Source code for ambra_sdk.service.entrypoints.generated.webhook

""" Webhook.

Do not edit this file by hand.
This is generated by parsing api.html service doc.
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import AccountNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import CustomNotHash
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import FdcJwtInvalidPrivateKey
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import IncompleteFilter
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidCron
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidEvent
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidFilterField
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidJson
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidMethod
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidRegexp
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidTransformCondition
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidType
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidUrl
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import InvalidWebhookSetup
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import MissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NodeNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotHash
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotPermitted
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import NotWithCron
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import ParseFailed
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SfdcJwtMissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SfdcJwtNotHash
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SfdcMissingFields
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SfdcNotHash
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SidUserNotFound
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SidUserNotInAccount
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import SidUserPrivilegeEscalation
from ambra_sdk.exceptions.service import UserNotFound
from ambra_sdk.service.query import QueryO
from ambra_sdk.service.query import AsyncQueryO

class Webhook:

    def __init__(self, api):
        self._api = api

[docs] def list( self, account_id, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, event, method, name, url, auth=None, by_accession_number=None, by_uid=None, by_webhook_event=None, cron=None, delay=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, max_age=None, node_id=None, once=None, parameters=None, retry=None, sid_user_id=None, suspended=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param event: Event to call it on (See the notes for the available events) :param method: Method to call it with (POST|GET|POST_JSON|PUT|GET_JSON) :param name: Name of the webhook :param url: URL to call :param auth: A JSON hash with the authentication details (optional) :param by_accession_number: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same accession_number (optional) :param by_uid: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same study_uid (optional) :param by_webhook_event: Flag to fire WEBHOOK_FAILED once at final unsuccessful try of a failing webhook (optional) :param cron: Cron timing string for CRON events e.g 0 9 * * mon-fri(optional) :param delay: Number of seconds to delay running this webhook for after it is triggered (optional) :param filter_field: Name of the study field (by default) or another object's field (should have prefix like "webhook.") to filter on (optional) :param filter_regexp: Regular expression to match the value of the filter_field against (optional) :param max_age: Ignore studies that are more than this number of days old based on the study_date (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node to proxy the webhook through (optional) :param once: Flag that this webhook should only be run once for a specific study (optional) :param parameters: A JSON object of the parameter names and values (optional) :param retry: Retry the webhook if it fails (optional) :param sid_user_id: UUID of the user to generate a sid as (optional) :param suspended: This webhook is suspended and not triggered (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'auth': auth, 'by_accession_number': by_accession_number, 'by_uid': by_uid, 'by_webhook_event': by_webhook_event, 'cron': cron, 'delay': delay, 'event': event, 'filter_field': filter_field, 'filter_regexp': filter_regexp, 'max_age': max_age, 'method': method, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'once': once, 'parameters': parameters, 'retry': retry, 'sid_user_id': sid_user_id, 'suspended': suspended, 'url': url, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND', None)] = AccountNotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('CUSTOM_NOT_HASH', None)] = CustomNotHash('The custom auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('FDC_JWT_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY', None)] = FdcJwtInvalidPrivateKey('The private key is invalid') errors_mapping[('INCOMPLETE_FILTER', None)] = IncompleteFilter('Both a field and regexp are required') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CRON', None)] = InvalidCron('The cron value is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EVENT', None)] = InvalidEvent('An invalid event was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FILTER_FIELD', None)] = InvalidFilterField('Invalid filter field name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The parameters field is not in valid JSON format.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_METHOD', None)] = InvalidMethod('An invalid method was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid regular expression') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TRANSFORM_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidTransformCondition('The transform condition is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_URL', None)] = InvalidUrl('The url value is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The parameter or auth field is not a hash.') