None, plus_phr=None, ): """Namespace list. :param account_id: Only return the namespaces for this account (optional) :param name_and_id_only: Flag to return only the the namespace name and uuid (optional) :param plus_phr: Flag to include the PHR account as well if account_id was specified (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'name_and_id_only': name_and_id_only, 'plus_phr': plus_phr, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('FILTER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = FilterNotFound('The filter can not be found. The error_subtype will hold the filter UUID') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidCondition('The condition is not support. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FIELD', None)] = InvalidField('The field is not valid for this object. The error_subtype will hold the filter expression this applies to') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/namespace/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryOF(**query_data)
[docs] def event( self, namespace_id, uuid=None, ): """Event. :param namespace_id: Id of the namespace to set the flags on :param uuid: Return event flags for this user, not current user (optional) """ request_data = { 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_MEMBER', None)] = NotMember('The user is not a member of this namespace') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not allowed to get user's event flags') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/event', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def event_set( self, namespace_id, event_approve=None, event_case_assignment=None, event_harvest=None, event_incoming_study_request=None, event_link=None, event_link_mine=None, event_message=None, event_new_report=None, event_query_add=None, event_query_edit=None, event_query_reply=None, event_report_remove=None, event_share=None, event_site_qualified=None, event_status_change=None, event_study_comment=None, event_thin_study_fail=None, event_thin_study_success=None, event_upload=None, event_upload_fail=None, uuid=None, ): """Event set. :param namespace_id: Id of the namespace to set the flags on :param event_approve: Notify the user on a approval needed into the namespace (optional) :param event_case_assignment: Notify the user when they are assigned a case as a medical or admin user (optional) :param event_harvest: Notify the user on a harvest into the namespace (optional) :param event_incoming_study_request: Notify the user when they get an incoming study request (optional) :param event_link: Notify the user when an anonymous link is hit in the namespace (optional) :param event_link_mine: Notify the user when an anonymous link created by the user is hit in the namespace (optional) :param event_message: Notify the user when a message is sent to the namespace (optional) :param event_new_report: Notify the user when a report is attached in the namespace (optional) :param event_query_add: Notify the user when a new query is issued (optional) :param event_query_edit: Notify the user when a query is edites (optional) :param event_query_reply: Notify the user when they leave a new reply in a query (optional) :param event_report_remove: Notify the user when a report is removed in the namespace (optional) :param event_share: Notify the user on a share into the namespace (optional) :param event_site_qualified: Notify the user when a trial site is qualified for the clinical trial account (optional) :param event_status_change: Notify the user when the status of a study is changed (optional) :param event_study_comment: Notify the user when a comment is attached to a study in the namespace (optional) :param event_thin_study_fail: Notify the user when a thin study retrieval they initiated fails (optional) :param event_thin_study_success: Notify the user when a thin study retrieval they initiated succeeds (optional) :param event_upload: Notify the user on an upload into the namespace (optional) :param event_upload_fail: Notify the user on a failed upload into the namespace (optional) :param uuid: Return event flags for this user, not current user (optional) """ request_data = { 'event_approve': event_approve, 'event_case_assignment': event_case_assignment, 'event_harvest': event_harvest, 'event_incoming_study_request': event_incoming_study_request, 'event_link': event_link, 'event_link_mine': event_link_mine, 'event_message': event_message, 'event_new_report': event_new_report, 'event_query_add': event_query_add, 'event_query_edit': event_query_edit, 'event_query_reply': event_query_reply, 'event_report_remove': event_report_remove, 'event_share': event_share, 'event_site_qualified': event_site_qualified, 'event_status_change': event_status_change, 'event_study_comment': event_study_comment, 'event_thin_study_fail': event_thin_study_fail, 'event_thin_study_success': event_thin_study_success, 'event_upload': event_upload, 'event_upload_fail': event_upload_fail, 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_FLAG', None)] = InvalidFlag('An invalid flag was passed. The error_subtype holds the name of the invalid flag') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The namespace or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_MEMBER', None)] = NotMember('The user is not a member of this namespace') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not allowed to set user's event flags') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/event/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def token( self, delete, generate, ): """Token. :param delete: Flag to delete the shared secret and disable TOKEN PIN authentication :param generate: Flag to generate the shared secret for a token authenticator and enable TOKEN PIN authentication """ request_data = { 'delete': delete, 'generate': generate, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ALREADY_DONE', None)] = AlreadyDone('A shared secret was already generated') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to do this') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/token', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def device_clear( self, ): """Device clear. """ request_data = { } errors_mapping = {} query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/device/clear', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def signature( self, signature, ): """Signature. :param signature: Set the users signature to this base64 encoded image """ request_data = { 'signature': signature, } errors_mapping = {} query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/signature', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def enable( self, uuid, disable=None, ): """Enable. :param uuid: User uuid :param disable: A flag indicating whether to disable the user (optional) """ request_data = { 'disable': disable, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('NOT_DISABLED', None)] = NotDisabled('The user is not disabled') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to enable this user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/enable', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def pubkey_list( self, serial_no, uuid, ): """Pubkey list. :param serial_no: The serial number of the node :param uuid: The node id """ request_data = { 'serial_no': serial_no, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The node can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/pubkey/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def pubkey_set( self, email, public_key, serial_no, uuid, ): """Pubkey set. :param email: The users email :param public_key: A public key for public key authentication :param serial_no: The serial number of the node :param uuid: The node id """ request_data = { 'email': email, 'public_key': public_key, 'serial_no': serial_no, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The node or user can not be found') errors_mapping[('NO_USER_PUBKEY', None)] = NoUserPubkey('The user does not use public key authentication') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/user/pubkey/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)