Source code for

"""Storage study namespace."""

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from box import Box, BoxList
from requests import Response

from import PreparedRequest
from import BaseStudy, ImageJsonBox, JsonBox
from ambra_sdk.types import RequestsFileType

[docs]class Study(BaseStudy): """Storage Study."""
[docs] def schema( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, extended: Optional[bool] = None, attachments_only: Optional[bool] = None, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Get the schema of study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/schema?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&extended={1,0}&attachments_only={0,1} # NOQA E501 :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param extended: is an bool, when set to 1 will include the optional phi_version and transfer_attributes name/value pairs in the response. :param attachments_only: is an bool, when set to 1 will only include a list of the attachments in the study. :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study schema """ prepared_request = self._schema( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, extended=extended, attachments_only=attachments_only, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def delete( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, keep_attachments: Optional[bool] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Deletes a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{study_uid}?sid={sid}&keep_attachments={1,0} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param keep_attachments: An integer value of 1 or 0. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Delete response If the optional parameter keep_attachments is set to 1, then: all DICOM images will be deleted. reports and attachments related to the study will be kept. """ prepared_request = self._delete( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, keep_attachments=keep_attachments, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def delete_image( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Deletes a single image from a study. To delete multiple images, study/delete/images/. The HTTP method must be DELETE This method sends a STUDY_DELETE notification to Services after the image is deleted This method is synchronous - it doesn't return until the image is deleted and Services notification is sent URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}?sid={sid} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Delete image response """ prepared_request = self._delete_image( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def delete_images( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, request_body: str, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Delete multiple images from a study. The HTTP method must be DELETE This method sends one STUDY_DELETE notification to Services after the images are deleted This method is synchronous - it doesn't return until all images are deleted and Services notification is sent URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/images?sid={sid} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param request_body: Comma-separated list of multiple image UIDs (Required). :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Delete images response """ prepared_request = self._delete_images( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, request_body=request_body, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def count( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, images_only: Optional[bool] = None, attachments_only: Optional[bool] = None, count_files: Optional[bool] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study file count. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/count?sid={sid}&images_only={1,0}&attachments_only={1,0}&count_files={1,0} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param images_only: an integer, zero or 1, returns the number of images in the study with superseded images by way of study update not counted. :param attachments_only: an integer, zero or 1, returns the number of attachments which have been added to this study. :param count_files: if present and set to 1 will count files stored on-disk for images and/or attachments, instead of counting from (possibly cached) meta data. :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: count obj """ prepared_request = self._count( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, images_only=images_only, attachments_only=attachments_only, count_files=count_files, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def tag( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study tags. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/tag?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study tag object """ prepared_request = self._tag( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def attribute( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, groups: Optional[str] = None, include_tags: Optional[str] = None, exclude_unnamed: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study image attributes. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/attribute?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param groups: The groups parameter will allow the client to filter tags to only those in a certain set of top-level DICOM groups. Comma-separated list of decimal values, or hex values preceeded with "0x". :param include_tags: Comma-separated list of top-level DICOM tags to include. Format: 00080018,00080020 Nested tags (00081111:00080550) only filter at the top level, everything is included within the sequence :param exclude_unnamed: A string containing "1" or "0" (default 0). When "1", private tags (with "name": "?") are not included :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study attributes """ prepared_request = self._attribute( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, groups=groups, include_tags=include_tags, exclude_unnamed=exclude_unnamed, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def image_phi( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study image PHI. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/phi?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: image PHI object """ prepared_request = self._image_phi( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def phi( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study PHI data. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/phi?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study PHI data object """ prepared_request = self._phi( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def thumbnail( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, frame_number: int, depth: Optional[int] = None, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study image thumbnail. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/frame/{frameNumber}/thumbnail?sid={sid}&depth={8,16}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param frame_number: Frame number (Required). :param depth: Set the bit depth of the JPEG output (8 or 16). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Thumbnail object """ prepared_request = self._thumbnail( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, frame_number=frame_number, depth=depth, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def diagnostic( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, frame_number: int, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, depth: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study diagnostic image. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/frame/{frameNumber}/diagnostic?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&depth={8,16}&size=[max-edge-length|{width}x{height}] :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param frame_number: Frame number (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param depth: Set the bit depth of the JPEG output (8 or 16). :param size: Specify size of output. Omitted or 0 indicates no change; one number sets the maximum edge length in pixels; wxh sets maximum width and height :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Diagnostic image object """ prepared_request = self._diagnostic( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, frame_number=frame_number, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, depth=depth, size=size, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def frame( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, frame_number: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, depth: Optional[int] = None, quality: Optional[float] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study image frame. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/frame/{frameNumber:[0-9][0-9]*|[0-9][0-9]*}?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&depth={8,16}&quality={0.0-1.0}&size=[max-edge-length|{width}x{height}] :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param frame_number: Frame number (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param depth: Set the bit depth of the JPEG output (8 or 16). :param quality: Set the JPEG compression quality 0 < q ≤ 1.0 (default 0.9) :param size: Specify size of output. Omitted or 0 indicates no change; one number sets the maximum edge length in pixels; wxh sets maximum width and height :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study image frame response """ prepared_request = self._frame( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, frame_number=frame_number, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, depth=depth, quality=quality, size=size, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def frame_tiff( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, frame_number: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, depth: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets study image frame as TIFF. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/frame/{frameNumber:[0-9]*}/tiff?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&depth={8,16}&size=[max-edge-length|{width}x{height}] :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param frame_number: Frame number (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param depth: Set the bit depth of the JPEG output (8 or 16). :param size: Specify size of output. Omitted or 0 indicates no change; one number sets the maximum edge length in pixels; wxh sets maximum width and height :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study image frame response """ prepared_request = self._frame_tiff( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, frame_number=frame_number, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, depth=depth, size=size, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def pdf( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets a study encapsulated pdf file. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/pdf?sid={sid} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Pdf response object """ prepared_request = self._pdf( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def image_json( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, exclude_unnamed: Optional[bool] = None, all_dicom_values: Optional[bool] = None, groups: Optional[str] = None, include_tags: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[ImageJsonBox, Response, PreparedRequest]: r"""Gets all DICOM attributes for an individual image. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/json?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param exclude_unnamed: When True, private tags (with "name": "?") are not included :param all_dicom_values: When True all values from a multi-value DICOM tag will be returned, separated by "\". Otherwise, only the first value is returned :param groups: groups :param include_tags: include_tags :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: DICOM attributes object """ prepared_request = self._image_json( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, exclude_unnamed=exclude_unnamed, all_dicom_values=all_dicom_values, groups=groups, include_tags=include_tags, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return ImageJsonBox(response.json()) return response
[docs] def json( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, groups: Optional[str] = None, all_dicom_values: Optional[bool] = None, include_tags: Optional[str] = None, exclude_unnamed: Optional[bool] = None, series_uid: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[JsonBox, Response, PreparedRequest]: r"""Gets DICOM attributes for all images in a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/json?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&groups={group ids}&include_tags={tags} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param groups: The groups parameter will allow the client to filter tags to only those in a certain set of top-level DICOM groups. Comma-separated list of decimal values, or hex values preceeded with "0x". :param all_dicom_values: A string containing "1" or "0" (default 0). When "1", all values from a multi-value DICOM tag will be returned, separated by "\". Otherwise, only the first value is returned :param include_tags: Comma-separated list of top-level DICOM tags to include. Format: 00080018,00080020 Nested tags (00081111:00080550) only filter at the top level, everything is included within the sequence :param exclude_unnamed: If True private tags (with "name": "?") are not included :param series_uid: A string containing a Series Instance UID. If specified, the results will only include DICOM tags from images from the specified series :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: DICOM attributes object """ prepared_request = self._json( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, groups=groups, all_dicom_values=all_dicom_values, include_tags=include_tags, exclude_unnamed=exclude_unnamed, series_uid=series_uid, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return JsonBox(response.json()) return response