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a webhook to this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_WITH_CRON', None)] = NotWithCron('The delay or retry option can not be used for cron events') errors_mapping[('SFDC_JWT_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcJwtMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_JWT_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcJwtNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = SidUserNotFound('The sid user can not be found') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_IN_ACCOUNT', None)] = SidUserNotInAccount('The sid user is not a member of this account') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION', None)] = SidUserPrivilegeEscalation('The user for sid_user_id has higher privileges that the calling user') errors_mapping[('USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = UserNotFound('The basic authentication user can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, uuid, auth=None, by_accession_number=None, by_uid=None, by_webhook_event=None, cron=None, delay=None, event=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, max_age=None, method=None, name=None, node_id=None, once=None, parameters=None, retry=None, sid_user_id=None, suspended=None, url=None, ): """Set. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook :param auth: A JSON hash with the authentication details (optional) :param by_accession_number: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same accession_number (optional) :param by_uid: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same study_uid (optional) :param by_webhook_event: Flag to fire WEBHOOK_FAILED once at final unsuccessful try of a failing webhook (optional) :param cron: Cron timing string for CRON events (optional) :param delay: Number of seconds to delay running this webhook for after it is triggered (optional) :param event: Event to call it on (optional see add command for options) :param filter_field: Name of the field to filter on (optional) :param filter_regexp: Regular expression to match the value of the filter_field against (optional) :param max_age: Ignore studies that are more than this number of days old based on the study_date (optional) :param method: Method to call it with (optional see add command for options) :param name: Name of the webhook (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node to proxy the webhook through (optional) :param once: Flag that this webhook should only be run once for a specific study (optional) :param parameters: A JSON object of the parameter names and values (optional see add command for options) :param retry: Retry the webhook if it fails (optional) :param sid_user_id: UUID of the user to generate a sid as (optional) :param suspended: This webhook is suspended and not triggered (optional) :param url: URL to call (optional) """ request_data = { 'auth': auth, 'by_accession_number': by_accession_number, 'by_uid': by_uid, 'by_webhook_event': by_webhook_event, 'cron': cron, 'delay': delay, 'event': event, 'filter_field': filter_field, 'filter_regexp': filter_regexp, 'max_age': max_age, 'method': method, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'once': once, 'parameters': parameters, 'retry': retry, 'sid_user_id': sid_user_id, 'suspended': suspended, 'url': url, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INCOMPLETE_FILTER', None)] = IncompleteFilter('Both a field and regexp are required') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CRON', None)] = InvalidCron('The cron value is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EVENT', None)] = InvalidEvent('An invalid event was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FILTER_FIELD', None)] = InvalidFilterField('Invalid filter field name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The parameters field is not in valid JSON format.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_METHOD', None)] = InvalidMethod('An invalid method was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid regular expression') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TRANSFORM_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidTransformCondition('The transform condition is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_URL', None)] = InvalidUrl('The url value is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The parameter field is not a hash.') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the webhook') errors_mapping[('NOT_WITH_CRON', None)] = NotWithCron('The delay or retry option can not be used for cron events') errors_mapping[('SFDC_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = SidUserNotFound('The sid user can not be found') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_IN_ACCOUNT', None)] = SidUserNotInAccount('The sid user is not a member of this account') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION', None)] = SidUserPrivilegeEscalation('The user for sid_user_id has higher privileges that the calling user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def trigger( self, study_id, uuid, ): """Trigger. :param study_id: uuid of the study to fire the webhook for :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to trigger the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/trigger', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def run( self, study_id, uuid, ): """Run. :param study_id: uuid of the study to run the webhook for :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_WEBHOOK_SETUP', None)] = InvalidWebhookSetup('The webhook must be a MANUAL webhook with no delay or retry options enabled') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to run the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/run', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def event( self, type, integration_key=None, namespace_id=None, share_code=None, study_count=None, ): """Event. :param type: The type of event (STUDY_UPLOAD_START|STUDY_UPLOAD_END) :param integration_key: The integration key associated with the event (optional) :param namespace_id: namespace_id :param share_code: share_code :param study_count: The number of studies associated with the event (optional) """ request_data = { 'integration_key': integration_key, 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'share_code': share_code, 'study_count': study_count, 'type': type, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('Invalid event type') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/event', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return QueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def email( self, html, subject, template_id, text, to, webhook_id, ): """Email. :param html: The HTML part of the email :param subject: The subject of the email :param template_id: The email template UUID to be used :param text: The text part of the email :param to: The email address(es) to send the email to :param webhook_id: The uuid of the calling webhook """ request_data = { 'html': html, 'subject': subject, 'template_id': template_id, 'text': text, 'to': to, 'webhook_id': webhook_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('This is not a call from a valid webhook') errors_mapping[('PARSE_FAILED', None)] = ParseFailed('Template parsing failed for a field. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/email', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return QueryO(**query_data)