[docs] def attachment( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, attachment_id: str, version: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets the selected attachment. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment/{attachmentId}/version/{version}?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment/{attachmentId}/version/{version}/{filename}?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param attachment_id: Attachment uid (Required). :param version: version (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param file_name: filename :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: attachments response """ prepared_request = self._attachment( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, attachment_id=attachment_id, version=version, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, file_name=file_name, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def latest( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets the latest attachment for a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment/{filename:latest|latest}?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param file_name: filename or latest (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: latest attachment response """ prepared_request = self._latest( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, file_name=file_name, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def post_attachment( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, opened_file: RequestsFileType, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, wrap_images: Optional[bool] = None, wrap_html_as_pdf: Optional[bool] = None, return_html: Optional[bool] = None, synchronous_wrap: Optional[bool] = None, static_ids: Optional[bool] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Posts an attachment to a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&wrap_images={0,1}&return_html={0,1}&synchronous_wrap={0,1}&static_ids={0,1} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param opened_file: Opened file (like in requests) (Required). File object, or may be 2-tuples (filename, fileobj), 3-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype) or 4-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype, custom_headers). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param wrap_images: An integer of value 1 or 0. If 1, for attachments that are images, or can be rendered to an image, generate a new DICOM image in the study containing (a rendered image of) the attachment (also controlled by namespace setting auto_wrap_images). :param wrap_html_as_pdf: An integer of value 1 or 0. If 1, for attachments that are html, generate a new pdf and attach that (instead of the original html). :param synchronous_wrap: An integer of value 1 or 0. If 1, do all processing for image wrapping before returning, including Services notifications. Additionally triggers wrap_images functionality. :param static_ids: An integer of value 1 or 0. If 1, the attachment, series and any images rendered from PDF are assigned (u)uids based on a hash of the attachment, which will be the same if the attachment is re-uploaded. The attachment is also allowed to be re-uploaded when set to 1. :param return_html: An integer of value 1 or 0. Return results as Content Type text html, instead of application json (required for certain browsers) :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: posts attachments response The request entity must contain a single multipart/form-data element named data containing the content to be attached. If the optional parameter wrap_images or synchronous_wrap is set to 1, or the uploading account has the setting auto_wrap_images set to 1, then: attachments of type image/jpeg or image/bmp are, asynchronously (unless synchronous_wrap=1) to the Store Attachment request, posted to the Wrap Attachment service, to be stored as a single DICOM image in a new series within the specified study. attachments of type application/pdf are, asynchronously (unless synchronous_wrap=1) to the Store Attachment request, rendered to DICOM images at a resolution of 200 ppi, one image per page of the original PDF. The resulting are stored in a new series within the specified study. UIDs assigned to the series and images will be random unless static_ids=1 """ prepared_request = self._post_attachment( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, opened_file=opened_file, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, wrap_images=wrap_images, wrap_html_as_pdf=wrap_html_as_pdf, return_html=return_html, synchronous_wrap=synchronous_wrap, static_ids=static_ids, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request # Method can return Html (depends on params)... return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def attachment_image( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, attachment_uid: str, version: str, static_ids: Optional[bool] = None, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Attachment image. Adds a render of an attachment to a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment/{attachmentUid}/version/{version}/image?sid={sid}& :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param attachment_uid: Attachment uid (Required). :param version: version (Required) :param static_ids: An integer of value 1 or 0. If 1, series and images rendered from PDF are assigned (u)uids based on a hash of the attachment; repeated requests to render the same PDF will not result in more images. :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: 202 Attachment succesfully rendered as an image and added to study. 500 (SERVER ERROR) if server error persisted. """ prepared_request = self._attachment_image( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, attachment_uid=attachment_uid, version=version, static_ids=static_ids, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def download( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, bundle: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, series_uid: Optional[str] = None, image_uid: Optional[str] = None, include_wrapped_dicoms: Optional[bool] = None, stop_on_failure: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_viewer: Optional[bool] = None, v3: Optional[bool] = None, roche_directory: Optional[bool] = None, flat_directory: Optional[bool] = None, transfer_syntax: Optional[bool] = None, anonymize_tags: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Downloads a study ZIP file. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/download?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&bundle={iso,dicom,osx,win}&include_wrapped_dicoms={0,1}&series_uid={series_uid[,series_uid...]}&image_uid={image_uid[,image_uid...]} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param bundle: A string with value "dicom", "iso", "osx" or "win" (Required). :param phi_namespace: The shared-to namespace UUID of a shared instance of a study (Optional) :param include_wrapped_dicoms: When "1", will also include the DICOM file of a wrapped DICOM. Default is to only include the unwrapped file. :param series_uid: One or more Series Instance UIDs, comma-separated. Download will only include images from these series. :param image_uid: One or more SOP Instance UIDs, comma-separated. Download will only include these images. :param stop_on_failure: If "1", will not include the viewer app if there are any errors generating the download. :param exclude_viewer: If "1", viewer app will not be included in the "iso", "osx", and "win" bundle. The viewer app can be retrieved separately via /download/viewer :param v3: If "1", viewer app will be pro viewer, and format/content will support pro viewer. :param roche_directory: If "1", .dcm files will be organized into StudyDate-ClinicalTrialTimePointID/Modality/SeriesTime-SeriesDescription/ folders (instead of SER000X/ folders). :param flat_directory: If "1", .dcm files will be flatly named IMG0001-IMG{image