class AsyncWebhook: """AsyncWebhook.""" def __init__(self, api): self._api = api
[docs] def list( self, account_id, ): """List. :param account_id: uuid of the account """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view this list') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/list', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def add( self, account_id, event, method, name, url, auth=None, by_accession_number=None, by_uid=None, by_webhook_event=None, cron=None, delay=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, max_age=None, node_id=None, once=None, parameters=None, retry=None, sid_user_id=None, suspended=None, ): """Add. :param account_id: uuid of the account :param event: Event to call it on (See the notes for the available events) :param method: Method to call it with (POST|GET|POST_JSON|PUT|GET_JSON) :param name: Name of the webhook :param url: URL to call :param auth: A JSON hash with the authentication details (optional) :param by_accession_number: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same accession_number (optional) :param by_uid: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same study_uid (optional) :param by_webhook_event: Flag to fire WEBHOOK_FAILED once at final unsuccessful try of a failing webhook (optional) :param cron: Cron timing string for CRON events e.g 0 9 * * mon-fri(optional) :param delay: Number of seconds to delay running this webhook for after it is triggered (optional) :param filter_field: Name of the study field (by default) or another object's field (should have prefix like "webhook.") to filter on (optional) :param filter_regexp: Regular expression to match the value of the filter_field against (optional) :param max_age: Ignore studies that are more than this number of days old based on the study_date (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node to proxy the webhook through (optional) :param once: Flag that this webhook should only be run once for a specific study (optional) :param parameters: A JSON object of the parameter names and values (optional) :param retry: Retry the webhook if it fails (optional) :param sid_user_id: UUID of the user to generate a sid as (optional) :param suspended: This webhook is suspended and not triggered (optional) """ request_data = { 'account_id': account_id, 'auth': auth, 'by_accession_number': by_accession_number, 'by_uid': by_uid, 'by_webhook_event': by_webhook_event, 'cron': cron, 'delay': delay, 'event': event, 'filter_field': filter_field, 'filter_regexp': filter_regexp, 'max_age': max_age, 'method': method, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'once': once, 'parameters': parameters, 'retry': retry, 'sid_user_id': sid_user_id, 'suspended': suspended, 'url': url, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND', None)] = AccountNotFound('The account can not be found') errors_mapping[('CUSTOM_NOT_HASH', None)] = CustomNotHash('The custom auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('FDC_JWT_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY', None)] = FdcJwtInvalidPrivateKey('The private key is invalid') errors_mapping[('INCOMPLETE_FILTER', None)] = IncompleteFilter('Both a field and regexp are required') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CRON', None)] = InvalidCron('The cron value is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EVENT', None)] = InvalidEvent('An invalid event was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FILTER_FIELD', None)] = InvalidFilterField('Invalid filter field name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The parameters field is not in valid JSON format.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_METHOD', None)] = InvalidMethod('An invalid method was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid regular expression') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TRANSFORM_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidTransformCondition('The transform condition is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_URL', None)] = InvalidUrl('The url value is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The parameter or auth field is not a hash.') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to add a webhook to this account') errors_mapping[('NOT_WITH_CRON', None)] = NotWithCron('The delay or retry option can not be used for cron events') errors_mapping[('SFDC_JWT_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcJwtMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_JWT_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcJwtNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = SidUserNotFound('The sid user can not be found') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_IN_ACCOUNT', None)] = SidUserNotInAccount('The sid user is not a member of this account') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION', None)] = SidUserPrivilegeEscalation('The user for sid_user_id has higher privileges that the calling user') errors_mapping[('USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = UserNotFound('The basic authentication user can not be found') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/add', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def set( self, uuid, auth=None, by_accession_number=None, by_uid=None, by_webhook_event=None, cron=None, delay=None, event=None, filter_field=None, filter_regexp=None, max_age=None, method=None, name=None, node_id=None, once=None, parameters=None, retry=None, sid_user_id=None, suspended=None, url=None, ): """Set. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook :param auth: A JSON hash with the authentication details (optional) :param by_accession_number: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same accession_number (optional) :param by_uid: Flag to expand the once search to include studies with the same study_uid (optional) :param by_webhook_event: Flag to fire WEBHOOK_FAILED once at final unsuccessful try of a failing webhook (optional) :param cron: Cron timing string for CRON events (optional) :param delay: Number of seconds to delay running this webhook for after it is triggered (optional) :param event: Event to call it on (optional see add command for options) :param filter_field: Name of the field to filter on (optional) :param filter_regexp: Regular expression to match the value of the filter_field against (optional) :param max_age: Ignore studies that are more than this number of days old based on the study_date (optional) :param method: Method to call it with (optional see add command for options) :param name: Name of the webhook (optional) :param node_id: uuid of the node to proxy the webhook through (optional) :param once: Flag that this webhook should only be run once for a specific study (optional) :param parameters: A JSON object of the parameter names and values (optional see add command for options) :param retry: Retry the webhook if it fails (optional) :param sid_user_id: UUID of the user to generate a sid as (optional) :param suspended: This webhook is suspended and not triggered (optional) :param url: URL to call (optional) """ request_data = { 'auth': auth, 'by_accession_number': by_accession_number, 'by_uid': by_uid, 'by_webhook_event': by_webhook_event, 'cron': cron, 'delay': delay, 'event': event, 'filter_field': filter_field, 'filter_regexp': filter_regexp, 'max_age': max_age, 'method': method, 'name': name, 'node_id': node_id, 'once': once, 'parameters': parameters, 'retry': retry, 'sid_user_id': sid_user_id, 'suspended': suspended, 'url': url, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INCOMPLETE_FILTER', None)] = IncompleteFilter('Both a field and regexp are required') errors_mapping[('INVALID_CRON', None)] = InvalidCron('The cron value is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_EVENT', None)] = InvalidEvent('An invalid event was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_FILTER_FIELD', None)] = InvalidFilterField('Invalid filter field name') errors_mapping[('INVALID_JSON', None)] = InvalidJson('The parameters field is not in valid JSON format.') errors_mapping[('INVALID_METHOD', None)] = InvalidMethod('An invalid method was passed') errors_mapping[('INVALID_REGEXP', None)] = InvalidRegexp('Invalid regular expression') errors_mapping[('INVALID_TRANSFORM_CONDITION', None)] = InvalidTransformCondition('The transform condition is invalid') errors_mapping[('INVALID_URL', None)] = InvalidUrl('The url value is invalid') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NODE_NOT_FOUND', None)] = NodeNotFound('The node can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_HASH', None)] = NotHash('The parameter field is not a hash.') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to edit the webhook') errors_mapping[('NOT_WITH_CRON', None)] = NotWithCron('The delay or retry option can not be used for cron events') errors_mapping[('SFDC_MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = SfdcMissingFields('Fields are missing for the SFDC auth hash') errors_mapping[('SFDC_NOT_HASH', None)] = SfdcNotHash('The SFDC auth value is not a JSON hash') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_FOUND', None)] = SidUserNotFound('The sid user can not be found') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_NOT_IN_ACCOUNT', None)] = SidUserNotInAccount('The sid user is not a member of this account') errors_mapping[('SID_USER_PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION', None)] = SidUserPrivilegeEscalation('The user for sid_user_id has higher privileges that the calling user') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/set', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def get( self, uuid, ): """Get. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to view the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/get', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def delete( self, uuid, ): """Delete. :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to delete the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/delete', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def trigger( self, study_id, uuid, ): """Trigger. :param study_id: uuid of the study to fire the webhook for :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to trigger the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/trigger', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def run( self, study_id, uuid, ): """Run. :param study_id: uuid of the study to run the webhook for :param uuid: uuid of the webhook """ request_data = { 'study_id': study_id, 'uuid': uuid, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_WEBHOOK_SETUP', None)] = InvalidWebhookSetup('The webhook must be a MANUAL webhook with no delay or retry options enabled') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_FOUND', None)] = NotFound('The webhook or study can not be found') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('You are not permitted to run the webhook') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/run', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def event( self, type, integration_key=None, namespace_id=None, share_code=None, study_count=None, ): """Event. :param type: The type of event (STUDY_UPLOAD_START|STUDY_UPLOAD_END) :param integration_key: The integration key associated with the event (optional) :param namespace_id: namespace_id :param share_code: share_code :param study_count: The number of studies associated with the event (optional) """ request_data = { 'integration_key': integration_key, 'namespace_id': namespace_id, 'share_code': share_code, 'study_count': study_count, 'type': type, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('INVALID_TYPE', None)] = InvalidType('Invalid event type') errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/event', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': True, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)
[docs] def email( self, html, subject, template_id, text, to, webhook_id, ): """Email. :param html: The HTML part of the email :param subject: The subject of the email :param template_id: The email template UUID to be used :param text: The text part of the email :param to: The email address(es) to send the email to :param webhook_id: The uuid of the calling webhook """ request_data = { 'html': html, 'subject': subject, 'template_id': template_id, 'text': text, 'to': to, 'webhook_id': webhook_id, } errors_mapping = {} errors_mapping[('MISSING_FIELDS', None)] = MissingFields('A required field is missing or does not have data in it. The error_subtype holds a array of all the missing fields') errors_mapping[('NOT_PERMITTED', None)] = NotPermitted('This is not a call from a valid webhook') errors_mapping[('PARSE_FAILED', None)] = ParseFailed('Template parsing failed for a field. The error_subtype holds the name of the field') query_data = { 'api': self._api, 'url': '/webhook/email', 'request_data': request_data, 'errors_mapping': errors_mapping, 'required_sid': False, } return AsyncQueryO(**query_data)