count}, and not be organized into SER folder. :param transfer_syntax: transfer syntax :param anonymize_tags: The list of tag ids with overridden values separated by comma (,) that should be overridden. Example: anonymize_tags={{tag_id_int_1}}={{tag_value_1}},{{tag_id_int_2}}={{tag_value_2}}. To omit tag, provide special keyword that is being used in services overrides as value: __DELETE__ :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: study zip file response """ prepared_request = self._download( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, bundle=bundle, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, series_uid=series_uid, image_uid=image_uid, include_wrapped_dicoms=include_wrapped_dicoms, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure, exclude_viewer=exclude_viewer, v3=v3, roche_directory=roche_directory, flat_directory=flat_directory, transfer_syntax=transfer_syntax, anonymize_tags=anonymize_tags, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def delete_attachment( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, attachment_id: str, hash_arg: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Deletes a study attachment. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/attachment/{attachmentId}/version/{hash}?sid={sid}?phi_namespace={phi_namespace} Note: Instead of hash in storage api this method accept hash_arg argument. Actually, hash_args is attachment version... :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param attachment_id: attachment id (Required). :param hash_arg: hash (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Delete attachemnt response """ prepared_request = self._delete_attachment( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, attachment_id=attachment_id, hash_arg=hash_arg, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def video( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, image_uid: str, image_version: str, reencode_video: Optional[bool] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Gets a study encapsulated video. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/image/{imageUid}/version/{imageVersion}/video?sid={sid}&reencode_video={0,1} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param image_version: Image version (Required). :param reencode_video: An integer of value 1 or 0. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Video response """ prepared_request = self._video( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, image_uid=image_uid, image_version=image_version, reencode_video=reencode_video, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def split( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, to_namespace: Optional[str] = None, series_uid: Optional[str] = None, delete_series_from_original: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Split a study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/split?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={namespace}&to_namespace={namespace}&series_uid={series_uid,series_uid...series_uid}&delete_series_from_original={0,1} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: An optional namespace UUID to burn-in PHI overrides to split study (defaults to no overrides) :param to_namespace: An optional namespace UUID to create the split study (defaults to current namespace) :param series_uid: An optional series instance uids list delimited by comas, only specified series will be split (defaults to split all image instances) :param delete_series_from_original: An integer value of either 0 or 1. If 1 the series specified in the series_uid list will be deleted from the original study :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Split study response """ prepared_request = self._split( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, to_namespace=to_namespace, series_uid=series_uid, delete_series_from_original=delete_series_from_original, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request # new study uid return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def merge( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, secondary_study_uid: str, delete_secondary_study: Optional[bool] = None, series_uids: Optional[str] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Merge studies. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/merge?sid={sid}&secondary_study_uid={secondary_study_uid}&delete_secondary_study={0,1} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param secondary_study_uid: A list of one or more comma-separated secondary Study UIDs to be merged into the studyUid(Required). :param delete_secondary_study: An integer, when set to 1 the process will check that the sid provided has the required permission to delete the secondary study. :param series_uids: A list of one or more comma-separated Series Instance UIDs, used to filter images merged from secondary study. :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Actually empty response """ prepared_request = self._merge( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, secondary_study_uid=secondary_study_uid, delete_secondary_study=delete_secondary_study, series_uids=series_uids, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
# Nicholas Byers dg1572443133: # with is_ai=true, you should expect the tag (0012,0063) # De-Identification Method to then read "SYSTEM" (instead of "MANUAL")
[docs] def anonymize( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, region: Dict[str, Any], phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, to_namespace: Optional[str] = None, new_study_uid: Optional[str] = None, keep_image_uids: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, is_ai: bool = False, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Produce a new study that is a copy of the old, with specified pixel regions obscured. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/anonymize :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param region: Region (Required). :param phi_namespace: phi namespace :param to_namespace: The storage namespace into which the new study should be placed (default same as original). :param new_study_uid: The Study Instance UID of the new study (default is randomly generated). :param keep_image_uids: Should SOP Instance UIDs of modified copies be same as originals? (default is false) :param color: HTML-formatted color (rrggbb) of obscured regions (default is black-and-white checkerboard) :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param is_ai: This is request from ai stack flag :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Anonymize study response The request entity is a JSON object specifying the regions to be obscured. Regions may be specified at study, series, or instance level; but only the highest matching level containing a regions field will be used. """ prepared_request = self._anonymize( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, region=region, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, to_namespace=to_namespace, new_study_uid=new_study_uid, keep_image_uids=keep_image_uids, color=color, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, is_ai=is_ai, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def crop( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, region: Dict[str, Any], phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, to_namespace: Optional[str] = None, new_study_uid: Optional[str] = None, keep_image_uids: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Produce a new study that is a copy of the old, cropped to specified pixel region. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/crop :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param region: Region (Required). :param phi_namespace: phi namespace :param to_namespace: The storage namespace into which the new study should be placed (default: same as original). :param new_study_uid: The Study Instance UID of the new study (default: randomly generated). :param keep_image_uids: Should SOP Instance UIDs of modified copies be same as originals? 1/0 (default: 0/false) :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Crop study response The request entity is a JSON object specifying the region to be cropped. Region may be specified at study, series, or instance level; but only the highest matching level containing a region field will be used. Example: { "series":{ "": {"region":{"x":10,"y":10, "width":30, "height":40}}, "":{ "instances":{ "":{"region": {"x":20,"y":20, "width":30, "height":20} } } } } """ prepared_request = self._crop( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, region=region, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, to_namespace=to_namespace, new_study_uid=new_study_uid, keep_image_uids=keep_image_uids, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def cache( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Clears the image and metadata cache for the indicated study. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/cache :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: Cache study response """ prepared_request = self._cache( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def hl7_to_sr( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, hl7uuid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Hl7 to sr. Gets the HL7 report from services, converts to the DICOM SR and uploads to the storage. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/hl7/{hl7Uuid}/sr?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param hl7uuid: hl7 report UUID from services to convert to DICOM SR. :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: hl7_to_sr result """ prepared_request = self._hl7_to_sr( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, hl7uuid=hl7uuid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def clone( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, new_image_uids: Optional[bool] = None, new_series_uids: Optional[bool] = None, x_ambrahealth_job_id: Optional[str] = None, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Response, PreparedRequest]: """Clone. Clones the specified study into new study_uid into the same namespace and generates new series uid and image uids if it's requested. URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/clone?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace}&new_image_uids={true/false}&new_series_uids={true/false} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param new_image_uids: true/false, whether to generate for study new image uids. :param new_series_uids: true/false, whether to generate for study new series uids. :param x_ambrahealth_job_id: X-AmbraHealth-Job-Id headers argument :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :return: new study uid """ prepared_request = self._clone( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, new_image_uids=new_image_uids, new_series_uids=new_series_uids, x_ambrahealth_job_id=x_ambrahealth_job_id, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request return prepared_request.execute()
[docs] def create_rt( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, body: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Create RT. Generates RTSTRUCT DICOM file from the content sent by client URL: /study/{namespace}/{studyUid}/rt?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param body: Body that represents fields of the RTSTRUCT DICOM :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :return: Image attributes """ prepared_request = self._create_rt( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, body=body, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def image_dicomweb( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, series_uid: str, image_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[Box, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Returns JSON representation of a single DICOM as defined by the DICOMWeb WADO-RS Metadata standard \ URL: dicomweb/{namespace}/studies/{studyUid}/series/{seriesUid}/instances/{imageUid}/metadata?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param series_uid: Series uid (Required). :param image_uid: Image uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: A JSON representation of a DICOM according to the DICOMWeb standard, omitting any bulkdata, pixeldata, or other binary fields. """ prepared_request = self._image_dicomweb( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, series_uid=series_uid, image_uid=image_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return Box(response.json()) return response
[docs] def series_dicomweb( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, series_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[BoxList, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Returns JSON representation of a series of DICOM(s) as defined by the DICOMWeb WADO-RS Metadata standard \ URL: dicomweb/{namespace}/studies/{studyUid}/series/{seriesUid}/metadata?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param series_uid: Series uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: A JSON representation of a series of DICOM(s) according to the DICOMWeb standard, omitting any bulkdata, pixeldata, or other binary fields. """ prepared_request = self._series_dicomweb( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, series_uid=series_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return BoxList(response.json()) return response
[docs] def study_dicomweb( self, engine_fqdn: str, namespace: str, study_uid: str, phi_namespace: Optional[str] = None, use_box: bool = True, only_prepare: bool = False, ) -> Union[BoxList, Response, PreparedRequest]: """Returns JSON representation of an entire study of DICOMs as defined by the DICOMWeb WADO-RS Metadata standard \ URL: dicomweb/{namespace}/studies/{studyUid}/metadata?sid={sid}&phi_namespace={phi_namespace} :param engine_fqdn: Engine FQDN (Required). :param namespace: Namespace (Required). :param study_uid: Study uid (Required). :param phi_namespace: A string, set to the UUID of the namespace where the file was attached if it was attached to a shared instance of the study outside of the original storage namespace :param use_box: Use box for response. :param only_prepare: Get prepared request. :returns: A JSON representation of an entire study of DICOM(s) according to the DICOMWeb standard, omitting any bulkdata, pixeldata, or other binary fields. """ prepared_request = self._study_dicomweb( engine_fqdn=engine_fqdn, namespace=namespace, study_uid=study_uid, phi_namespace=phi_namespace, ) if only_prepare is True: return prepared_request response = prepared_request.execute() if use_box is True: return BoxList(response.json()) return response